Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 3045 Always a bit contemptuous

Not only Ye Lin was a little confused, the little witch also subconsciously rubbed her beautiful ruby-like eyes, and her tingling waist immediately sat upright. How could there be so many Celia suddenly there.

The main dimension and the mirror dimension, the rich woman and the doctor, only these two are right.

In other dimensions, whether it is the forbidden world, the beautiful world, or the land of demons, Celia Crumin does not exist. The rich woman is like two flowers on a branch, there are really only two flowers.


The two immediately thought of the reason. Only Shilok could imitate it so vividly and perfectly. It was she who imitated Celia.

Celia who came in later generously took a cup of hot drink from Crazy Bear and muttered a few words about the snow and mud outside, as if they didn't see other Celia.

Including Celia who was chatting just now, there are now four in total!

There are no clues about her appearance. They all have long gray hair tied up in a high ponytail. Their complexion is fair and their facial features are delicate and beautiful. Their fresh and refined temperament is that of an elf. Their figure is also slim and slender, but there is nothing special about it. unambiguous.

Celia's figure has grown a lot since her marriage.

Sugarcane's heart gradually warmed up, and she became four times as rich as Sai Fu.

Waves of dark purple energy rolled up in the room, transforming into Queen Sirocco, who was extremely tall and oppressive. She lightly revealed a very tempting condition and said: "You can tell who Celia is without your ability. If you were me, these four would sleep with you tonight."

The little witch stared at the five Celia for a while, then sniffed her nose, slowly shook her head and said that they all had the aroma of herbs. Not only were they the simulations of Sirocco, but the highly similar Celia was also clearly the same. Now, the difficulty has increased significantly.

She looked at Ye Lin, who was stroking his chin and thinking. If you had cheated secretly, Sirocco would not have been able to detect the power of eternal power.

"Thirty seconds." Queen Sirocco began to count down, twenty-nine, twenty-eight...

Hearing the sound of the countdown, Ye Lin stood up without thinking, walked straight to Queen Sirok, grabbed her hand, kissed her, and said in a positive tone: "You are Celia Crumin."


The little witch blinked vigorously to show that she didn't understand, and Tana also looked amused, crossing her legs and waiting for him to analyze and explain.

Ye Lin smiled slightly, looked at Celia who was chatting with him just now, and said, "Doctor Sai, right."


Doctor Sai nodded slightly and smiled, and he could indeed tell the difference.

Queen "Shirok" also gave a proud look to the "Celias", and then transformed into her own appearance gorgeously in the light. She was indeed a bejeweled Saifu woman.

"Tell me how you found out."

"Well..." Yelin spread his hands helplessly and explained: "The appearance, figure, and temperament are all perfectly imitated by Shilok, but the eyes are the inner soul of a person."

In other words, Sirocco's attitude and eyes when looking at something will not change due to any changes in her appearance, even if her eye color changes perfectly along with it.

If you like it, you like it, if you don't like it, you don't like it. The attitude is always the attitude.

"When Sirocco looks at me, he always feels a little bit contemptuous..."

There's no malice whatsoever, it's purely a matter of height.

Several other Siroccos, including the cute little Sirocco, were also infected, with a slight disdain. Hey, short man.

One of them, Celia, snapped her fingers and returned to the noble and cool appearance of Sirok. The other two Celia also quickly transformed into little Sirok and the beautiful world's Sirok.

"Celia said to sleep with you, but I didn't agree." Little Shilok waved his hand and quickly reminded you not to think about it.

Ye Lin shrugged regretfully. Originally, he wanted to reenact the famous scene of the Little Witch. He sat cross-legged on the sofa, with five Celia standing behind him.

Queen Shilok bent down to Saifu Po, "I lost."

The two of them made a bet whether Sugar Cane could distinguish the exquisite changes in Sirocco. Unexpectedly, there was something wrong with the habitual eyes.

At their level, admitting defeat is already the biggest bet.

"Xilok, have you merged with the Heavenly Forbidden you? Is there anything special in her memory?" Ye Lin asked about another thing and told about his discovery in the Heavenly Forbidden.

Sirok shook his head and said: "No, her memory stopped completely the moment she passed through the black hole. There was no follow-up. I also found it strange that this happened."

