Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2884 Little Sun ran away

Ye Lin carefully communicated with the energy floating in the universe. He had a strong personal realm so he did not notice any obstruction abnormalities. However, he also determined that the legendary realm and below would be affected by special environments, and the use of magic would become obscure and difficult.

Probably similar to a special version of the blocking magic order.

I really didn’t expect that people from the Demon Realm, who are always known for their outstanding “magic” talents, would need to use magical media in the Demon Land.

"So the value of Terra Stone is very high here, especially high-quality Terra Stone. Materials that are inherently magical, such as ramie trees, are also very expensive in the Demon World and can be exchanged for a lot of food."

"Indigenous" Ys carefully introduced the basic overview of the Devil's Land. There was no proud environment here, and there were no widely praised heroic deeds, so his tone was flat, as if he was really a tourist guide.

Ys herself is actually the hero here. She desperately closed the terrible door to hell and blocked out the malicious invasion, but she didn't know if anyone would remember her after a long time.

In other words, the word hero has a special meaning in the land of demons.

"That's right." Isu, who was walking in front, snapped his slender fingers. Suddenly he thought of something again, turned around and smiled at them: "Don't believe anyone's words in the Demon Land, even your relatives. , even a fallen body.”

She deliberately made her words more absolute, but it is right to be vigilant. Some demons have the ability to disguise themselves, making it difficult for victims to distinguish between true and false.

Fortunately, 70% to 80% of the demons in the Demon Land are now killed. The Demon World was only cruel a few decades ago.

"Yis, what about our Arad continent?" Mailu looked at the sky. It was so gray that he couldn't see another world.

"I haven't been there. Maybe only Dr. Held and the Twelve Demons know something about it." Issu said regretfully that there is no Silent City in the sky built by the maker Luke.

The Twelve Demons are the bearers of the Twelve Darkness owned by the Demon Land. They can also be called "Apostles", but the Twelve Demons have no close connection with the traditional Apostles except for the original energy in their bodies.

Their racial appearance, memory, wisdom, and fighting methods are very different from the traditional Twelve Apostles, and are almost irrelevant.

One of the most striking examples is that Herder here is a scientist and magician, not an apostle or a demon. He can be understood as the only "mortal" Herder.

"Tsk, tsk, you will definitely be very popular here." Isu looked at Siatt and the others and emphasized the last two words.

But I deliberately kept it a secret. You will know when you enter the city.

Because the world has the same origin, the eight sides of Devil's Land still maintain the basic names such as Central Park, Brooklyn, and Subway Center, which is one of the few places where everyone has a sense of intimacy.

"The Gate of Hell sealed by Aden and I is in the Main area..., huh? Aden, what's wrong?"

Little Sun Aden took the initiative to appear in the Devil's Land, and a large fire burned violently around his body. The flying flames first turned into snake heads and then slowly dissipated, filled with an indescribable evil feeling.

It stared at the sun that was not warm enough in the sky with its big eyes, and then it swung its six arms, chattering, and communicated with Ys in a special language.

"Aden said that he smelled the smell of an evil god, the evil god who stole his faith in the first place."

The translation was done by Ye Lin, who was familiar with almost all languages ​​that already existed, but did not include those languages ​​that were being born and created.

After saying that, Ye Lin rolled his eyes. You are an evil god yourself but you say that a certain existence is an evil god...

Putting Aden and Niyali together, you can immediately judge who is the evil god based on your first instinct. Niyali will definitely be a pitiful, innocent, young and lovely girl.

Aden glanced at Ye Lin in shock. A "look" in every sense of the word. It communicated with Ys in the language of a country in the ancient Perot continent. That country had perished in history, and was actually used by Ye Lin. Read it out.

"Teach me if you have time." The curator had new knowledge he wanted to learn.

Ye Lin nodded in agreement and said, "Let's talk about it later."

When the subject of study came up, the curator's familiar and charming face showed a hint of helplessness.

When he came back from the God Realm, the curator learned from him the star-shaped characters of the God Realm. The tuition fee was that for every ten characters or words he learned, he would go to bed and rest for a while, once a day.

