Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 3040 Para A B B B D

A higher realm!

Princess Alasha and the Lion King stopped where they were, fascinated by that level, and slowly clenched their fists, as if they wanted to break some invisible shackles and boundaries.

Protecting the Old Continent is the responsibility of these strong men who were born in the Old Continent. Crows still know how to feed back, and dignified humans can still be inferior to birds.

It is the dream and desire of every cultivator to constantly challenge oneself to break through limits and reach higher realms.

Although Ye Lin has not really shown his destructive power, they are 100% convinced that Ye Lin must be at a higher level, walking further ahead of all of them, a level that is beyond their reach.

This trip to heaven has yielded a lot, enough to benefit from.

"Let's go back."

The trio from the old continent nodded, returned to the west coast through the sky city built by Ye Lin, and admired Ye Lin again.

At that time, they were talking to the girl "Nimmel" and were not able to witness the establishment of this miracle city up close. It is a pity to think about it now.

The Lion King looked at the temporarily closed Sky City behind him, which would not open for a long time, and exclaimed: "There was a complete Sky City in ancient times, and you said it was built by the same people as Ye Lin. It’s still a great miracle built by countless craftsmen over time.”

"I don't know either, there are no records in ancient history." Alaxia shook her head slightly. The civilization of Arad continent seemed to have undergone a subtle chronology, and many great things were not recorded.


Ye Lin took the soft and shy Mai Lu back to the main hall. He had already quenched his thirst, moistened his throat, and quenched his greed.

At present, the highest "combat power" values ​​​​are between Naiyali and the curator. The former is a one-time task many times, and the latter is a daily task that Ye Lin will definitely do again unless there are special circumstances.

The one that I drink the most often is the malt. It not only tastes sweet, has rich water content, but also has a light and fresh floral fragrance.

The floral fragrance of Bosem, another flower queen, is more fragrant, like a blooming peony. After all, it is a mature version of Maillot.

He also saw the youngest sitting "elegantly" at the tea table, keeping her legs crossed and her thigh muscles secretly clamping inward. He immediately approached her and asked with concern: "Are you okay? Your face is so red. The weather and temperature have been changeable recently, so it’s not like you’re catching a cold.”

"I'm fine. Brother-in-law, you are right. The weather is changeable and the temperature has dropped recently." The girl in the white tuxedo nodded and smiled. She quickly suppressed her charming thoughts. After getting up, she pretended to look at the sea view. Her expression soon returned to normal. .

"That's fine. Do you have any specialties you want to buy? Do you want to go shopping together? Narcissus, do you really want to leave Heaven? The Heaven Federation seems to need you very much now."

Narcissus was busy playing on the computer and didn't pay attention.

The girl in the white tuxedo smiled on her cheeks and continued to sip her favorite bitter coffee. However, she glanced at Ye Lin's back and Sister Mai Lu's shy expression without leaving a trace, and a strong doubt flashed in her eyes.

She had just carefully examined her own condition and determined that the surge of lust had caused some abnormalities in her body, but there were many things that were not quite right.

If he was really unintentionally influenced by Prana, the God of Original Sin, then the surge of lust should be from the inside out, from the heart's desire, and the soul's instinctive need to vent the original sin of lust.

But after she carefully thought about it just now, she felt that it was a bit different. There was something hidden, and it didn't seem to be a need from the heart, and it had nothing to do with the throbbing of her soul.

It was more like a unique desire that emerged from her body, pulling at her heart strings, and actually gave her some frightening aftertaste.

To use an inappropriate description, it was as if she was being forced.

"Is Prana's original sin power also able to affect the physical body, or is there something else hidden..." The girl in a white tuxedo lowered her head, with a few strands of snow-white but not indifferent hair hanging down. Her wisdom was keenly aware of the abnormality, but she could not Understand the methods used by Ye Lin.

Narcissus fiddled with his handheld computer for a while before answering Ye Lin's question and said: "Well, Manster also said that he needs my wisdom and reputation to support his policies, but I still decided to go back to my hometown to have a look, because I have this!"

Narcissus opened his own dimensional movement space and took out a ball of colored liquid about the size of a basketball. The liquid was constantly changing its shape as if it were alive, sometimes with hedgehog-like spikes emerging, and sometimes water ripples rippling on the surface.

Liquid Robot, one of Narcissus's small works, can imitate the appearance of an item lifelike by scanning it with his handheld computer.

For example, now that Narcissus has transformed the liquid robot into his own appearance, another "Narcissus" appears in a delicate and eye-catching manner, with the same cartoon clothes, short sea-blue hair, the same plump curves, and even her smile and The vocal lines can be reproduced perfectly.

And it has artificial intelligence effect, which is enough to deal with most situations in the heaven.

Narcissus is going to use this liquid robot to push herself for a while, and she will go back to the country of wisdom to see her hometown.

Otherwise, the sudden "evaporation" and disappearance of the mechanical head will bring a new round of great turmoil to the already ups and downs of the heaven.

As for the future, let’s talk about it later. At worst, I will make up an excuse for “death”, such as a car accident, illness, etc.

Ye Lin looked at the liquid robot imitating Narcissus, his eyes lit up with a mysterious light, and he subconsciously muttered: "It's not realistic enough."

The liquid robot perfectly imitated the Niemel family's figure, but it just wasn't realistic enough.

"What's wrong with it?" Narcissus wondered, "It doesn't look like it. What's wrong with it? Brother-in-law, please tell me. I'll change it as soon as I have time."

"Yes..." Ye Lin paused for a moment, all kinds of thoughts flashed through his mind like lightning, and he said seriously: "The real you is cuter and more spiritual."

"Hehe, that's natural~" Narcissus smiled brightly. Every girl doesn't like to hear compliments, and it's such a beautiful little twist.

Later, Ye Lin asked Narcissus for all the technology of the liquid robot. He believed that it was similar to Dr. Gina's micro robot and had extraordinary value. He took it back to the doctors to refer to the technology.

Then you can take advantage of the situation and be played by them in the palm of your hand.

Narcissus paid for the tourist hotel. Before leaving the Celestial Federation, Narcissus put the liquid robot in his studio. He would definitely come back to see it when he had time.

On the way to the old continent, Narcissus looked back at the headquarters of the Celestial Federation and said with a smile: "Sister, tell me who else is our sister."

The girl in the white tuxedo rolled her eyes helplessly, because I am the youngest and you are the second to last, so now you are proud of being the older sister, right?

They happened to rank the ten sisters just now. Narcissus was tinkering with the liquid robot and didn't listen.

The eldest sister is Yanis, who has a confused and careless personality. She is currently in Huttonmar with Ilya, in their "button space".

The second sister is Elda, the strongest elf knight in the beautiful world. The song "Earth Goddess" that is melodiously sung in the continent of Arad depicts Elda's heroic fight for peace.

Then there are Mailu, Isu, Sophie, Xiaoxiao ranked third, fourth, fifth, and sixth, Para A, B, B, D, and superpower Nile ranked seventh.

Galle, the mysterious death knight who emerged from the underworld, ranks eighth among the ten sisters. Finally, there is Narcissus and the youngest.

Because I have never met Galle, it is not yet certain who is ahead of her or Nile.

Just when Ye Lin and his party returned to the Old Continent and were about to solve the last problem, the little witch who was shopping in the Tianjie Federation was stamping her feet angrily and directly contacted Ye Lin through spiritual transmission.

"You are such a scumbag, you bastard, you even gave up the house? You ran away without calling me, hahahaha, you ran away with the big breasted sisters, right? I know that men don't like big breasts, damn it!"

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