Regarding the reason why the demon world left the continent of Arad, the real answer was obtained from Shilok.

Due to certain changes and crises, the apostles of the Demon Realm put aside their past grievances and looked at the prophecy stele together, sensing a huge crisis.

The source of this crisis is great will!

Caroso once appeared in the Forbidden City, chasing a split body. The two hurriedly passed through the Demon Realm one after another. On the way, Caruso cast an indifferent gaze on the Demon Realm and Arad. Although it was only for a moment, it made him feel All the apostles were terrified.

The encounter between the fragments of the Light of the Beginning and the Darkness of the Beginning caused the latter to awaken part of its ancient memories under tremendous pressure, artificial gods, Terra, light, darkness...

Held remained silent in Brooklyn for a long time, and then, as if destined by fate, the other apostles also walked towards Brooklyn one after another.

Bakar, the Explosive Dragon King, returned to the Demon Realm, and Ozma of Chaos and Saint Michel also went together, and finally decided to separate the Demon Realm from Arad.

The goal of all the apostles is to reach the boundary of the dimension, and then work together to open the dimensional barrier, trying to descend to the main dimension, and use the foundation and transcendence there to break through to a higher limit.

But I never thought that another Supreme would find out the big hand of darkness, swallow up the demon world on the way, and conduct research on the origin of darkness.

"He probably didn't care about the origin of darkness at all, so he put it aside after studying it." Shilok frowned, pressed his full chest, and analyzed: "Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to get rid of the strongest Lord of the End. Take away the darkness that belongs to me."

"As for your fight with Him, I think it's more that your power alarmed Him, and that has just cut off all connections between time and space, cause and effect."

Ye Lin nodded, agreeing with Shilok's speculation. Some sporadic origins from remote dimensions, even the dark side weaknesses of the great will, only have meaning value for the Lord of the End at that level, and their practicality is almost invisible. .

In other words, it is an antique, its noble value is given by current people.

Sirocco stood up, her long skirt outlined her voluptuous figure, her breasts were half exposed, sexy and charming, her black and red lips evoked a strong smile, "I have only digested half of the gains from the Devil's Land, you will use them tonight The two of us will make do with each other."

Queen Sirok pointed at the beautiful world Sirok who was sitting upright drinking tea, and the little Sirok who was chewing an apple with his head down.

Little Sirocco was startled, and immediately took a few big bites of the apple, and then pounced on Queen Sirocco, instantly becoming one with her, "The law of the Digestive God is a great tonic. You can't even think of eating it alone."

Sirok from the Beautiful World stood up calmly and said, "Thank you for the hospitality."

Then he became one with the queen, and some physical desires were not as good as the temptation of the laws of the divine realm.

Celia spread her hands innocently. The three times the happiness, the four times the happiness, the five times the happiness of the rich woman you were thinking about are all gone. Don’t blame me at all.

Queen Sirocco's "motherly love" surged up, and she hugged Sugarcane, who was full of regret, and rubbed his cheek against the full justice, took a few breaths of the fragrance, and then disappeared into a few black and purple threads.

"Okay~" Sai Fupo stretched her waist, wearing a pearl-white splendid cheongsam with charming curves, and said with a smile: "Let's discuss things about the God Realm. Michele said that the Mospis area has started to build a port. Waiting for the Millennium Road to be opened."

She said just now that the five of them were together was just a talk. The one who was always bold and versatile was the witch Xiaoyu. The rich woman herself usually only matched with her younger sister Sai Limin and her best friend Tana.

That night, when Michel heard that Ye Lin was back, he couldn't wait to go to the Arad continent through the space gate.

Becky, who came with her, jumped up and down, then stood in front of a door with the name "Celia" on it and blinked. Listening to the voice inside, she curiously asked Michel: "Sister Celia still sells medicine?"

"Her chamber of commerce sells everything, what's wrong?" Michelle stopped and immediately heard the gentle voice of Sister Celia from inside the door...

"The ointment is damp, the ointment is damp."

"Why don't you put the ointment away properly?" Becky shook his head maturely. It has been raining and snowing recently. He is so old, but he is still so careless.

Being targeted... 嘤嘤嘤

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