Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2858 Open the champagne at halftime

I took off my shirt with the general and spent the spring night in the warm tent of hibiscus.

After Ye Lin read this adapted poem, he was slapped lightly by the blushing Alijie. You are the only one who knows how to speak, and you are the only one who has a glib tongue.

Although it is somewhat true, it can be applied perfectly to her and her brother.

The chief maid, Ma Lin, smiled tenderly and said nothing. His Majesty was still as green as a half-red and half-green apple, sour, sweet and delicious.

But if you look carefully, you can detect a trace of the mature temperament of a queen emerging from a cocoon and becoming a butterfly between her Majesty's brows. She is an adult.

Ma Lin's memory was slightly distant. When the highest priest Beilean decided to establish the Imperial Courtyard, "Flower of the Courtyard" became the title of the best person in the Imperial Courtyard and the future chief maid.

She was selected from the Royal Courtyard and swore lifelong loyalty. When she served Alizee, the little girl was a young and ignorant little girl, and she understood "cramp" as "remuneration".

Running cramps?

Do you need to be paid for running?

That's too exaggerated. He's an athlete.

Therefore, Alijie also grew up under the watch of Lady Marin. She is not a blood sister, but a child who is better than a biological sister. She is very happy that her sister can find happiness.

There is a feeling like an old mother watching her little daughter grow up and finally getting married... although she and her brother-in-law also have a special relationship of "knowing the roots and the roots".

Ma Lin had long guessed that Alijie must know about her and Yelin's affairs, but His Majesty didn't ask, so she continued to pretend that Alijie didn't know.

"I also want to see Wahayit's first experiment." Alijie's face became serious. The power of the space-time battleship is of great significance to the heaven. As the emperor of the heaven, it is natural that she cannot miss this important moment.

"I'll make arrangements right away." Ma Lin nodded. Although the experiment would have certain risks, the general was present.


Michelle only slept for less than four hours last night, but she is quite energetic now and does not feel tired at all.

However, the body does not lie, and there are light dark circles on the fair face.

"General, you owe me four dollars."

"Huh? When did it happen?"

"I took sleeping pills last night to fall asleep. The price was four yuan."

Ye Lin twitched his lips. I was exhausted at the rich woman's place. I worked hard and worked hard to get you a free investment of 104 million. Now I still owe you four yuan...

Machel explained that one code was converted into one code, and all 104 million went into a special research and development account, but she did not pocket a penny.

"Okay, okay, I'll send you a red envelope later. I'll pay you one yuan more, and I'll give you five yuan."

In addition to the Elytra of the Seven Gods, those who participated in the first experiment also included Mia, Becky, His Majesty the Emperor and her loyal chief maid, as well as some other necessary staff.

"Gina and the others are already preparing, let's go there quickly." Michele snapped her fingers, and the special equipment Asclepius on her shoulder lit up with a bright light, then flew into the air and split into The four pieces are linked to each other with powerful electrical energy, forming a spectacular space light gate.

With Mrs. Mei Li's improved dimensional movement technology and the "Space Sinan" technology sent by Ye Lin, they have been able to perfectly open the door to different dimensions anytime and anywhere.

However, this technology is only in the hands of a very small number of people, and the only place that can link to different dimensions is the place where Gaibojia was originally stored.

Different dimension space

Lindsay breathed a sigh of relief, and then with an "ok" gesture, all the programs and hardware facilities had been checked by the mechanical assistant, and the first experiment could be carried out with just an order.

Regardless of whether it is ultimately successful or not, you will gain a lot of useful research information.

"Your Majesty, please allow me to introduce to you our experimental process and verification methods." Michele bowed in greeting. Good relations between us in private is a private matter, and we must distinguish our identities in public.

"We placed two remotely controlled ships in the Sky Sea in advance..."

At the same time, the ship is equipped with a number of standard electronic clocks and a number of ancient mechanical clocks, which can adjust the time consistently and accurately.

Of course there may be a little difference at a more subtle time level, but it's basically innocuous.

