Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 308: If you want it, take it

He poked Celia's arm and looked a little weird: "Didn't you say that you sold the store to the owner of another hotel? I thought it was a fat-bellied boss with a smooth head..."

Before Celia could answer him, Miraz, whose voice was hidden behind the mask, answered first: "I run a small hospital and occasionally let people with serious injuries stay."

Probably realizing that wearing a mask was rude, she reached out and took off the mask, revealing a very delicate and gentle face.

She has cherry lips, green eyes, and eyebrows as thin as willows. She is not stunningly beautiful, but she gives people a pleasing and comfortable feeling.

"Hello, I am Miraz and I am also a doctor."

Celia and Tana still have a lot of affection for the hotel. After some discussion, they felt that staying in the hotel was not bad, and it was half their home.

And usually when traveling together like this, Celia would never do anything like paying, so Ye Lin was the one who came, and he was a few steps behind.

"That child..." Miraz's eyes were full of tenderness, staring at the elf in the cheerful blue dress, seeming to be talking to himself, or asking him: "Has she awakened?"

Ye Lin took out the money for a moment. Of course he knew that the awakening he was asking about was not a level or improvement in strength, but the awakening of the apostle's power.

Celia has always hidden the apostle's ability that even she herself doesn't know about.

He shook his head and replied: "Not yet, it's just that the memories of the ancient elves were awakened by the remains of the elves in the Grand Forest."

Miraz nodded slightly, then looked at him seriously: "Have you seen Sauron? How is the child?"

When Sauron lost his parents because of Shilok, it was Miraz who found the little girl curled up and crying on the grass with the help of his vague memory and sense of involvement, and pulled her into the big girl she is now.

Ye Lin sighed deeply. He also had a headache for Sauron: "The situation is not optimistic. Sauron is getting more and more irritable."

Miraz quietly glanced at the magic sword behind him, and seemed to have some understanding. His tone was gentle but sincere: "That's it, if you need the thing in my body, you can take it away at any time. If you can take it away, Damn it, that couldn’t be better.”

Ye Lin was a little surprised to hear this. He should be referring to one of Shilok's seven consciousnesses. He was indeed the prophet with the strongest prediction ability.

"Poor child, protect her..."

After leaving another gentle request, Miraz smiled and walked towards the hotel. He didn't know for a moment whether this protection referred to Celia or Sauron.

Miraz also made no secret of the fact that he had some prophecy ability. The clean and decent hall and the furniture were almost the same as before they left, with only a little fragrance of herbs mixed in.

She seems to have been waiting for Celia to come back.

Dinner was fresh soft bread, vegetable salad, and a large portion of mushroom soup, all of which Miraz had picked in the forest.

Miraz's gentle temperament was probably influenced by his career as a doctor. His clean eyes warmed people's hearts and he quickly won their favor.

At night, the hotel lobby was illuminated by warm lights. Celia was happily telling interesting stories about her experience as a boss. Miraz was sorting the herbs he had obtained during the day, but his eyes couldn't help but drift towards Celia. .

This extremely caring attitude made Reni whisper whether Celia was Miraz's long-lost sister, which was unanimously agreed upon.

Dong Dong~!

Suddenly, there was a strong knock on the originally locked hotel door, and an urgent cry for help: "Is the doctor here? Please help me, my companion is injured!"

The atmosphere in the lively hotel lobby suddenly stopped. Miraz bowed apologetically and smiled. After opening the door, there were two adventurers with sweaty foreheads. Judging from their clothes and weapons, they were both swordsmen.

One of them had an extremely obvious wound on his thigh. Blood soaked the entire trousers and was still flowing down his ankle.

His face turned pale due to excessive blood loss, and he had no choice but to be carried on his body by his companions, and his consciousness gradually became unclear.

The adventurer carrying his companion said anxiously: "This bleeding can't stop! Bandages and herbs are useless. Please help me find out what's going on."

Ye Lin took the initiative to go over and help lay the wounded man down. He moved his fingertips slightly, tore open his trousers and checked, and his eyes suddenly condensed.

Touching the wound about half a foot long, the skin and flesh were cut open, it seemed to be the claws of some kind of animal.

"The bloodthirsty cat demon? The fleshy wounds it scratches will bleed endlessly. Where did you meet it?" Ye Lin asked.

