Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 3078 Held’s gums bleed

Chapter 3079 Held’s gums are bleeding

The secret technique that Kalil was proud of failed twice, which was a big blow to her. With her head drooped, she took the incomprehensible astronomy book Ye Lin gave her and flipped through a few pages. She was only interested in the colorful illustrations inside. I'm not interested at all, but I can't understand the text description at all.

"If you don't understand anything about astrology, go to the orbital center to find Rousselot. I'm back." Ye Lin pinched Caril's little nose and ran away before she got angry.

After a while, the Queen of Waves, Postem, came out after bathing and changing clothes. She was dressed in a bright and noble flower dress that fit her plump and mature figure. After several bursts of spring water, she was filled with an indescribable feeling. Mature and charming, he smiled and said:

"Don't you understand? Do you want to learn? I can teach you the writing of Arad continent."

Caril nodded and continued to flip through the astronomical book. The pictures showed the true appearance of the stars. They were cold, desolate, and dead. They were not as beautiful as she had imagined. Her childhood dreams were slightly shattered.

But Caril has seen far ahead. She has reached heaven and happiness.

Kalil couldn't help but ask: "Lord Bosem, why do you indulge him so much? I heard Lalo say that he is a very troublesome person."

Bosem gently sat down on the seat next to the tea table, brewed hot tea elegantly, looked attentively, and said with a smile: "Because, love."

"Caryl, there is a saying in the Arad continent that no one is perfect. He has the flaw of being sentimental, but did you see it? When he came, the dandelion elves were singing for him."

Caril recalled slightly as the topic continued. The dandelion elves who followed the Queen of Flowers were the purest and kindest race on the golden planet. People who could be recognized by them would definitely not be bad people.

Moreover, the Dandelion Elf is the best tailor in the world. She also tailors and sews dresses for Ye Lin. This is an exclusive treatment that only the Queen of Flowers can enjoy.

Even if they want the clothes made by the Dandelion Elves, they have to exchange good things with them.

"Caryl, he is carrying more things than you imagine, and it is heavier and darker. I am very worried, but there is nothing I can do for him."

"It's all I can do to spend a good night on the pillow, listen to his stories, and soothe his soul."

Bosem gently sipped the tea with his red lips, and when he talked about sugar cane, his beautiful eyes were full of watery tenderness, and he murmured softly: "I would rather he continue to live like this, rather than listen to him talk about the end. The Outer God..., I'm a little scared, when will he be gone and never come back."

Lu Fusong, the mother of Qingyan, walked over without saying a word, suddenly bent down and pushed the skirt of the Queen of Flowers up to her thighs. She looked at the snow-white skin of the queen of flowers, arranged in a straight line, and said teasingly: "The love brain can understand, but you I’m really not afraid that he will die on you.”


After sitting down, Lu Fusong crossed his legs, ate the nuts on the table, and said doubtfully: "Actor Plessers told me that Ye Lin knew about my past... and he didn't exist in my past."

Bosem smiled and expressed his philosophy, "If you have him in the future, then this moment is also in the past."


Ye Lin and Princess Kabali returned to the octahedral structure of the demon world. The latter set off for the Silent City. She still had some work to do. There is also a space passage in the Silent City that leads directly to the heaven.

Because Coach Held has always had an obsession that he can't let go of, the demon world in the main dimension still maintains an octahedral structure.

Before returning to the appearance of Terra, it has been parasitizing in the alien sky of Arad.

However, there are still some big changes. Those seven-colored thick clouds that have gathered in the sky of the Demon Realm all year round have almost dissipated. Any side of the Demon Realm's octahedron can have three hours of sun shining every day.

The meaning of the word warmth gradually echoes in the originally cold demon world.

Ye Lin went to Brooklyn with excitement to tell the bad woman some good news, but something unexpected happened. The first coach and the second coach were not in Moller Valley.

Walking around in the courtyard, passing through the defensive barriers that had no effect on him, Ye Lin suddenly felt a sense of joy in searching for treasures in a house. It was quite exciting, and he became nervous.

Gu Yu mentioned a very strange phenomenon, that is, when she was a killer, she would ambush into other people's homes in advance. While waiting, the entire house seemed like a treasure room.

