Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 3038 Brother-in-law is so free

Munster did not glance at the bodies that had lost their vitality and body temperature and were lying in a pool of blood.

The reloaded revolver in his hand is just an ordinary firearm, but at this moment it has a deterrent power comparable to a forbidden weapon.

"Before solving the problems between the Celestial Federation and the Old Continent, please come with me and rest for a few days."

Upon hearing Munster's invitation, many congressmen showed extremely angry emotions on their faces. To put it nicely, they were going to rest, but in other words, they were going to be placed under house arrest for a period of time.

Munster made a gesture of invitation expressionlessly, not worried that anyone would leak the news now. Harriet controlled the entire venue, and Narcissus also controlled the entire online world. Information she did not allow would never be disclosed to the outside world. known.

Right now is a huge coup and a major event recorded in history. The storm has rolled up and the thunder is roaring.

As all the members looked angry and had no choice but to get into the waiting cars outside, Munster, who was standing at the door of the parliament hall, suddenly sighed. His elegant appearance had aged a bit along with his depressed mood, and his whole body was shaking. After a moment, many complex emotions appeared on his face.

"Do you have any good advice for me?" Hearing the approaching footsteps, Munster turned around and looked directly at Ye Lin who was walking over. He knew that this man was Narcissus' brother-in-law.

Narcissus introduced her brother-in-law like this. He is very handsome, talented, far-sighted, has wisdom comparable to strength, is also very free, and has a faint fragrance of grass and trees on his body.

Ye Lin spread his hands and joked: "Ask me, are you doing this on a whim?"

Munster couldn't help but laugh a few times, sighed deeply, put away the revolver in his hand, and said: "That's not true, I am prepared. Just one more person's advice will provide one more way to move towards the future, Heavenly Parliament The original purpose of its establishment was to brainstorm ideas, but now it has become a tool for the arrogance of power and money-making.”

"The important thing is not those bad people, but the position and the responsibilities that should be performed in that position." Ye Lin admired his behavior very much, as he was far-sighted and courageous.

It implies that since the first cut of rotten flesh has been cut, the sharp knife cannot stop and must be cut continuously to clean the rotten flesh thoroughly.

Munster nodded, and then suddenly heard a series of huge explosions in his ears, boom, boom, boom... He was stunned for a moment, and quickly ran towards the street where the accident occurred, looking at several blazing flames in the distance and the shocked security personnel. The cry.

Several cars exploded!

Ye Lin calmly looked at the billowing flames exploding in the distance without any surprise, and said: "You are a senior politician, so you should have corresponding backup candidates in mind. I hope they are all talented and upright people."

"External news is that a certain ambitious congressman tried to control satellite weapons to dominate the heavens, but made a mistake and attacked many members of the congress, resulting in the current tragedy. Many congressmen died. Let us mourn for them."

Narcissus introduced the satellite weapon with a locking effect, which is also one of the forbidden weapons. It can accurately identify the difference between the celestial beings and the residents of the Old World, and can carry out a comprehensive attack on a group.

For example, men, women, people between ages, etc.

"As for your six bullets, well, I changed everyone's thinking." Ye Lin nodded and said, "It was the president of the parliament who moved his hands. He was angry that the members despised life, took bribes and perverted the law, and raised guns. Eliminate the foundation of the Celestial Federation."

"He finally wanted to commit suicide with a gun, but the moment he fired, you rushed over and deflected the muzzle of the gun, only injuring his shoulder."

Next, the Speaker of the Parliament will be tried by the court, imprisoned, and will be wary and hated by other noble members, but he is still alive, and he is in a prison with a good environment.

Munster's eyes changed again and again, and finally he nodded in acquiescence, and then looked at the student Narcissus with deep meaning.

What is the origin of your brother-in-law? Your methods are so terrifying that I'm scared.

And aren't you an orphan? How come you suddenly have a sister?

