Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2999 Worthy of being the “ghost”

Ten days and a half months actually doesn't matter. The third emperor's chest is flat and flat, but because she is a martial arts god of the fighting system, she has developed a pair of round and straight legs and a firm butt, which makes her not tired of it.

Of course, this cannot change the embarrassing situation that all the princesses are flat-chested, including Alijie and Aska, who once proudly said "I can still be saved", but now they are all dejected, it is indeed hopeless.

Fortunately, my brother has many sisters at home and enough food rations. It will be easy to take care of the children in the future.

"So, where did you tie up your ex-wife and send her to her home to raise?" Yuena joked, she couldn't keep her tied up like this.

Just now, the eldest lady tried to trace the cause and effect of Daiyin's fate. Although she did not get a very accurate answer, a vague outline emerged, with a dotted line connecting Sirok. Therefore, there is a high probability that the Daiyin in front of her will be Sirok. predecessor.

"I want to show Held and Ezera. The works you used to pursue perfection are here. Does it look familiar? Then we can study the data of artificial gods. We will also mass-produce them." Ye Lin patted his forehead, feeling slightly regretful. , I would have known to trap one more artificial god, but suddenly I learned that Daiyin was his ex-wife, and I couldn't bear to be a test subject.

The Held in the main dimension was raising a daughter and refused to have a second child. The Held in the mirror dimension was more ambitious and had already restarted the artificial god plan.

Xiaoyu, who was still in the demon world, and Held, who was still in the demon world, had similar thoughts.

Therefore, unless Daiyin's idea of ​​absolute loyalty to the great will can be eradicated and she can actively cooperate with the research, it will be quite troublesome... But the secret method of the Circle of Creation will be a bit tricky.

Ye Lin is not sure that the secret method rooted in the soul can be safely erased.

"Uh-huh, beg me loudly and angrily~"

Narrowing his eyes, he suddenly opened his mouth with a smile. He stroked Daiyin's almost transparent long hair with his soft jade hands and said with a smile: "I was also present when the Taichu camp recovered the artificial gods. At that time, they already had hazy minds. I happened to see the light, when the Ring of Creation modified their thinking."

Got it?

beg me!

Ah this...

Ye Lin was stunned for a moment, then narrowed his eyes and gave a thumbs up in praise to the "ghost", and he looked proud. It turned out that half of the Taichu camp was from me.

"A goddess with peerless splendor, unparalleled in the world, as beautiful as the country, as holy as ice and snow..."

Ye Lin used to praise Naiyali fiercely, and he had developed a good eloquence for a long time. Now he opened his mouth and burst into witty remarks, and he suddenly woke up. The suffix added "Goddess" without deliberately referring to the name.

Otherwise, with Remy's sinister attributes, he would definitely ask him loudly with a smile, "Then I am peerless and unparalleled, where are the ladies and the others?"

Although the goddesses are not so narrow-minded and would get jealous over just a few words of praise, they will definitely be happy to see him look embarrassed and sweating profusely, deliberately glaring at him and waiting for him to continue making up words and sentences.


He narrowed his eyes and snorted, and raised his white middle finger simply. Don't think I can't hear your little trick.

Find a time to go to the chapel and praise me for three days and three nights to repay me for saving your ex-wife.

She lightly patted Daiyin's forehead with her palm, and holy light bloomed. Daiyin immediately woke up and opened her misty eyes, and at the same time, a set of shining golden runes appeared between her eyebrows.

"Who are you?" Daiyin immediately stared at Ye Lin in front of her, unbearable anger and doubt appearing on her beautiful face. If he didn't have a great will, how could he use the laws of creation.

As a devout believer in the great will, his actions are an offense to the Supreme Being and are an unpardonable sin!

A soft voice with narrowed eyes sounded, regretting: "You haven't even seen the true face of the great will. He didn't even give you any gifts, but you are willing to dedicate your faith and life to it. It's really sad."

Daiyin turned her head when she heard the voice, and immediately widened her beautiful light-colored eyes, looking at her narrowed eyes in disbelief.

Because she had seen this beautiful and holy goddess, the holder of life and light, who had an extremely high status and was at the forefront of the gods. The Ring of Creation did not dare to speak loudly in front of her.

What's going on now... I can't understand.

Daiyin still subconsciously retorted: "He is the Lord of all things and the salvation of all things. The universe follows His will and comes from His power."

Ye Lin smiled softly and continued: "I don't deny His greatness, but He is busy looking for his own body every day. He doesn't care about the broken dimension and the life and death of billions of creatures, and even It triggered a major transfer..."

Some words are inconvenient to say with narrowed eyes, and he has to be the bad guy.

"Those who achieve great things don't stick to trivial matters! Some sacrifices are necessary." Daiyin continued to retort, a true fan of the great will.

Narrowing his eyes, he was too lazy to have any theoretical dispute with this "son"'s "ex-wife". There was no need for it, so he said calmly: "Your fanatical belief in Him comes from the restriction of a secret method. In the dim light of your spiritual consciousness, Time is given, and you never know the state of true independence and freedom.”

"Now, I will give you...your freedom!"

Before he finished speaking, his squinting fingertips glowed, analyzing and shattering Daiyin's restricting rune.


A mysterious sense of explosion collided in Daiyin's mind. It was powerful and powerful. The light power was also the light of the soul. Daiyin's skin was glowing. The power had a great purge on her thinking. A certain way The majestic figure that had always existed in his mind was slowly obliterated in the light.

"What are you doing?"

"Let you recognize yourself. Now you are more confused than the God of Fog."

The light gradually faded, and Daiyin sat in a chair as if she was in a daze. A very important presence in her soul disappeared, but there was no regret or regret. Instead, she felt a very subtle sense of joy. .

When a dead tree blooms, she is a new sprout born from an "old" body. In a sense, her mind has been full of that majestic figure with a vague face since she was a child.

In order to prevent the man-made gods from rebelling again, the Ring of Creation has made great efforts to restrain their thoughts. Only the great will is the highest criterion. You are "born" to follow the great will, and you have to put in your faith. He sacrificed and you lived all for the Great Will.

She narrowed her eyes and retracted her hand. At this moment, her words were soft, and her beautiful face was filled with holy light, and she said: "Now, you don't have to live for anyone or sacrifice for anyone. You are who you are, and you should live for yourself."

"For myself..." Daiyin slowly covered her head. She couldn't understand these concepts. What she should do next, which direction to go, and what the meaning of life is, she didn't seem to understand them all.

Who is she?

From her resurrection to the present, Radiant Biana has been firmly locked by the Ring of Creation, shaped like a puppet, a marionette, without a self.

Ye Lin handed her a cup of warm tea and said, "The way to replenish yourself after losing your faith is to replace it with another one. We now have four gods for you to choose from."

The first, Remidios, the goddess of life and light, teaches mercy, compassion, doing good, and punishing sin.

Then there is Usiel, the goddess of death and darkness. The teaching is that all things have a final destination, and death and darkness are also part of the order.

Pushya, the goddess of elements, does not have a kingdom of gods, but she has many followers who study the elements. She has no teachings and is never stingy with those who believe in her.

"Finally, it's your ex-husband, me. The doctrine is that justice is supreme, and if you have breasts, you are a mother..."

Before Ye Lin finished speaking, Yue Na pulled him aside.

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