Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 3097 Burning Red Cliff

Chapter 3098 Burning Red Cliff

"Venus, let's be serious, what do you like about him? He is such a scumbag, surrounded by so many beauties, some of whom can even rival me in appearance."

Prana was still muttering questions along the way, and her words revealed a full sense of super narcissism.

Yes, I am the owner of the first golden apple. Venus and Remidios have to stand behind me.

Venus, who had arrived on the west coast, stopped, faced the slightly humid sea breeze, and looked at the ships coming and going in the port. She smiled slightly and said: "I don't know, there is no way to use words to explain it specifically. There are many powers that even gods cannot explain."

"You can understand that I was actually looking for something in him that I lacked, and I began to truly stand on the level of God."

Terra, the God of War, once said bluntly that if you don't first become a human, how can you be called a god?

Venus has fallen into the mortal world and fallen into the state of divine body. Now she wakes up and is reborn to override the rules of the world.

Prana first said "嘁~" and muttered in her heart that she would never fall in love with such a guy. Then she smiled and asked about another thing:

"Little Venus, what's the meaning of this name? Have you ever become smaller? A liar will swallow a thousand needles."

Venus chose to ignore it and flew towards the Sky Veil Behemoth.


The prayer ceremony in Dark City has been over for half a day, and the excitement continues. The humans who were attracted took the opportunity to visit the royal city of the dark elves.

The Royal Palace in Dark City is undoubtedly the most eye-catching magnificent building. It is shrouded in a faint magical light. Some shadows that cannot be illuminated by the light only highlight the majesty and mystery of the palace.

Large flattened rocks form a suspension bridge, and the metal chains reveal a violent beauty. Many buildings and flat rock squares are completely connected to the power of the earth, as if a majestic mountain range was hollowed out and carved into the city.

Some scholars who know the history of the Dark Elves stood in the Dark City Square and looked around. Their thoughts could not help but surge in their minds, imagining that in the ancient era nearly two thousand years ago, the Dark Elves cursed by Venus were sad and desperate, roaring to the sky, and Under the leadership of a Holy Spirit monarch, he carved out the mountain with determination, took revenge on the dwarves, and repopulated the land.

The dark elves are a brave and strong race, with the courage to dare to blaspheme and unyielding pride. They no longer need the glory of "elves" and have left immortal monuments in the history of the Arad continent.

With the popularity of the Beauty God Ceremony, Dark City has ushered in a wave of expo-level opportunities. The abundant black tequila, dark river fish, etc., as well as various jewelry, and gadgets with magical power have become the first place for many people to taste and Specialties purchased.

Queen Meia was overjoyed for this, her brain was hot, and she couldn't help herself. She accidentally did many ridiculous things with her best friends and Sugar Cane.

Ganzhe sat cross-legged on the sofa with a "smirk" look on her face. Behind her stood the noble and elegant Queen Meia, the expressionless sisters Youyu Guyu, the excited Minette, and the embarrassed one who was participating in the Silver Pagoda for the first time. of Alicia.

Sugar Cane's fair and soft skin color is in sharp contrast with the five "dark-skinned" girls behind her, and her skin color has a strong impact.


"It's broken, have I turned into a human?" Principal Shalan joked to herself in the Moonlight Tavern. She held a glass of blood-red cocktail on her fingertips. Sosia's new work uses a little bit of Hellman from the devil world. Fruit, let her try it first.

The spiciness of the Herman fruit is different from traditional chili peppers. It has a bit of a metallic and rough taste, which is very hot-blooded and adventurers will like it.

The Venus incident in Dark City may have happened too quickly, or it may have been forgotten. As a member of the New Senate, Shalan was not informed by Meia or Ye Lin.

The Dark Elf Senate has undergone a blood-changing reform. You Yu and Sha Lan are all newly promoted members of the Senate, while Gu Yu is above everything else, similar to Emperor Nian's position in the Xu Ancestor.

It was not until a few days after the incident that Shalan suddenly saw this news in the newspaper, and questions suddenly popped up in her head.