Seeing that this mysterious man could determine the cause of the injury at a glance, the slightly bearded and anxious adventurer felt relieved and said in admiration:

"It's the Grand Forest. The forest has been very uneasy recently. Except for Graka, which is guarded by the bull-headed king Sauta and is safe and sound, this extremely aggressive cat demon has been discovered in other dark forests."

Sauta was once blessed by the Grand Forest. Although he was invaded by the black nightmare, he saved his life after being placed under the magic circle of the Bone Hell Breath Trap.

Isabella's pretty face has changed a little. How powerful the transfer experiment must be to cause some aftermath and allow the cat demon to mutate to this extent.

He used a World Instrument to relieve the abnormal state of bleeding. Celia healed most of the wounds. She was moved by the scene and subconsciously reached out to ask for money, but he hurriedly caught her.

Miraz applied some herbal medicine, accepted three gold coins as a token, and gave one to Yelin and Celia each.

The adventurer who was carrying his companion thanked him profusely and was about to go out when he suddenly turned around and said, "You are... Celia, right? Your former boss? I have heard of your reputation for friendliness."

The adventurer thanked him and left, but Celia was a little dazed until she was pinched by Ye Lin before she came back to her senses.

After deciding on the action plan for the next day, they all went back to their houses to sleep, but Celia and Tana went back to the tree hole.

The fully grown hollow tree can reach six to seven meters in diameter and more than fifteen meters in height. The trunk is tough and can withstand wind and rain.

After hollowing out the interior and combining it with a reasonable structure, it is possible to build an exquisite two-story or even three-story natural small building.

Celia's treehouse is very clean and tidy, with a second-floor configuration and a faint fresh smell unique to trees.

"Suddenly I felt that it would be good for us to go back to Grand Forest to live in the future." Celia said to him while taking off her makeup and changing into pajamas.

Ye Lin just brought two glasses of juice from downstairs and nodded: "That's all good. How about letting Alice open another dimensional door? In fact, if it weren't for the threat of cat demons and goblins, Alvin's defense line would be completely Tourism and forestry can be developed.”

He only needed a gem with abundant magical energy as the coordinate, and with his relationship with Douzi, it was not a big problem to open a door.

"You said..." Celia took the juice and took a sip, quite curious:

"Will our manor in Hedunmar become a meeting point of space in a certain sense, and we can go to Vanes, Xuzu, Vetalun? or even heaven anytime and anywhere in the future?"

Regarding this seemingly complicated but very conceptual idea, he pondered for a while and joked: "Then we have to establish a good relationship with Memit first, otherwise the big lion head will collect tolls."

The nights at the Alvin Line are not silent. There are insects and frogs chirping outside the hollow trees. This is a gift from nature that is not only non-disturbing but also appropriate for the occasion.

The hollow tree house has two floors. The first floor is the living room and bookshelf. There are several large, soft plush cushions in the middle. Tana used to come here to play every day.

The second floor is the bedroom and observatory. Because the hollow tree is more than ten meters high, you can use a ladder to see the unobstructed pure starry sky from the window.

Celia stepped on the small ladder and lay on the window staring at the stars and the large light blue magic circle in the distance, with a touch of satisfaction and contentment on her lips.

The small ladder can only carry one person, but Ye Lin sitting below is also very satisfied.

Holding a drink in his hand, half leaning on the trunk of the hollow tree, he could see beautiful blue cloud patterns, as well as roundness and fullness in his sight.


The next day, Ye Lin was distributing, or repeating, the plan made last night.

"Please, while you are playing nearby, clear away any bloodthirsty cat monsters that may appear. We will go to Billmark to find the reason for the roar and the appearance of the bloodthirsty cat monster."

In addition to the usual team configuration, those who went to the testing site also included Princess Isabella, and three additional victims of the transfer experiment.

Reni was full of confidence and patted his chest: "Hmph, you little kitten demon, you can catch it at your fingertips."

Taylor twirled the revolver on his fingertips, becoming even more eager to try: "Lorian, do you want a competition to see who can kill more?"

"Okay, but the loser has to call the other person sister!"

Luo Lian was naturally not to be outdone, and even made a bet. It was time to give the blond war a test to put an end to it.

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