The time they had to go upstream wasn't very long, it was three hours ago. After all, the first experiment was mainly about collecting data.

Dr. Nairn glanced at the watch on his wrist. It was now ten ten in the morning.

When Wahayit is activated, the power of the retreat furnace will form an energy field similar to a black hole, allowing the space-time battleship to travel through the current time and arrive at the past three hours ago under precise calculations.

The location after the shuttle is in the Sea of ​​Sky. As long as the clock time there shows three hours ago, it means they succeeded, and vice versa.

Failure may result in a series of consequences, including the explosion of the retreat furnace and the destruction of Wahayit... Ye Lin was roped in to take the blame.

"Get ready to start."

Following Meshel's order, a number of mechanical assistants like a flock of migrating birds flew out of Wahayt's interior and quickly left the scene.

Machel and Yelin boarded Wahayit's control room, first entered an extremely complex startup command, then pressed the button to start the experiment, entered another command, and pressed the button.

Scientific progress inevitably comes with sacrifices, so despite the dissuasion of many people, Machel still insisted on controlling Vahayt personally instead of using a program instruction instead.

"It's a bit ridiculous to say it." Michele licked his fallen hair with his fingers and sighed, "As one of the scientists who developed Wahayit, he didn't trust the established procedures at the last moment, and instead had to do it himself Go into battle and operate manually.”

Then she spread her hands again, looked at Ye Lin, and said humorously: "I admit, if you weren't here, I might not have enough courage to board the ship."


The exposed shrinkage furnace slowly lit up, and as the energy became more and more powerful, a series of extremely terrifying thunders suddenly sounded. The lightning of the shrinkage furnace was like a soaring dragon or a silver snake, covering the entire different-dimensional space in an instant. , the hard rock where the thunder and lightning passed also turned into blazing liquid, only Wahayit stood still.

This step was unexpected, and they used micro-robots to build a protective shield in advance.

"It's about to begin!" Everyone's eyes were blazing, their hearts beating faster. They stared closely at Wahayit, whose outer energy shield was getting thicker and thicker, and couldn't help but clenched their fists.

Even metals that are fused with the roots of light and darkness cannot withstand the destruction of the power of time and space, so they boldly use pure energy to replace metals for necessary protection.

"I'm starting."

Michel held the energy joystick and had no time to estimate the dense, rain-like data stream flashing on the screen. He slowly pushed it forward to increase the output power of the retraction furnace.

Under the eyes of everyone, a terrifying and huge black vortex suddenly emerged, covering Wahayit from the front. It was deep and dark, as if it were an abyss that swallowed everything. Terrifying thunder and lightning flashed continuously, and no one knew what was on the other side of the black vortex.

"Positioning, Sea of ​​Sky, three hours ago!" Michele suddenly pushed the joystick to the highest point, maximizing the energy output.

At the bow of Vahayt's ship, the Sun Destroyer Cannon, which was integrated with Herman's design, emitted a tearing ray of light.

The moment it hit the vortex, the dark vortex suddenly stagnated and began to gradually break. A light blue light also emerged from the other end. The entire body of the space-time battleship also became illusory in an instant and was about to disappear from this point in time.

"Successful?!" Michelle's beautiful eyes widened, and she vaguely seemed to see the light of the ocean at the other end of the whirlpool.

However, it turns out that popping champagne at halftime is never a good thing...


The overwhelming golden light illuminated every blind corner of the extra-dimensional space. The extra-dimensional space built by the mechanical war god Coolio was broken through by an extremely powerful force in an instant, and the defense was like a thin piece of white paper. , vulnerable.

Including Wahayit, who was already illusory, suddenly solidified into reality. Some kind of powerful and incomparable force stopped Wahayit from traveling and was forcibly held in place.

A golden long sword with the breath of time breaking through, like a mountain range across the sky, pressing towards Wahayit.

"The power of time and space used wantonly can no longer create more time and space cracks. It should be obliterated and eliminated..." (End of this chapter)

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