Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 3086 Guessing with the Gods

Chapter 3087 Guessing with the Gods

You Yu appeared coldly at the door of the palace, with the bright light of lightning flowing around her body. Her speed after chasing the Swift Star was already comparable to that of lightning. The moment she made eye contact with Ye Lin, her figure swayed slightly.

She left behind a phantom that was indistinguishable to the naked eye. The dagger that tore through the air had already pierced the back of Ye Lin's heart. The cold moonlight flowed in every corner of the palace.

The blue-red "Star" dagger was a gift given to her by the Swift Star. It was made of unknown material and could cut through almost all matter and even souls. It also had a rare demon-breaking effect.

Any magic defense is like a piece of white paper under the attack of the stars. It can be torn clean by any force, thus directly attacking the enemy's vital points.

Ye Lin responded with a calm expression, raised his hand to grab the seemingly empty space in front of him, accurately grasped You Yu's wrist holding the star dagger, praised him, and said: "Not bad, create two phantoms to confuse the enemy. Most people would be dead if they were caught off guard, but your speed is almost enough to melt them away."

The stars are only an inch away from the dense blood vessels in the neck.

After saying that, Ye Lin pressed his fingers hard, and You Yu's wrist was sore that he was forced to let go of the dagger. It dropped to the ground with a clang, and then his upper body was forced by Ye Lin to lie on the desk beside him, followed by the sound of the belt being untied.

Minette, who was wearing a pair of over-the-knee boots, was stunned. From her and Meiya's perspective, You Yu's figure just disappeared from the door, and then in the blink of an eye, You Yu lay down and the sugar cane went in. .

It’s too fast!

"Take me one!"


Ye Lin closed the bedroom door and left the top floor of the Dark City Palace. He felt refreshed and not tired at all.

Then he found Alicia who was guarding the entrance on the top floor and asked her to prepare some food and send it up in two hours.

"Alicia, have you practiced your sword skills recently and made any progress? Feng Ying won't take you fishing again."

Alicia is good at double-sword swordsmanship, which happens to be similar to Fengzakura's swordsmanship. In addition to a Thousand Flower Sword, the latter can also use internal power to create an off-hand sword, which is also a double-sword swordsmanship.

Since Ye Lin could never concentrate on teaching Alicia, who was in good shape, he entrusted it to Siatt. After Siatt taught him for a while, he passed it on to Feng Ying, who was more suitable, and Feng Ying was good at fishing.

The three talented, big-breasted and beautiful apprentices Ye Lin personally selected, Alicia, Yun Mi, and Reni, are now being taught by the eldest lady and Feng Ying, and he is almost sitting back and enjoying the results.

Alicia smiled and explained for her master, saying: "No, I only go fishing occasionally. Master Fengying is giving me good guidance."

One of the specialties of the Dark Elves is fish farming in underground rivers. Because its meat is delicate and extremely delicious, it is very popular with human society. It is currently an important industry in Vanness and has entered into artificial breeding.

Feng Ying often goes fishing in the ancient tombs. Since there are still a small number of fallen Balrogs remaining there, no dark elves are willing to risk going there, and the resources of wild underground river fish are relatively abundant.

Of course, whether you can catch or not catch has nothing to do with resources.

Ye Lin raised his head and noticed that You Yu had calmed down, so he smiled at Alicia and said, "I'm free today, how about we practice sword skills."

"Really, that's my honor!" Alicia's eyes lit up immediately after hearing this. In her opinion, when it comes to swordsmanship, Lord Ye Lin must be better than Master Feng Ying.

The two temporarily left the palace and were not far away. Ye Lin casually marked out an area for practice. The power of space flowed, creating a spacious and huge martial arts field that no one could see or approach.

Ye Lin took out an iron sword, nodded to Alicia, and said, "I will suppress my strength to your level. You can attack me but don't hold back."

"Lord Ye Lin, then I am offended." Alicia cupped her hands first, and then drew out the two swords with cold white blades. They said they were double swords, but in fact the curved shape was closer to two long daggers.

