Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 3116 Knowledge is knowledge

Chapter 3117 Knowledge is knowledge

"Indeed, not only has the power of the earth been drained away, but there is also some extremely dirty pollution." Yuena's eyes lit up with the holy light of the archangel, looking directly into the depths of the underground.

The color of the soil looks very abnormal. It is not the common fertile black mud or cinnamon loess, but a complex mixed with mysterious oily substances. Apart from the roots of weeds and shrubs, there are only some insects and earthworms crawling around. None.

Anyway, Feng Ying definitely doesn't like this kind of place. There are no earthworms and no fish.

Muse had a ashamed expression on her face, feeling very ashamed and embarrassed. When she described the divine world to everyone in the Arad continent, she said in an emphatic tone that the divine world is beautiful and peaceful, with picturesque scenery and everyone is friendly. It will definitely make your eyes pop. One light.

But who knows now, the Holy Sage's Call happened to crash into one of the worst areas in the God Realm.

Ludmila blew a loud whistle and sent Miraxiu to investigate the nearby environment to see if there were any traces of human activities. Then she thought thoughtfully and said: "Chongquan is one of the three major areas in the God Realm, and it is also the center of the Mist Mechanical Civilization. The birthplace of the world, it is also the hometown of Lord Kelton the Hermit, and... I can’t remember any more information at the moment.”

Then Muse and other people in the God Realm never expected that someone would stand up and make a detailed supplement. It was the curator in a GBL uniform who was tasked with recording the world's knowledge and had been following the team on their adventures. She smiled and said:

"Well, half of the area in Chongquan is exactly the same as what we see in front of us. The power of the earth veins is damaged and the soil is seriously polluted. It is no longer suitable for normal human habitation. The reason is the environmental deterioration caused by over-exploitation of resources. The glorious fog machine also needs Pay the price."

"The other half of the area has developed quite well. People in the God Realm have begun to pay attention to environmental protection. There are many mechanical cities, using a large number of springs and gears to form many kinds of magical fog machines. They are also the source of 80% of the fog machine products in the God Realm. origin."

"Among them, the most famous thing in Chongquan is Wulan. It is a city and a steel fortress flying in the sky. Legend has it that the design of the hermit Kelton was used. In the divine world, Wulan is called the promised capital and trade In the capital, there are many islands near Wulan... Why are you watching me?"

The curator blinked his confused eyes, and as he spoke, he noticed that everyone was looking at her in surprise, as if they had discovered something incredible in her.

"Director, how come you are more familiar with the God Realm than me, a native of the God Realm." Muse was extremely surprised. He thought that he was not ignorant in the past, or that he lived in seclusion and did not care about the world's affairs. He had a certain understanding of the God Realm. .

But I really didn’t expect that the curator could tell part of the history of Chongquan so fluently and skillfully, as if she was born and raised here, and she was a native of the God Realm.

The curator spread her palms flat, and light emerged. Several thick books pressed her palms down, and she said with a smile:

"The last time I came to the God Realm, I asked Ruiqi to buy me some God Realm history books. Your God Realm pays special attention to memory and inheritance, so the records in the history books are very detailed and rich in content. I spent a lot of time It took me a while to read it.”

‘Ruiqi = Ricky, the translated name is different, use the national service translation instead’

"Ruiqi? Is that the utopian scholar who never produces results and is collectively disliked by the scholars?" Ai Luo, who was eating a lollipop, muttered, obviously hearing about it.

Ruiqi is very "famous".

An eagle's cry came from the sky, which was Mila Xiu's signal. Ludmila immediately closed her eyes after hearing it. When she opened them again, the distant scene was reflected in the depths of her eyes. She and Mila Xiu shared each other. This is the opponent's unique ability of the divine beast.

About twenty miles away, Miraxiu saw three people from the God Realm holding shovels and glass jars in the goldless land. They were talking and walking along the way, not knowing what they were doing.

Miraxiu's sharp eagle eyes also saw clearly the other party's uniform robes and the tooth-shaped badge fastened to the collar. It was obvious that the three of them belonged to the same unknown organization in the God Realm.

Ye Lin learned the news about the discovery of people from the God Realm from Ludmila. He nodded and said, "Let's repair the Saint's Call first and then go to the foggy mechanical city in Chongquan to have a look."

If it weren't for the very special material used to build the Holy Sage's Call and the protection of Mo Mei's mental energy before, the ship made of steel would have been ruthlessly destroyed in the storm and lightning.

Mailu put her hands on the broken mast. The thick mast quickly recovered like a dead tree and stood upright again. Ye Lin got a new sail canvas and Siatt and the others worked together to pull the rope and hang the sail. It took about a quarter of an hour. Fixed an issue with the exterior of the Sage's Call.

This ship has a special meaning to Ludmila. It is definitely not just a means of transportation. It carries a certain deep memory, so deep that she does not want to dream about it.

The Sage's Call raised its sails again, and powerful magic flowed through the hull. It slowly lifted into the sky and set sail in the direction identified by the curator, heading towards the residential area of ​​​​Chongquan.

Everyone stood on the deck and looked down. The devastated land made people's hearts tremble. The mines with different appearances but the same huge were filled with sewage, like painful scars that would never heal. It was extremely Dazzling.

According to the curator, Kelton the Hermit led the second glorious golden age of the God Realm, which was the Age of Mist Machines. The power of the Mist Machines greatly liberated the hands of people in the God Realm, allowing a qualitative leap in productivity levels.

There is no denying the revolutionary significance of the Mist Machine to the divine world.

It is true that the energy source used by fog machines is the ubiquitous fog in the God Realm, but manufacturing fog machines ranging from a pair of fog boots to heavy machinery and airships that open roads requires a large amount of metal and airships. Other materials to support.

The people of the God Realm in the Second Golden Age were once obsessed with the power of metal. The Jin people with the ability to use five elements of gold became a hot and popular group in the God Realm.

Mu Ya, the band’s keyboardist, is from the Jin ethnic group.

The curator continued: "In other words, the birth of the Mist Machine is the Industrial Revolution. The manufacturing process will inevitably require a large amount of resource support, and will also produce a large amount of industrial waste and pollution. At that time, it was difficult for people who were immersed in crazy development to take the initiative to understand to the need to protect the environment.”

Therefore, the glorious second golden age of the God Realm cost nearly half of the area of ​​Chongquan. This is an inevitable sacrifice.

The Saint's Call slowly passed through the Goldless Land, and on the way met the team of personnel that Mila Xiu had observed before, consisting of two men and one woman, wearing uniforms.

Ye Lin and Ludmila jumped off the Saint's Call and took the initiative to approach the team of three people. Ye Lin felt that the tooth-shaped badges on their collars looked familiar, while Ludmila was eager to inquire from the people of the God Realm. Some news.

"Hello." Ludmila said hello, but something strange happened. The trio looked at her very warily, stretched out their hands to signal her not to come over, and then carefully looked at the Saint's Call hovering in the air.

"This ship looks a bit like the Blue Eagle Pirates." One of the gray-haired old men speculated, which was immediately recognized by another middle-aged man.

The middle-aged woman with an ordinary face and glasses nodded and said, "It's very similar. The style of the ship is full of aggression. The iconic pointed spear on the bow should be right."

After speaking, the three people immediately took out the fog mechanical weapons on their bodies and stood on guard, warning them: "There is a patrol team from Chongquan in the Goldless Land, you should get out of here."

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