The goddess of beauty, Venus, appears and blesses us dark elves?

No wonder I feel physically relaxed and energetic recently, as if I'm a few years younger, but they didn't notify me.

"Because you have more important work to do." Ganzhe glanced at the proprietress Sosia who was used to cleaning glasses. As a boss, you have to find something to do for yourself and set an example for your subordinates.

Street Fighter Chang Saburo and some of Paris's apprentices often come to the Moonlight Tavern to do odd jobs. They undertake most of the work, including the mixing of ordinary cocktails.

Sothea recently formed a bartenders association to regulate the industry. People with qualification certificates can be welcomed in any pub...with the exception of taverns.

What those taverns focus on is a lively atmosphere, where people gather after work every day to have a drink and chat. They don’t want to ask for any cocktails that are spicy enough, fragrant enough, or refreshing enough.

Principal Shalan gave her a distrustful look. The beautiful woman's frown was full of seductive spring water. She smiled and said: "Tell me, what did I do? You can't explain why." , you will pay for all the expenses at the Moonlight Tavern today."


The Moonlight Tavern immediately burst into applause. There was a spring rain in Hutton Mar today, the air was slightly damp, and the temperature dropped a lot, so there were quite a lot of guests, and there were almost no empty seats.

The dark elf Shalan, and the only elf Sothea on the bright side, these two lively and mature beauties are like the most mellow wine, exuding an alluring smell, which strongly attracts the intoxicated eyes of many drinkers.

Sosia is wearing a curvaceous and sexy red evening dress, which is the bloody flame burning in the cup, and the blue Saran is the fragrant blue rose. The seemingly ascetic color shows strong enchantment and charm. They are better than spirits. It makes people's blood flow even more.

Shalan's "dark skin" not only did not pollute her beauty and sexiness, but added a bit of unique and charming charm.

When she and Sothea stood together, the black and white flowers, the identity of the dark elf and the elf immediately made people think about it. If they could hug each other, they would die in bed tomorrow.

Before Ye Lin came, many people were bragging loudly to their companions about certain things, trying hard to show that they were extraordinary, but in fact they were eager to get the attention of the two mature elves.

Many people are secretly cursing their eyebrows, wondering why they didn't realize that "dark skin" is so attractive before. Unfortunately, the dark elf race is relatively exclusive in terms of marriage for some reasons, and it is almost impossible to fall in love with humans.

I heard that the wife of Aganzuo, one of the famous Four Sword Masters, is a dark elf.

And there is Ye Lin, the strongest adventurer... As expected of him, he discovered the beauty of the dark elves so early.

Ye Lin ignored those envious and jealous looks and spoke eloquently: "Education, well, the dark elves are excellent in terms of magic talent, but I found that the overall cultural level of your dark elves is relatively low, and it is necessary to make changes in this aspect. "

"You are the principal and have education experience. I need you to take the lead."

"Okay, okay, okay, I think what you said makes sense, I'll buy you a drink." Charming, Shalan tapped the rim of the glass with her finger, signaling Sosia to give Ye Lin a glass of the same wine.

Sothea understood immediately and remixed the hot and spicy wine. Then she deliberately added more Hermann fruit juice to the water and pushed the fiery red liquid in front of Ye Lin.

"It tastes really good~" Ye Lin drank half a glass in one go, feeling completely fine and his expression unchanged. Then he was criticized by Shalan, saying that Sothea's wine should be sipped slowly and not gulp down as if she was thirsty.

Sothea felt slightly guilty, looked at his excessively red lips, and said, "Are you really okay? I put in three times the amount of Hermann fruit juice."

In the demon world, the prepared Heerman Fruit is even used as an anesthetic.

"It's okay." Ye Lin nodded, and then fell to the ground like a drunken man. Before Principal Shalan could help him, Ganzhe opened the hem of Sosia's red evening dress with his forehead and said with relish.

Sosia immediately realized what it meant to burn Red Cliff.

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