In an instant, Alicia struck with the force of thunder and slashed one of the swords head-on. The sword light tore through the air and made a screaming sound, but the other sword strangely hit the chest and heart.

Ye Lin calmly raised his sword to parry, and instantly deflected the two swords with an upward move. Alicia completed the seemingly uncoordinated attack very sharply and perfectly.

However, compared to the sharp sword light that passed through her, Ye Lin was more concerned about the full arc of Alicia's chest, which swayed greatly with the movement.

I'll see if this girl isn't wearing a protective cover inside.

After parrying for more than ten rounds, Ye Lin seized the lightning-quick opportunity and pointed Fantie Sword at Alicia's heart. After her body froze, he said: "The real battlefield is not a practice. There will be people with you." Fight with all your might and trade injury for death, you have to be careful.”

"Okay, learned."

Alicia nodded and then backed away, took up her stance, and attacked again.

The results of the seven consecutive competitions were without exception. Alicia was defeated. The best result she achieved was that her sword was only one centimeter away from Ye Lin's shoulder.

"Take a rest." Ye Lin took out a drink to restore her magic power and gave it to her.

Alicia took the drink and took a sip, and said with sincere admiration: "Master Yelin, you are indeed the strongest adventurer."

She was considered a genius of the dark elf clan. She studied under Feng Ying and studied diligently, but now she couldn't even touch a corner of Ye Lin's clothes.

"No, this is your shortcoming." Ye Lin looked up and said to Alicia: "I have suppressed my strength, which means that you have a chance to win when I and you are at the same level."

"But Master Ye Lin, I heard that you have reached a incredible and unknown realm." Alicia was arrogant and did not agree with this statement. She believed that her defeat was due to Ye Lin's true realm being too strong, not her swordsmanship. Not fine.

"Alicia." Ye Lin suddenly raised his tone a bit, and his deep gaze made the cunning Alicia freeze up.

"My real strength is stronger than you, and I have seen many swordsmanships that you have never seen before. But if you recall, did I perform any swordsmanship beyond my realm just now?"

Alicia was lost in thought, and she suddenly felt horrified when she recalled it, and a strong fear arose in her heart. Master Ye Lin used all the basic swordsmanship, and the key was to always be able to catch her flaw.

Ye Lin continued: "This proves that you still have shortcomings in swordsmanship. Remember, the truth is simple. If you play guessing games with the gods, the outcome will be determined in one round. Under a fair environment, you may not be able to defeat the gods."

"Yes, Alicia has learned a lesson." Alicia bowed deeply in greeting, ashamed and constantly reflecting on herself. Her recent mentality has been a bit wandering.

The talented beautiful swordsman of Vanes became a legend at the age of less than 120 to 130 years old. She was also lucky enough to be one of the personal guards of Queen Meia.

Not only is it unique among the dark elves, it is also an extremely rare path to advancement.

Alicia was inevitably a little carried away when she became famous at a young age, but now she is just waking up from a dream. She is deeply grateful to Ye Lin for giving her a heads-up and not causing a big mistake in the future because of her arrogance.

Ye Lin swept over the bent Alicia without leaving a trace. She was half the age of Minette, but her development of justice was particularly outstanding, even comparable to the proud Queen Meia.

"Lord Ye Lin..." Alicia still felt his fiery eyes, and her hands holding the swords tightened.

In the past, because her parents were inexplicably involved with the evil necromancer Balerion, Alicia was discriminated against among the dark elves and suffered many unfair treatments.

In the king's ruins, the other party saved her life once, and Alicia believed that Ye Lin was very reliable.

She later took the initiative to rely on Ye Lin, who had made great contributions to the dark elves and was granted a noble status, in order to obtain an identity that would not be discriminated against.

Alicia had long made a secret promise, and now the ambiguous atmosphere gradually emerged in her alone environment. She slowly lowered her face in embarrassment, not knowing what to do for a while.

"Alicia..." Ye Lin had just put his hand on his apprentice's beating heart when he suddenly heard a familiar voice outside.

The owner of the voice did not hide his ridicule at all, but the object of ridicule was not him. "Tsk, Venus, your original sin of jealousy must have exploded. You actually cursed a race."

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