Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 3009 Secretly Involved

Chapter 3010 Secretly Involved

Snow fell on the ground, and the starry sky was starless.

The hundreds of millions of residents living in the Pero Continent are vaguely aware of something, but they don't know why. Both the evil god and the throne are too far away from ordinary people.

The weather outside is bitingly cold. It's better to go back early and wrap yourself up in bed to wait for the sun tomorrow. It's useless to think too much.

This blizzard brought certain natural disasters to the Rey Empire. The national master Mo Fei had a wise policy to open granaries, distribute cotton cloth and coal, and save the world, which won unanimous praise.

Some lords who had ambitions to seize power and become kings scratched their heads and stayed awake all night wondering where the imperial master had managed to get such a huge amount of winter supplies and be able to distribute them to each household. It must have been an exaggeration.

late at night


Xiao Su woke up at night with drowsy eyes, feeling very tired. She reluctantly lifted the thin quilt on her body and wore cartoon pajamas with animal prints on them.

It may be that the heating in the room is too high, making it easy to get hot and thirsty.

There was half a cup of cold water left in the cup. He poured half a cup of hot water from the thermos and mixed it to the most suitable temperature. Xiao Su drank half the cup in one go to quench his thirst, smacked his lips, and was about to go back to sleep. , but suddenly found candlelight swaying in the room separated by a thick curtain, as if someone was not asleep yet.

Next door is You Xia's room. There is no bunk bed structure in the palace.

You Xia is not practicing secretly, is he involuntarily involved?

Xiao Su suddenly came up with an astonishing idea. The fact that the Pero Continent was able to survive the erosion of the end was the result of the full protection of the little witch Yimiwu and Crazy Bear in the beginning.

It was obvious that everyone was from the demon world. Xiao Su and You Xia were slightly stimulated and agreed to see who would take the road of transcendence first, and even placed a little bet.

The loser has to publicly confess to Sugar Cane.

Reject involution!

Xiao Su curled her lips and walked quietly to You Xia's room. She held her breath as soon as she got close, and gently raised a corner of the aqua-blue curtain with her fingers to peek inside.

If You Xia is involved, come out and scare her. If not, ask her why she's not asleep yet.


Open it... Xiao Su blushed all of a sudden, immediately put down the curtain and covered her mouth, trying not to make a sound, her big eyes widened.

You Xia, why is she sitting on the perverted teacher's lap? And it's not the coquettish way of a child sitting on his lap, it's like a couple sitting face to face in an intimate manner, crossing each other in an X shape.

Something's wrong, something's wrong, maybe I'm dazzled.

You Xia personally said that Sugarcane was good in all aspects, but there were too many peach blossoms and there was always the smell of other girls on her body, which she didn't like very much.

Xiao Su pursed her thin lips, suppressed her pounding heartbeat, and opened a corner of the curtain again. Her eyes widened instantly... The two people who just hugged were actually kissing!

Xiao Su put down the curtain with trembling fingers, bit her lip, and returned to her bed quietly. She slowly lay down and wrapped herself tightly. Her little heart was pounding, her eyes were wide open, and she was completely sleepless.

You Xia, she didn’t get involved, but she directly became the boss’s wife?

After thinking wildly for a while, Xiao Su finally didn't know how she fell asleep.

You Xia also got up reluctantly. One corner of the window was not closed tightly, and the cold wind blew directly onto her neck. It was so cold that it went straight into the bed.

After closing the window, You Xia also raised her eyebrows. Why was the light still on in Xiao Su's room next door? Could it be that she was practicing involution?

The two dull hairs on You Xia's head instantly straightened up, her mouth puffed out, and she opened a corner of the curtain to see what she was doing.

Reject involution!


You Xia made the same move as Xiao Su before, put down the curtain and covered her mouth, her little heart pounding.

It's so strange, look at it again...ah, Xiao Su is arrogant during the day, but as soft as a cat at night. She is such a lovely relative that even Sugarcane's hands have reached into her seven-digit skirt.

Vaguely, she was still saying that her little fat body was so perky and elastic.

Stepping back, Youxia went to bed and wrapped herself in quilt. She couldn't fall asleep, but she didn't know how she fell asleep...

"Xiao Su" jumped down from the sugar cane legs, stretched her body, and the girl's delicate appearance turned into a ghostly and charming, tall and overlooking Queen Shilok.

"The two of them will get up tomorrow. There will be a good show." Shilok clicked his tongue a few times, opened the curtains and took a look at the dark night, and took advantage of his height to touch Ye Lin's head.