The current curator knows more than 2,000 words and phrases, and can read the texts of the divine world basically smoothly.

Little Sun Aden gradually exuded a deep and powerful aura, the magic power boiled, the bright red flames dimly turned into an absurd and ominous black, and a constantly rotating evil symbol appeared in the eye in the center of the body.

Then without the consent of the contractor Isu, Aden rushed into the distance with a "hoo" and disappeared from everyone's sight in the blink of an eye.

Yisu's face immediately turned very ugly, and her heterochromatic eyes lit up with murderous intent, because the contract between her and Aden was broken!

Monsters that violate their master's will have only two endings in the Devil's Land, either killing the master or being killed by the master.

Could it be that the foot licking in the Great Temple was just a pretense? As Obeis said, he must always be wary of the devil. Aden, who has regained his original strength, may pay a small price to tear up the original contract.

"Not necessarily." Ye Lin suddenly pressed his sister-in-law's shoulders, calmed down and said: "A low-level contract cannot bind an overly powerful life form. Aden swallowed the fragments of the Eye of Darkness and recovered to at least the level of a transcendent." At this level, it will be a matter of time before your contract is broken."

The point is whether you can still use some of Aden's secret techniques.

"That's right." Sophie stroked Astra's "dog head" and said, "After Astra and I evolved into the original dragon together, the original dragon language contract became invalid."

What maintains each other now is trust, past friendship, a higher-level two-way contract, and bull thighs.


Sophie raised her hand and pointed in the direction where the little sun Aden disappeared, quietly touching the little bit of movement and following it to see what happened.

Because this guy often stole beef thighs and meat from the kitchen, he unexpectedly developed good lurking skills. Ye Lin even taught him a few secret lurking techniques.

Unless there is an attack from the True God, Astra's life will not be in danger if he is discovered.

call out!

Astra followed Aden in secret.

Yisu also tried Aden's secret method, and it was indeed able to be used normally, but she was still worried. The abnormality of Little Sun Aden made her a little uneasy.

Everyone arrived all the way to the Brooklyn area of ​​​​the Demon World, but there was no Tarakuta and no magic school. There were only increasingly intense radiation powers and people from the Demon World.

There is a restricted "Blood Explosion Zone" in the Brooklyn area. It contains a large amount of Terra Stone and also contains incredibly high radiation.

Held in the main dimension sealed the blood explosion zone and did not allow anyone unrelated to set foot in it. However, the blood explosion zone in the Devil's Land was completely open, completely releasing the power hidden underground.

The architectural style of Devil's Land is rough and heroic. Large bricks and stones are mixed with cement to form unsightly walls. The basic defense is not bad. At the same time, they are used to hanging some strange bones and furs under the eaves, which looks very scary. .

Yssu said that this was because demons were rampant in the demon world in the past, so people would hunt or buy the corpses of some demons and hang them on the eaves to warn those demons that the owner here was very powerful.

"It's the effect of the door god." Siatt said casually, while looking at the flow of people nearby.

The demon people here are indeed as Ys said, their body structure has once again mutated, many people have one or more abnormal human characteristics such as horns, tails, magic patterns, fangs, etc.

They also saw a mixed-race "Chaos Demon Spirit" like Ys. He was male, with gray complexion and evil eyes. He was the kind of character who looked very fragile, but definitely had a trump card that was not easy to mess with.

Moreover, they were also keenly aware that most of the residents of the demon world looked at them with shock at first, then quickly changed to unconcealable greed, and then slowly turned to regret.

"You have no pointed ears, no horns, no characteristics, and fair skin. You are extremely rare pure people in the Devil's Land." Ys smiled and mentioned a situation that might be "bloodline atavism."

People in the Devil's Land believe that drinking the blood of pure people will allow them to reduce the side effects of the environment, thereby improving their talents and spirituality, and becoming more powerful.

"Dr. Held severely reprimanded cannibalism and announced that the blood of pure people has no such effects and is false. Therefore, as long as pure people stay in big cities, they are still safe."

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