Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2868 One of my family’s industries

Chapter 2869 One of my family’s industries

"Why don't you go to the hotel just now? I'm already very hungry."

Rebecca, who got "free" with a piece of paper, dressed up a little for the date. First, she threw away her winged cowboy hat and revealed her bright blond hair.

It is not uncommon to have naturally blonde hair, but there are really not many beautiful and charming golden hair like hers. Golden hair also tests a woman's own appearance.

Hills, a great designer on the East Coast, seriously proposed that tasteful blond girls must pursue the most beautiful sense of fashion. What is fashion? It is a way of stunning and leading the public's aesthetic through a series of combinations such as clothing, jewelry, makeup, etc. kind of existence.

In other words, beautiful diamonds must be dazzling in public view, rather than being kept privately in a box.

Such as the blond princess Taylor, the narcissistic Loriane, and the great navigator Sadumai. They all dress up carefully in daily life. Their blond hair is extremely charming, and their whole body can shine as much as they want.

Only Rebecca likes to wear a mismatched cowboy hat on her head.

"Because this hotel is more upscale and it's Celia's property, you can eat and live at no cost." Ye Lin looked at the luxuriously decorated, red and green luxury hotel in a crowded area.

This is just a small part of the rich woman’s chain industry.

"And for my date with you, I must choose the best place."

"A date? Are you serious? I'm just talking casually." Rebecca was also talking casually now.

The profound teachings from Ludmila, a person from the God Realm, that the agreement you made must be fulfilled unless there are force majeure factors.

Once trust is broken, the ground beneath your feet will curse everyone who betrays your trust.

"Of course, I have already planned our date schedule." Ye Lin smiled, indicating that I take every date very seriously, and said: "We will have lunch and then go shopping. It is up to you where to go. How about watching a drama in the evening? If you don’t mind, we can watch the sun on a quilt tomorrow."

"By the way, when did we first meet and know each other? Do you still remember?" Rebecca ignored his itinerary plan. What is freedom? Freedom means no itinerary plan.

"Four years ago, almost five years ago, Siatt took me to the Miranda Plains in the Principality of Belmare, where I first met you, Ludmila, Captain Root, and the Noisy Revolutionary Army. The food was not very good Natalia.”

After a moment, Ye Lin added, "At that time, Siatt was still very thin and could wear white silk stockings. You also looked confused and sad."

Rebecca raised her eyebrows slightly when she heard this, but after getting the answer, she didn't continue to follow the topic.

Memory is the carrier of everything.

"Let's go, I'm hungry, you treat me."

Rebecca wears a pair of black boots and tight hot pants. She has the iconic sexy long legs of the Celestial People. The white shirt on her upper body seems simple, with full and bulging arcs and a charming depth, but it makes the simple white shirt also have a charm. of extraordinary significance.

Rebecca was extremely eye-catching at the moment, and because her appearance was so stunning, no one among the repeat guests realized that she was the daughter of the commander-in-chief who had been featured in newspapers and online media, and mistakenly thought she was some kind of celebrity model who came here to stay.

Ye Lin took out a unique black card and successfully received the highest level of treatment, the most luxurious room and the most expensive meals, and he could stay as long as he wanted. Of course, there were not many such cards in total.

Rebecca took the initiative to hold his arm. She was a little uncomfortable with the feeling of being noticed. She breathed a sigh of relief after entering the elevator and teased: "You used Celia's money to date other girls. Will she know if she knows?" Will be angry."

"No, because she knows it."

Of course, Celia knew that there was almost no pure friendship between the women around Gan Cane, unless she was an old lady selling pets.

On the most expensive floor of the hotel, every room has a huge glass window, which can welcome the sunshine and moonlight, and also overlook a small half of the bustling city of Ghent.

It is also equipped with dark curtains and optical camouflage devices, which can turn the color of the glass into the texture of a hard wall. Some guests are afraid of heights and are naturally uncomfortable with high-rise glass structures.

Ye Lin took down a bottle of expensive red wine from the expensive wine rack carved from ancient wood, found two crystal goblets, and in a blink of an eye, he saw Rebecca had opened a bottle of Coke and drank it.

"I can't get used to that drink. People in Mospis pay attention to the intuitive taste. Save some money for Celia." Rebecca sat down and crossed her legs casually, looking at the bustling scene outside the window in a daze.

When she was a child, her father Jacket suddenly went to work in Ghent one day and said that he had met two special important people. They had the same great ambition and became close friends, hoping to change the current unfair world.

My father wanted to take my mother and him to the world on the other side of the ocean, saying that there would be a better life and better education there.

However, the other three continents have deep-rooted regional discrimination against lawless zones, which mothers born in lawless zones cannot bear.

In the end, Jacket went to Ghent with regret, and a series of subsequent events occurred.

Not long ago, Rebecca found out that the two special figures were the former High Priest Berian, and Naviro Jurgen, the leader of the noble Jurgen family.

"My father often entrusts friends from the Mospis Military Department to send me some books. The books contain colorful pictures, high-rise buildings, expensive luxury goods, and everything that cannot be bought..."

Rebecca's face, immersed in memories, seemed to be covered with a layer of sadness. Ye Lin suddenly saw the barren yellow sand on her body, and also saw the shadow of the Wings of Peace.


Ye Lin suddenly raised his voice slightly, causing her to wake up. You are here to date me, not just to reminisce about the past.

"You've had some time off, what do you want to do next?"

He took out his cell phone and showed it to Rebecca. I already told Alijie about the forged document. Now that the document is authentic, there will be no problem if Jackett asks.

Of course, the little girl is a little dissatisfied with someone's behavior of forging the emperor's "imperial edict" privately. Next time, please discuss with me in advance. I will let you go this time, hum!

Business is business, and Alijie does this very well.

"Go to Arad. I have many friends I haven't seen for a long time. I also want to go to the Moonlight Tavern with Natalia to have" Rebecca answered without hesitation, and at the same time she understood that Ye Lin suddenly The topic changed from "memories" to "after" in order to prevent her from getting too bogged down in memories.

Although her lost memory has been restored, Rebecca still doesn't like Heaven, especially Ghent. The fast pace of life here makes her feel vaguely suffocated.

If it weren't for her father, Jacket, she would never have revealed her identity as "Peace Wings" and taken a job in the military.

She is a child of no place, and she would rather stay in Heis, the foggy city.

The waiter delivered exquisite food at just the right time, interrupting Rebecca's memories again, including bread, ham, pickles, bacon, caviar, and some other hot dishes.

"Some foods really have special characteristics that cannot be taken away. You must have done it on purpose. These small details can easily make girls like you." Rebecca's slightly baby face chewed the taste of ham slices. Yes, it is impossible to take away. smell,

Now that she had agreed to the agreement, Rebecca would not break her promise and spent the whole afternoon having fun with Sugar Cane as her girlfriend.

In the evening, Rebecca looked out the window at the dark night sky, trying not to look at the bright neon lights below. She crossed her beautiful legs and suddenly said on a whim: "You have a chance to impress me."

It's a bit helpless to say that she hates the memory of the past heaven, and because she has been living on the Saint's Call, she doesn't know many outstanding men in the Arad continent.

Ye Lin thought for a while and clenched his fists, seemingly eager to try.

Impressed, it's so easy...Can you withstand my punch?

"Continuing from the writer's words at the end of the last chapter, if you haven't been fooled. 』

Look carefully at Rebecca's vertical painting, she looks so lustful and sexy.

So I opened Rebecca on a whim yesterday afternoon, and now I can’t help but want to write more...

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