Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 3095 Farming, farming!

Deep in the universe, on an unknown Death Star, Brother Eagle suddenly opened his eyes filled with lightning, and whispered to Isis opposite: "It feels very strange."

In the world of the undead, there are several Transcendents of the Path of God. At this moment, the endless sea of ​​souls surges before their eyes, and shrill wails are heard.

Looking around, the Soul Sea is an unpleasant black liquid with a very viscous texture, which seems closer to a kind of resentful spiritual energy, and has densely packed teeth.

The sound coming from here can capture a person's heart in an instant, awakening the deepest fear in their memory, causing them to go crazy and collapse.

The god of fear, Moros, who once guarded the endless hell, opened a world of the undead within the rules of the universe, also called hell, which is different from the hell dimension of Naiyali.

Only souls carrying the huge sin of disrespect can have a chance to reach the world of the undead within the rules, which are rules recognized by the underworld.

Among them, blasphemy is the greatest disrespect!

The Transcendents of the Path of God in the Immortal World had different shapes, and they were all silent. One or more eyes looked at the being who called himself "Pure" in the distance. Instead of the previous chill, there was a sense of fear.

The other party simply barged in alone, and very roughly stretched out a hand to pinch the form of a transcendent. The palm of the majestic transcendent's body turned into a sparrow-like shape, and he pinched it with just one slap. It exploded, blood splattered.

The other party actually searched the world of the undead and took away a "photo frame" of Lord Moros before leaving happily. During this period, no Transcendent dared to leave him alone.

The gap between the true God and the transcendent of God's path is as great as heaven and earth, and they are incomparable.

Lord Moros, the God of Fear, left for the end of the world not long ago, leaving no incarnation behind. They could only watch each other calmly leave.

In the Dark City, Ye Lin shattered the twisted black hole with a snap of his fingers, smoothing away the aftermath of all the battles. The gray-white bone staff also became Gu Yu's trophy. It was considered a good weapon. The rich soul power was very suitable for death. Spiritualist.

Minette already has the Key to the Styx and can give it to her assistant Viola, the big-breasted assistant who is also a necromancer.

Holy Spirit Lord Aragorn touched his eyebrows in wonder. The contract constraints of the undead world had completely disappeared. At the same time, the death call from the underworld was gradually becoming clearer.

Immediately, he looked at Ye Lin with incredible eyes. He actually went against God, manipulated the rules of the dead at will, and even killed a giant of the undead world in a calm manner.

Aragorn had seen the souls of many disrespectful people trembling in front of the Transcendent, who represented a great terror.

"Dark Elf, I will take care of you within the appropriate scope. You don't have to worry about Moros' revenge." Yelin bowed his hands and asked the Lord of the Holy Spirit to die.

The souls of the dead should fall into the underworld. If they linger in the human world for a long time, they will turn into ghosts and gods, thus attracting the pursuit of Borasi.

"Hahahaha, I will go there." Aragorn laughed heartily, nodded with joy, and then calmly walked towards a door to the underworld that only he could see.

Yelin is a good son-in-law of the dark elves. Not only does he not dislike the "dirty" skin color of the dark elves, but he can also fight against the majesty of the true god for the dark elves. Nakosos has no qualifications to compare with him.

He was very satisfied with his grandson-in-law.

The Holy Spirit Lord Aragorn laughed and disappeared in front of everyone. The light of the beauty goddess Venus also gradually dissipated. He spread his beautiful wings and disappeared into light. No one could see his beautiful true face, which became the strongest regret today. .

The cause and effect of the dark elves and the goddess of beauty Venus has ended. It will take some time to reveal how much brilliance their unlocked talents will add to the magic system of the Arad continent.


The little Laidia returned to the mirror dimension, and she gained the favor of the God of Original Sin. Her sad eyes are now bright and lively, and she can see clearly the sin in the heart of life when she uses the pupil technique.

Queen Meia convened the Senate again regarding the incident of Venus' arrival, and there were many follow-ups to deal with.

Meia was in a happy mood. She smiled and mentioned a very important policy. She had been preparing for it for a long time and could not wait. It would be a milestone for the future development of the dark elves and said:

"I plan to form a group of strong dark elves, carrying tools to reclaim the territory on the ground, increase the area where our dark elves can produce food and livestock, and at the same time obtain a large amount of natural resources."

The Senate and other subjects of the dark elves were immediately shocked. They raised their foreheads in hindsight and looked happy. How could they have forgotten this?

The Kingdom of Vanes has a huge territory on the Arad continent, accounting for about one-sixth of the world's area, and a large area of ​​it is as fertile as the Miranda Plain.

However, because the dark elves have lived in the underground space for many years, they are not adapted to the dazzling light of the sun and cannot carefully take care of crops that need sunlight. As a result, large areas of soil have low productivity and some are almost abandoned, which is extremely regrettable.

Now that the dark elves have lost their photophobia, they can not only live normally on the ground, but also cultivate fertile fields.

Food is a country's top priority at all times. The Dark Elves' current pillar industry is minerals, and they often import food from Belmare when they are short of food.

Moreover, dark elves possess magic. As long as they learn from humans and understand the growth rules and precautions of crops, wouldn't it be possible to have good weather every year and become a major food-producing country?

Farm, farm...!

The corner of Meya's mouth slowly raised slightly. She had been with Ye Lin for a long time, and was strongly infected by his idea that the people should come first in everything, and that food is the first priority for the people.

On the other side, Venus looked coldly at Prana who was laughing so loudly in front of her. After she figured out the ins and outs, she immediately jumped on her face, which made her teeth itch. No wonder the good-tempered Remidios was so angry in the primordial era. Couldn't help but fix her up.

"You can just find a place to play, I have something else to do." Venus turned to leave the Dark City, not wanting to talk to Prana.


Prana's smile stopped suddenly and she asked eagerly: "Where are you going?"

The human world is quite fun, and it has become her habit to ride on Venus's face. Moreover, you didn't explain to me clearly what love is that overrides original sin.

It's one thing for Prana to have brain problems, but it doesn't stop her from wanting to become stronger.

As gods, how could Yelin and Miyanyan be able to defeat the others? She also thought about it.

"My favor has mutated, and I have cursed some people to turn into ugly yakshas. I will deal with it. In this way, all my sins and karma will be cleared, and my strength will improve."

Even if Ye cannot compete with a top god like Remedios when he grows up, he should have no problem beating up Prana.

"Why are you making mistakes everywhere! Take me with you." Prana's interest returned.

Venus ignored her, but looked at Ye Lin with soft and warm eyes, with a drop of autumn water in her mouth, "Will you put my heart in the dust?"

One way to quickly get over your last relationship is to settle on a new relationship.

"No, I will hold you tightly in my arms. You are all my wings."

Venus smiled and unfolded her passive ability, adaptive absolute beauty, and then Prana next to her slowly widened her eyes.

"Shut up!"

Venus' passive ability will only be ineffective against one kind of person, that is, very narcissistic people such as Luo Lian and Prana.

So from Prana's perspective, "she" and Sugar Cane were kissing fiercely, their lips and tongues entangled, and their saliva hooking them together. She was afraid that they would fall together in the next moment.

"Shut up!"

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