Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2889 Equipment exploded

Held frowned slightly, a little confused about Tastro's intention. He was one of the twelve demons who was more active in the public eye, but what was the purpose of coming here to chatter about him.

Just to laugh at her whimsical experiments, but still eager to know who the supreme being behind her is.

However, she was happy to pretend to be powerful and maintain a deep attitude.

Although the Twelve Demons were kindhearted in helping Demon Land fight back against the Hell Dimension, after her personal investigation afterwards, it became clear that there was still a huge hidden secret.

The law that they cannot harm each other comes from some extremely high-level energy, which higher-level beings in the hell dimension seem to have been coveting.

The apostles who had not yet discovered how to use the energy in their bodies did not want to be eaten and digested, so they blocked the gate of hell.

They actually fled to the devil's land!

As for the missing fifth devil, a woman named Cloxi who can change into thousands of postures.

The Twelve Demons are the most powerful people in the world today. The battle to seal the Gate of Hell did not last long. It is normal for the demons to find a place to practice in seclusion for several years or more afterwards. .

At the last moment, that battle revealed the aura of a higher realm, and the transcendent ones... the demons who have understood the origin will not fail to be moved.

They are eager to discover the secrets of their own energy and reach a higher realm.

This is a world where everyone is pursuing higher power. Whether it is the Land of Demons or the ancient continent of Pero, the power of the twelve demons is definitely not the pinnacle, they just stand higher.

"It's too early to tell about Keshilo's disappearance. Maybe she is in seclusion." Held smiled. She and Keshilo had a good relationship, and they could sit down and chat.

Suddenly, Herder's expression changed, she held her forehead and had a slight headache. The mysterious blur of spiritual consciousness appeared again. Her thinking was occasionally not clear, and this state was very abnormal and could not find any rules.

The eighth demon Tastro also frowned for a moment. He subconsciously looked at the sun shining on the demon world. The light was not bright enough and had a gloomy feel. It seemed a little dark again, darker than before.

Tastro woke up significantly faster. He suddenly withdrew his gaze, seized this hard-won opportunity, and shouted to Held: "Look at my eyes."

The sound was like thunder. Held, who was not in good condition, subconsciously looked into his red eyes, and then saw two bloody rivers rushing out of his eyes. Countless terrifying dead souls were floating in the rivers. Struggling, wailing, rotting... Suddenly, every dead soul looked at Held who suddenly appeared, and then let out a shrill scream.

The terrifying soul impact made Held's body freeze in place, and the clarity in her eyes turned into chaos. She temporarily lost her self-awareness. In fact, she had been on guard against Tastro's sneak attack, but she never thought about that mysterious negative impact. Once again, Tastro is the most powerful spiritual ruler.

"Helder, tell me, why have you been able to live so long?!" Tastro asked directly. Mental manipulation could not last long for Held, otherwise he would directly search the sea of ​​consciousness.

He didn't want to kill Held directly, there was someone behind this woman.

Tastro also wants to erase the traces of his invasion. On the surface, everyone is still harmonious, and he is confident that he can do this.

Held is obviously just a Terran with a lifespan of a hundred years. Even if he breaks through the Origin Level, he still cannot live to this day. The era of ancient Terra is too long ago...

Unless she has a special secret or breaks through to a higher realm.

"water of life."

"What is that? How to use it, describe it quickly, do you have any more, give it to me."

"That is a system of knowledge..."


A strange voice sounded, Tastro's pupils suddenly shrank, and he suddenly turned his head to stare at a man and a woman walking out of the other courtyard. The man was still hiccupping, holding a can of red-packaged drink in his hand, and was being whispered by the woman. of blame.

When did these two people exist? !

The person "behind" Held?

"Who told you to drink a can in one go? You're useless." Yisu accused her brother-in-law unhappily, wondering if he hadn't had a normal drink for too long and was getting under my sister's skirt every day.

"There's not a can, but there's still a sip." Ye Lin shook the coke, and there was a little sound of water.

"You are...the Dark Queen, Ys!"

Tastro's face was as cold as ice and her aura was rising. Hadn't she been taken to other worlds by high-ranking beings? Why would she return to this shabby and barren place?

Could it be that the Supreme Being behind Held is the same person as the one behind the Dark Queen?

The Dark Queen is not a rank title for a realm, but an honorific title for a powerful female Chaos Demon Spirit.

The Dark Queen can control extremely powerful demons, like the master of infinite darkness, just like the queen described in the lost civilization system.

"I just came back. My stool is not even warm yet. Long time no see." Yisu nodded, showing no enthusiasm.

Because of Ye Lin's deliberate interference, the power of mental control also came to an abrupt end. Held quickly woke up, stepped back and distanced himself from Tastro, and said coldly and mockingly: "The twelve apostles, who are dignified, would also use such despicable and shameless methods. s method."

She had set up defenses in her sea of ​​consciousness. Even if Tastro had enough time, he wouldn't be able to find out the real secret.

Eaux-de-vie is not a body of knowledge…

"Helder, I'm sorry." Tastro recovered from the shock, as if nothing happened, straightened his tie with his hand, his temperament was like that of an elegant gentleman.

"Held, but I can tell you for sure that I was at the scene when the fifth apostle disappeared. I saw it with my own eyes. It was an incomprehensible supremeness..." Tastro shook his head, as if he didn't dare to go at all. Recall the detailed appearance of that light and shadow.

The black skirt is dotted with endless stars, and the Milky Way is a pattern on her skirt...

He tried it, and every time he pursued the truth of his memory, he would feel an unspeakable fear, his whole body would be cold, his soul would tremble, as if he was about to be wiped out from the world.

The twelve demons and the twelve apostles are just strong men imprisoned in one world.

In the eyes of rabbits, foxes are strong, but in the eyes of foxes, ligers are particularly terrifying.

"Held!" Tastro licked his dry lips, a strange rosiness appeared on his pale cheeks, and said quickly: "You have an extremely abnormal super life age. You have not aged since Terra. You must have Other apostles, demons, and even more outrageous beings are interested in you, and your temptation is ten thousand times, a hundred million times greater than that of the pure ones."

"In part of our memories of the awakening of the Twelve Apostles, Terra was once our world, and we once rivaled the greatest supreme being. As long as we tap into the power within us..."

Tastro is not afraid of the current Held herself, but is afraid of her back and the inexplicable appearance of the Dark Queen Isu.

He relied on his extraordinary ability to calculate the anomalies and specific patterns of the sun, and used the time to sneak attack Held to ask her the truth. When he almost succeeded, he never expected to be disrupted by the Dark Queen.

"You shouldn't come just when you want, and leave just when you want." Held killed Miman and raised his hand to summon a magic staff. It is said that it is a vein in a leaf of the World Tree, especially Precious and powerful.

The light of magic danced around Tastro's location, and the billowing red flames shot straight into the sky. The terrifying high temperature spread instantly, and all materials were about to melt in the high temperature.

There was no struggle, no roar. When the flames slowly dissipated, there was only a long, narrow and sharp spear left where Tastro was. The barrel of the spear was covered with magnificent dark patterns, and a powerful darkness emerged. Power.

"Tsk, tsk, the equipment exploded." Ye Lin complained.

Tastro has slipped away in the flames through some secret method. The effect of this gun seems to be... to break the back!

The spear lay still on the ground where the residual heat had not dissipated. The lava had not yet solidified. Suddenly, a strange black water emerged from the ground. A hand with long fingers reached out and grabbed the spear. Immediately, the ground opened like an abyss. From the crack, a lanky demon crawled out, its body covered with spear-like spikes.

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