"I'm going back."

"Are you going back now..." Ganzhe grabbed Shilok's wrist with his eyes. This is a good time, the hibiscus warms the tent, and we can spend a spring night together. You just abandon me and walk away?

"Haha~" Shilok's black and red cold and sexy lips laughed, touched Ye Lin's head and said:

"I have absorbed the energy of the artificial gods, as well as the divine laws of your battle with Terra. I have harvested enough in a short period of time, enough for me to carefully refine and digest it and turn it into my own power. As for you, pick someone else. Go warm the bed.”

Sirok's fingers slowly moved down, and the sharp and long nail sheaths raised Ye Lin's chin, causing a slight tingling sensation. The queen's movements were very strong and aggressive.

"When I need you, I will call you to come and sleep with me."

Ye Lin twitched the corners of his stiff lips. He heard that the queen meant that his stamen had no use value now, so he could stay wherever it was cool. But if I call you, you have to come.

next day

Xiao Su and You Xia, who have always been diligent, stayed in bed together until about 11 o'clock in the morning. They couldn't sleep anymore under the covers. They took off their pajamas and put on warm white silk and red and white striped socks. After putting on a seven-figure uniform and short skirt, Youxia put on a jacket with a black lining and generous sleeves.

The moment the two met, they subconsciously avoided each other's eyes after saying hello.

Xiao Su's heart skipped a beat: Could it be that Youxia discovered me last night?

That's right, You Xia has always looked at Ye Lin with disgust and a cold expression. It will definitely be embarrassing if I find out. I try my best to pretend that nothing happened.

You Xia was shocked: Did Xiao Su see me when I lifted the curtain last night?

Xiao Su has an arrogant personality and will definitely not openly admit that she likes sugar cane, but she was as affectionate as a cat last night... I'll just pretend I don't know.

"What a surprise, you two got up so late." Siatt smiled and indicated that there were blueberry tarts and pine nut biscuits she baked on the table, as well as hot milk. You guys can fill your stomachs for now.

Fortunately, Mailu isn't here, otherwise you two wouldn't have anything to eat.

The two demons sat down, Xiao Su took the egg tarts, and You Xia took the biscuits. They chatted absentmindedly about unrelated things, thinking that they had revealed the little secret hidden by the other party.

Ye Lin, the culprit, pretended not to know, sat in another seat at the table, startled the two of them, and asked with a smile: "Do you want to go out for a walk together later? I heard Mo Fei said there are several jewelry stores and clothing store are outstanding.”

"No, just practice."

"No time, practice."

The two Demon Realm people looked at each other subconsciously again. What does Xiaosu "Youxia" want to practice so diligently? You are already in love with him. You should be eager for me to break through quickly, so that there is no need. Just hide it.


I "I" understand!

Xiao Su "You Xia" must have wanted to break through quickly and make me publicly confess my feelings to make me blush. After that, she wouldn't have to make it public and could just talk about it in private.

The first heckling was the most enthusiastic and the most embarrassing, well, that must be the case.

"You Xia." Xiao Su spoke first and said with a smile, "Let's go for a walk together. The snow has stopped and the sun is not bad today."

Youxia was stunned for a moment and nodded, "Well, let's go."

Mo Mei looked at the uneasy Demon Realm people and whispered to Yuena: "The two of them are a little weird today."

Xiao Su and You Xia took the initiative to go shopping with Sugar Cane. On the way, they acted as if nothing had happened. They also bought two bunches of candied haws, which Ye Lin willingly paid for.

Walking into a clothing store, while You Xia was looking at the clothes, Xiao Su immediately pulled Ye Lin and said urgently: "Open your secret world. I can't enter in the devil's land. I suddenly have some spiritual enlightenment. You can Tell You Xia that I suddenly felt unwell and asked Sister Yuena."

Ye Lin was suspicious and sent Xiao Su to the secret world.

Youxia was very satisfied with a girl's jacket, and paid the money directly without much negotiation. The "eclipse" insect has endless magical effects, and a simple mining operation can make her a rich little woman.

The curtain of a fitting room happened to be shaking, and You Xia mistakenly thought that Xiao Su was trying on clothes inside, so she immediately pulled Ye Lin in and said in an urgent tone: "Open the door to your secret world."


"hurry up!"

Xiaosu and Youxia, who tried to get involved secretly, met in the secret world.


"You are here too."


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