Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 3006: What does neither party lose when exchanging the old for the new?

Chapter 3007: What does neither party lose when exchanging the old for the new?

"Held, Held, are you there? I'm back."

A woman with long auburn wavy hair, wearing a gorgeous long skirt and boots, shouted as she walked quickly through the courtyard with flowers blooming out of season. When she reached Held's door, she immediately raised her hand and knocked. , there is a kind of elation that cannot be concealed on her beautiful face.

There is a winding and twisted magic line next to the woman's left eyebrow. It is as long as a finger and extends to her forehead. It is very conspicuous, but it does not destroy the beauty of her face. It also adds a bit of wild and flamboyant charm.

"Held? My God said you were at home, and said you brought a man back last night."

She knocked on the door with her fingers repeatedly, rapidly and uninterruptedly, shouting, "I know you are at home, let me see what your "wild man" looks like, if you don't open the door, I will break it."

Held, who was cleaning inside, was annoyed by the knocking. He opened the door with a creak and then looked at the person knocking outside with a speechless look to see which idiot it was.

"Chloe Xi?" Held's voice was hoarse. Just three words made her frown slightly, and she subconsciously felt like retching.

Standing in front of the door was a woman with long maroon hair and gorgeous clothes. She was the fifth demon Cloxi who disappeared a long time ago and was one of her few good friends.

The eighth demon, Tastro, once said that he saw with his own eyes that Cloxi was taken away by an indescribable and unspeakable being.

She was actually not dead. Held smiled, happy for her and himself.

The woman named Cloxi raised her legs and looked around the room. There was no man. That's right. Her good friend Held had always been proud and arrogant. How good a man could catch her eye.

Closi immediately smiled and said: "It's me, Held. Let me tell you, I met an existence beyond my understanding..."

Chloe suddenly checked her pulse with a backhand. After a few seconds, she frowned and said: "Held, you are obviously in good health, with strong energy and blood, high energy, and natural magic power. But why is your voice hoarse? …”

"I'm fine, but where did you go some time ago? I'm worried about you." Held calmly withdrew his wrist and changed the subject in the name of concern. The fifth demon, Cloxi, is a hell demon and a doctor with excellent medical skills. , can feel that she is broken.

"I'll drink a glass of water first, and then I'll talk to you. Do you have black coffee?" The expression on Chloe's face was very happy. She walked into the room without waiting for Held's invitation. Her behavior was not unusual at all. They are very nice. friend.

"No, just plain water, cold."

Chloe didn't mind that there was only cold water to drink here, so she poured herself a full glass, then sat on the cushioned chair, and then said: "I was attracted by a man with an extremely cold and beautiful appearance, and I was shocked and shocked just by looking at it. The unforgettable goddess was taken away, goddess, you know."

She repeated these two words emphatically, you know, god, goddess.

"Really, are you favored by God? Held sat opposite her, listening to Chloe's shocking news, echoing the topic, but staring at the table in a daze.

The height of this table was just about the waist. She lay on it last night... The soul that was being pushed seemed to be sacrificed to the devil. The situation at that time was a kind of joy before death.


Chloe tapped her fingers on the table to wake up Held, who was distracted, and continued: "She is the god Shilok. She said she needs some kind of origin from me, and as compensation, she can give me another more powerful power to become Her followers.”

The fifth demon, Cloxi, was taken away by Sirok, but because her body was a hell demon and not a beautiful and mysterious invisible flower, Sirok had no intention of merging her body and simply made a deal with her.

If you cooperate, I only want your source of darkness, not your life. If you don't cooperate, I will take it all.

The reason why Croxi never appeared was because she was thrown to Zhuyalopa by the queen to stabilize the divine realm she had obtained.

When Shilok heard Mo Mei and the others chatting about the twelve demons, he slapped his forehead and said I forgot, and dragged Croxi back from Zhuyalopa.

Are you talking about Sirocco? The "tall" woman in black dress quickly appeared in Held's mind, and he was a little surprised. It turned out that she was also a strong person in the divine realm.

Shirok has many obvious appearance features, such as her cold and beautiful appearance and her hair that is tied up like a crown, etc., but the most eye-catching thing is her divine body that is too tall compared to ordinary people.

Chloe glanced inadvertently in the direction of the bedroom. The door was only half closed, "Hey, Held, why did your bed collapse?"


perot continent

Some time has passed since the collapse of the evil god's faith. Under the deliberate guidance of the national master Mo Fei and the previous manifestation of Naiyali, the Crusu religion was officially and completely declared to be a heresy that should be exterminated.

Some people found it difficult to accept the sudden collapse of their long-standing faith, and rushed to Crusu Church and official institutions of the empire, shouting for more accurate information and answers.

Some people have received gifts and become inspired, becoming musicians, painters, sculptors, etc. Are these also false?

Mo Fei claimed that this was a deliberate trick by the evil god. The later years of those artists were filled with intense misfortune, and more believers went crazy because of their evil beliefs.

Mo Fei used the incident of many believers going crazy in the early days of the God War as testimony, and also asked Ye Lin to print out the "mature version" of the Supreme Saint Naiyali and the image of the evil god Crusu for comparison.

One is a goddess with dazzling beauty and radiant body, and the other is a monster with foul smell and ugly appearance. Which one do you believe in? !

As soon as the comparison chart came out, the religious turmoil in Perot Continent calmed down a lot.

In an attic of the palace, You Xia took a set of comparison pictures and clicked his tongue a few times, saying jokingly: "No wonder Mr. Di is now contentedly squatting in the center of the subway, eating well, sleeping well, and watching the world."

"The face is true, but at least Naiyali has never done anything bad." Xiao Su originally had a smile on her face, but suddenly noticed something, so she immediately put away her smile and turned half of her body.

The perverted teacher is back.

Ye Lin did not go crazy when he saw Xiao Su like before. Instead, he said with a serious look, "I will ask you a question. If you answer it correctly, you will be rewarded. If you answer it wrong, I will laugh at you for being stupid."

As he spoke, he took out half of a black chessboard, which was the artifact that the prophet had broken by Pushia. The chessboard could imprison the world and deduce all things. The black and white pieces contained the power of light and darkness.

"If you just trade something old for a new one, you won't lose anything if it's the same kind of item and there's no extra money to subsidize it."


Although Xiao Su had an expression of "I don't want to play games with you at all", she heard Ye Lin's question and her mind couldn't help but search for the answer to the question.

It's strange to trade in the old one for the new one.

Xiao Su knows that some blacksmiths such as Linus and Xinda provide trade-in services. That is, when buying new equipment, you can use the old equipment to offset part of the payment. The amount of the offset depends on the quality of the equipment, but in the end you still have to make up for the rest. part.

Are they antiques? That’s not right. If you trade in an old item for a new item, the seller of the antique will lose money.

Youxia quickly came up with two answers and said confidently: "It doesn't matter how you change it for a magic potion that is extremely well preserved and won't lose its potency, or a metal with super stable properties like gold."

Xiao Su nodded slightly and agreed with this answer, but her keen intuition told her that the perverted teacher's answer was definitely neither of these two things.

Sure enough, Ye Lin directly denied You Xia's answer. If the medicine is stored for a long time, it may mutate. If the gold coins are used back and forth, they are prone to wear and tear and are insufficient in weight.

Ye Lin revealed the answer, and two beautifully wrapped gift boxes appeared in his hand like magic and gave them to them.

After the two opened it, their pretty faces suddenly turned cold. Inside was a set of fat bags and protective covers with animal patterns... Although Ye Lin thought that the latter were of little use to people in the demon world.

Trade in old for new?

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