Not one, but eight older sisters and one younger sister... Narcissus pushed up his glasses and wanted to complain, but he didn't have the nerve to say it.

Now with Ye Lin's help, the pressure Manster has to face will undoubtedly be much lighter.

He will have more time to solve the problems of the Celestial Federation one by one with a more calm attitude. It is very difficult, but it can always be solved.

Ye Lin took the initiative to reach out to Manster and asked with a smile: "Speaking of which, I haven't officially asked you your name yet."

He admired the other person's courage very much, so he was willing to help him.

"Mainster Berean."


Ye Lin was stunned for a moment, feeling a little familiar.


A major incident occurred in the Parliament of the Celestial Federation, which shocked the Celestial World. The president of the parliament shot five members in one breath and wanted to commit suicide with the gun, but was stopped by the deputy speaker.

The satellite weapon controlled by the parliament went out of control and detonated the vehicles of some members of the parliament. The whole country observed a moment of silence.

When the weapons went out of control, the three cultivators from the Old World responded with kindness and tried their best to rescue the Celestials near the explosion.

To this end, Deputy Speaker Manster held another vote and unanimously agreed to withdraw the Celestial Army stationed in the Old Continent within half a month. The two sides will establish a friendly, harmonious and non-aggression agreement in the future.


In a tourist hotel, a girl in a white tuxedo stirred a cup of coffee gently with a spoon. There was no sugar in it. She preferred the original and pure taste, and she would add double marshmallows to the milk.

She took a sip of coffee and said thoughtfully, "I'm a little surprised that you modified some people's memories."

Modification of memory and direct threat of force are two completely opposite concepts. The latter is creating the future, while the former has half the meaning of distorting the past. That is to say, Yelin's involvement in Tianzhi is very deep, beyond her basic understanding. Imagine.

"If it were you, or Nimer, would you stand by and watch?" Yelin asked with a smile.

"I don't know how, but I can't modify the cognition of wisdom. No wonder Lord Nimer said that you are both a god and a human being. You can intervene through your own thoughts and judgments and get the results you want."

The girl in the white tuxedo didn't think Ye Lin's behavior was inappropriate. Instead, she thought he was independent and free.

The gods feel that because the power of gods is too powerful, a single word may lead to the subversion of civilization, and they believe that the truth of gods cannot be understood by mortals, so they rarely take the initiative to interfere with the progress of civilization.

At most, it is like Remedios who sends down some light of grace and allows some believers with suitable ideological levels to act on behalf of God.

The girl in the white tuxedo suddenly remembered that one day, she was talking to a believer in wisdom in the kingdom of wisdom. The latter once said in a fanatical tone: "God's intervention is not called intervention. God is correct itself. God is Everything is the truth.”

The other party believes that God should take the initiative to intervene in the trajectory of civilization and correct those steps of civilization that have gone astray.

"Ye Lin, do you think it is possible for technological civilization and magical civilization to coexist harmoniously?"

"Of course." Ye Lin nodded and said: "The root of the problem of the Heavenly Forbidden City is not actually technology and magic, but the collision of different countries and different systems. What overrides magic and technology has been the issue since the birth of human beings. The original sin of being forced to compete begins.”

"Birth, instant?"

"Ahem... According to the saying in the heaven, you have to outperform your other brothers and sisters before you have a chance to combine with an egg cell. Well... you understand."

"What's the use of running fast, you will die in the end anyway..." Sophie suddenly said something while lazily basking in the sun.

The youngest smiled and nodded, fully agreeing with Sophie's words. For a race of life that cannot transcend its realm and has no other way to survive, the moment it is born, it begins to rush towards the embrace of death.

Incredible, incredible.

Although Sister Sophie is a brute force primitive dragon, giving people the impression that her fists are always moving faster than her head, her ideological level is actually as deep as the true legacy of Lord Nimer. She can say such words that contain truth. .

Either way, he would die in the end, either from gastric juices or purification magic... Sophie swallowed the second half of the sentence silently.

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