I can't help but want to rummage through the cabinets and look here and there.

Yuena analyzed that this is a kind of rebellious pleasure caused by violating laws and morals. Many people have it. The difference is that most people can restrain themselves with morality.

Occasionally, you will see in the news that someone is not short of money at all, but likes to steal small things in stores. This is the phenomenon.

Ye Lin secretly rummaged through Held's residence, trying to find the bikini he had worn, and found that the most common things in Held's residence were books, various magic materials, and the lucky three tails because the weather was getting warmer. Cat hair loss.

Just as his eyes lit up, a cold and indifferent voice suddenly came from behind him, "Should I tell Yako about you being a thief?"

Ye Lin recognized that the person who came back was the second coach, who was actually Yako's biological mother. He said calmly and shamelessly:

"I'm looking for something in my own house, what's the problem."


The second coach lowered his eyes and looked at the blue bikini he held tightly behind his back. He rarely looked down upon him and asked:

"You did it with me from the Devil's Land?"

"Huh?...Well, how did you know, where is Akko."

"Yako is clamoring to play with Fu Zhu, I'm at your house."

She didn't bother to answer the unnecessary useless questions. Held was well aware of her own charm and the shameless character of Sugar Cane.

Held's amber eyes looked at the embarrassed Ye Lin, and immediately, a few trembling voices asked him: "Are you the subject of time power?"

Ye Lin was almost stunned. What she heard in her ears was a tone that she had never heard before. She was hesitant, disbelieving, and afraid that her question would be answered in the negative.

He took a deep breath and decided to tell the truth, saying: "It is still difficult for Terra to recover. It involves the supreme divine war. That period of time and space has solidified and become the "cause" of all subsequent events. If I deny Terra's destruction, it is equivalent to denying all the future. everything of."

Although the bad woman is the Riddler herself, she particularly hates the Riddler.

Held looked slightly disappointed. She had been mentally prepared for it, but she still felt strongly unwilling to accept it when she heard it with her own ears.

"But~" Ye Lin proudly sold out the twist, enjoying the pleasure of playing with the bad woman with great interest, and said in the face of Held's slightly annoyed expression:

"Although I can't restore everything in Terra, I can steal some insignificant things from that frozen time and space, such as your family members who died in the disaster."

"But I want to remind you that your mentality and appearance have changed drastically over the endless years. You are no longer the same person you were before, and they will not recognize you now."

Finally, Ye Lin said seriously: "Give you time to think about whether you want them to come back completely, or whether you want to see them once."

Held fell into a silent silence, turned around and walked towards the window, looking at Terra who only had an octahedral shape left. He couldn't help but feel sad, and many thoughts flashed through his heart.

"So before that~" Ye Lin hugged Held's waist from behind and said with a bit of pleading in his tone:

"Can we have someone new join the team?"

Held calmly moved his paw away and said, "No time, relatives are here."

"Nonsense! Your body has transcended. Your body has been tempered many times and is pure and flawless. How can you still have the menstruation of an ordinary woman?"

"I'm a stand-in."

"The avatar and the main body share the soul and origin, and their strength is obviously the same. And don't you still have..."

"My gums are bleeding too."

"I'm a vampire."

"When were you bitten by Hai Yili?"


At the zoo in Wuxuan territory, Ye Lin lay on the railing and watched Master Di chewing bamboo.

Lazy, sluggish, and fat, he is a perfectly fat house, but he is very popular.

Ye Lin asked it if it had any idea to practice the secret method of the soul.

"Give it to me." Master Di crawled over with his fat body and said through the voice: "If this is our fate, there is no way I can escape it."

"It would be great if the big turtle had your awareness."

"I've accepted the secret technique. Can you ask the administrator to throw some meat for me? I've been chewing bamboo and fruit all day, and my mouth is numb."

Grandis, a good student, held a green bamboo in his hand and threw it to the black and white bear crawling on the ground with great interest.

So cute!

"Hey, why don't you eat~"

Grandis had long heard that there was a super cute and humane black and white bear in the Demon Realm, so he happened to come over to take a look at it in the name of inspecting the Demon Realm's church.

Ye Lin hinted to Master Di, eat, eat quickly. If you don't eat, you will only have bamboo in the future.

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