Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 3101 Gesila’s Big Trouble

The dozing lucky three-tailed cat was disturbed by the strong sound of music on the stage. He opened his drowsy cat eyes, licked his paws and stroked his beard, and rubbed his head hard against Akko's leg.

Yako is warm and fragrant, and the magic power revealed is very pure and delicious. It is indeed the "cat food" that I like.

This carefree cat has experienced two masters: Katie, the elf, and Bibi, the supplicant. Now it stays by Yako's side and refuses to leave.

The earlier owner didn't know, maybe the three-tailed cat never thought of himself as a "pet", and everyone was in a cooperative relationship.

The lucky three-tailed cat's ration is "magic power". Depending on the training system, each person's magic power will have different flavors.

The magic power of fire attribute cultivators is relatively spicy, while the magic power of dark attribute cultivators is very sour and obscure. All cats don’t like the cold ice attribute. Blood and energy cultivators should go away quickly!

Therefore, Lucky Three-tailed Cat prefers the magic of natural flavors, is also very artistic, and also loves classical music with a soothing rhythm.

The lucky three-tailed cat stood up and shook its fur. Not wanting to disturb Yako's mood, he quietly walked out to find spare cat food, Fenai and Xiaoyi.

Because the two of them were too young, Alice and Skadi did not take them to the lively music scene for fear of disturbing them.

In the corner of the auditorium, Alice was looking at the stage intently, her hands gently beating to the same beat. She seemed to be strongly attracted by the band, and smiled:

"Their music contains strong sincerity. What each song wants to express is very clear. There are no idle words. It seems that they are songs written with their own souls."

Queen Skadi also nodded gently with admiration, agreeing very much with her friend's opinion.

I heard that most of the songs were written by Muse. She is talented and artistic. No wonder she surpassed the famous bard Seaman and became the well-deserved C position on the stage.

Every move of Muse can attract everyone's attention, and the melody enhanced by the loudspeaker seems to be no longer just music, but almost a kind of magic.

"There is indeed magic in her music." Alice is an expert in this field and has an excellent vision.

It is said that music is the magic of Muse, and it is also the way for her to practice and become stronger.

After tonight's large-scale performance, the magic of Muse should be much stronger and enter a whole new realm.

Queen Skadi frowned, her expression slowly became serious, and she asked: "Magic? Will there be a situation like Onesy Black?"

As the Queen of the Principality, she must be responsible for the safety of all citizens, including stifling potential dangers.

Oneshi Black was the leader of the Dark Order's choir during the Second Dark Crusade. She used her musical talents to praise Ozma and destroy those who stood in her way.

She loves new sounds, especially the agonized screams of victims, and her song dedicated to Ozma takes on physical form and can produce a series of horrific sonic carnage.

After the Second Dark Crusade, Ozma fell, and Oniesi disappeared. Occasionally, there were rumors that she appeared in the backstreets with a new look.

The Muse's performance turned out to be a collective magical power. Scardy couldn't help but worry about whether it would be harmful to the audience, so he asked Alice for the opinion of the expert.

Alice shook her head slightly and said with a smile: "It's not harmful. Her music can actually bring an auditory feast to the audience. Listen, except for love songs, her songs have strong positive meanings and can inspire people to be kind. A virtuous heart.”

Gain stronger magic through the recognition and cheers of the audience, and in order to become stronger, you must continue to write music that is recognized by the audience.

It can be said that they have complemented each other and achieved each other.

Alice was thoughtful about this and thought it was worth learning from the Muse's practice methods.

If a complete set of systematic cultivation methods could be developed, it might become a brand-new cultivation sect in the Arad continent and take advantage of the situation to promote elegant classical music.

Moreover, the upper limit of this cultivation system can be turned to the goddess of beauty, Venus, who is the path to the gods. She is not only the god of virtue, but also has the most beautiful singing voice and musical talent.

Alice nodded and decided to wait until after the concert to invite Muse to chat.


"The next song, which is also the last song, is called He Mo Ni's Song. It is also the song that our band is most proud of~"

Muse held the divine string bow, her delicately made-up cheeks were sweating slightly and were rosy and charming, but she did not feel tired at all and was full of energy.

The power of their music has been well conveyed and turned into the spring breeze, nourishing everyone's soul.

"The Song of Hemo Ni" is the "killer trumpet" for the Muses and others to appear on the stage of Lidya in the God Realm. It is a song that combines the styles of the five tribes in the God Realm, praising peace and singing about the beautiful White Sea.

I believe it will bring the deepest touch to everyone tonight and also bring the most perfect ending.

"The show begins!"

The muse gently plucked the divine string bow and signaled the start with a few notes. Bala's movements on the drums also slowed down, and the keyboard player Mu Ya played a soothing and melodious melody...

The theme of He Mo Ni's Song is peace. Naturally, it will not have the very exciting rock melody and rhythm just now. The overall style is fresh and soothing. It is a song that can make everyone calm down and enjoy it.

Lead singer Muse was the first to sing softly, "Children of Arad, listen to me..."

The original content of the song was originally from the White Sea area of ​​the God Realm. Taking into account the culture of doing as the Romans do when one goes to the countryside, the Muses and the others carefully rewrote the song of He Mo Ni. Without destroying the original rhythm, they replaced the place names of the God Realm with Ala. Place name in mainland Germany.

Moreover, the band is everyone's band. This song requires everyone to work together to sing, and everyone has a corresponding singing part.

The muse's beautiful singing voice finished singing her part, and the next one was the supplicant Bibi. Her thick and beautiful golden long hair was the envy of countless women. Her long boots, black stockings and tight skirt, she has a temperament that is one-third pure and one-third sexy. Muse, on the other hand, now has a very large fan base.

Siatt jokingly said that they are both from the demon world. Bibi grew up in the direction of Monica, the curator. She must be mature, sexy and charming when she grows up. Bayana and the others grew up in the direction of Katie and Niu. They are beautiful but have nothing. The figure rises and falls,

"The place that appeared in Mom's lullaby..."

The third one is Seaman, a bard who became famous earlier than Muse. She has a beautiful face and fair skin, and the love poems she composed have long been sung throughout the Arad continent.

However, at this moment, Seaman encountered a big problem. Her panicked eyes scanned the enthusiastic audience under the stage, her little heart was beating fast, and more sweat broke out on her forehead.

It’s over, it’s over, oops, oops, it’s about to be my turn!

But I forgot all the lyrics and couldn’t open my mouth. I was going to mess up the last song, even though everyone had been preparing for it for so long.

Seaman lowered her head, her eyes filled with despair and guilt. She really wished that time could stand still at this moment, and then she could sneak out of this big stage and go away from home, hiding her name.

In the stands below, Alice, who had discovered the problem, couldn't bear to cover her eyes. As He-Man's teacher, she knew all about He-Man's old problems.

He-Man used to be tone-deaf, and when he sang, he was all about "emotion" and no technique, just a good read.

There is still another nomination for Yue Na. She also has the same problem. If she is called out with narrow eyes, just praise me and don't sing.

Later, with his own training and everyone's encouragement, Heman gradually became brave and dared to sing loudly.

He-Man once sang a song for the precious peace in the orbital center after the Demon World War. Although she didn't sing well at the time, everyone applauded her warmly.

Later, He-Man became more and more confident and sang better and better, becoming an indispensable member of the beautiful girl band.

But the teacher Alice knew that Seaman's problem actually still existed. As long as he was nervous, he would easily forget his words and go out of tune again.

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