Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 3122 Doing hundreds of millions of small businesses

Chapter 3123 Doing hundreds of millions of small businesses

Kamerin frowned and looked up at the Holy Spirit runes swimming in the air. Each rune exuded a powerful aura and glowed with light of different attributes. The lines of the Holy Spirit runes vaguely explained something. A mysterious secret.

She stood up suddenly, left a message, "Don't move, wait for me," and walked quickly into the study.

About two minutes later, Carmelin came back with a square crystal, an ink pen, and a piece of magic paper with excellent quality.

"Crystal is the image crystal of our divine world. It can record what you see and transfer it to paper, and it can be used multiple times."

Kamelin raised the crystal and asked sincerely: "Guests from afar, can I, Kamelin, the guardian of the earth, leave an image for you? Everything that happened today is very meaningful."

"Of course." Celia agreed happily. Her name will definitely be resounding in the God Realm in the future, so it doesn't hurt to be photographed in advance now.

Ludmila, who had been standing by the window looking at the streets of Vilna with her thoughts on her mind, not saying much, only regained her composure when Camerin was busy, turned around and asked: "The information recorded by the Guardian of the Earth, They will all be sent to the Star Turtle Library."

In other words, Carmelin believed that the significance of this incident as "a visitor from the world outside the mist" was enough to qualify the Guardian of the Earth to write.

"Yes, it will be sent there." Kamelin lowered her head, quickly wrote the star text of the God Realm with a magic pen, and said at the same time:

"Your appearance is of great significance to the God Realm, and it is worthy of me to record. But how can I put it, I always feel that it lacks a bit of gorgeous shock, and the Baiyun Valley in the White Sea guards the shipping route thousands of years ago. Unexpectedly You have actually arrived at Chongquan.”

Ludmila nodded slightly and said: "It is indeed of great significance. I thought you would think we were joking when we told the truth about our identities."

Kamerin continued to lower her head and write quickly, and said: "Most people will indeed think that you are lying. The watchers of Baiyun Valley are also ridiculed by the people of the gods in other areas for being a bunch of deadheads, but I am the guardian of the earth. I know almost everything about the divine world from ancient times to the present, and I believe you."

After Ye Lin showed completely different power attributes, she immediately chose to believe it and was very decisive. This was due to her unique identity and the huge amount of knowledge that her identity brought.

Ludmila, a native of the God Realm, stood by the window and did not come over. Kamerin thought that Yelin and others did not understand the star writing in the God Realm, so she wrote some more of her own comments when recording the incident.

"He has a handsome appearance, a tall figure, and a particularly attractive pair of eyes. I think he is married, and he has multiple wives... he is a philanderer."

Ye Lin glanced at the star text written by Kamelin, and was secretly surprised that he was one of the guardians of the earth realm of the God Realm. He had such high talents and reasoning abilities, and he looked a bit like the youngest of the "girl in white tuxedo".

Not only can he understand it, but Celia can understand it too, and Mailu can understand it even more.

"Turtle...Xiaoxing, come here." Kamerin waved to the Constellation Turtle who had been staying by Mailu's side. This simple but important information must be sent to Qian Haitian first. She will provide the follow-up details in her free time. Supplement carefully.

The reason why Kamerin was so anxious and wrote on the spot instead of entertaining guests was because various information showed that the world outside the mist was linked to a legendary thing...the Seal of Heaven!

Now that visitors from outside the mist have arrived, it is necessary for the three guardians of the earth realm and the record-keepers scattered throughout the God Realm to pay attention to the news about Lord Mar and the Seal of Heaven.

The legend clearly records that the Seal of Heaven and the people who hold it can solve all problems in the divine world.

"Sorry, let's go on, is there anything you need me to do?" Kamerin sent the information to Qian Haitian and looked at Celia, who seemed to be very concerned about her identity.

Celia smiled and said directly: "I want to set up a chamber of commerce in the God Realm to do hundreds of millions of small businesses, and I want you to become a collaborator."

"This is not very good." Kamelin looked embarrassed after hearing this and said, "I can help you get established in Chongquan, tell you how to set up a chamber of commerce, what are the procedures, etc. We can be friends, but I can't I’m sorry to be your partner.”

The Guardians of the Earth Realm have a very special meaning in the God Realm, because the three Guardians of the Earth Realm are derived from the three hermits... Therefore, they who have high reputations in the God Realm must not become a member of a certain force, otherwise they will lose Noble neutrality will be deprived of the qualifications of the guardian of the earth.

"Is it the prototype of judicial independence?" Celia pondered in her heart, not surprised at all by Camerin's rejection.

My curator is already half-experienced in the God Realm, and there is also Ludmila, who is well aware of many of the "rules" of the God Realm.

"We will be very good friends." Celia smiled confidently and added: "Then, if I do something worthy of being recorded by the Guardian of the Earth, will you take out your real pen for me?"

"For example... I can change the harsh environment of the Goldless Land, or provide excellent alchemical formulas, herbs to treat diseases, hold a grand concert, kill powerful monsters, etc."

Kamerin nodded without thinking and said: "Of course I will personally record things that are beneficial to the God Realm for you and send them back to the Star Turtle Library. Through the pens of recorders from various places, I will write articles praising you."

"However, the recording conditions are quite strict. It is not allowed to help an old lady cross the road."

She was hinting at "visitors from the world outside the mist". Only things of this level are worthy of being written by the guardian of the world. Otherwise, it would be enough for an ordinary recorder to write about it.

"Then, happy cooperation." Celia smiled and stretched out her hand in front of Kamerin. The latter was stunned for a moment when he saw this, frowned slightly, and thought carefully that he probably didn't say anything that couldn't be reached. After confirming Shake hands with Celia.

"You, the guardian of the realm, seem to be very busy. You are also responsible for killing monsters." Celia was chatting with Kamerin, usually planning in her mind what she would do next.

It can be busy, but also fulfilling.

Being the Guardian of the Earth Realm is not only Carmelin’s special identity, but also the fact that Carmelin can bring about all the past history of the God Realm.

"Well..." Kamerin nodded in distress, vomiting bitterly and complaining.

The duties of the Guardian of the Earth Realm in the God Realm were initially to mediate and judge conflicts and conflicts between people in the God Realm, which was the judicial power mentioned by Celia, and to record all "agreements".

The reason why the guardians of the earth realm have this ability and qualification is because they are indeed related to the three hermits in the divine realm.

There is no concept of country in the God Realm. The three hermits are the supreme leaders of the God Realm and the leaders who are expected by everyone in the God Realm.

Later, with the passage of time and development, the hermits rarely appeared in public, and the rights and obligations of the guardians of the realm gradually became larger and larger, including a series of tasks such as killing monsters, purifying monsters, exploring unknown areas, Resolve economic disputes and other work.

To put it simply, you can go to the Earth Guardian for any troubles.

Similar in nature to the highest priest in the heaven, it was originally just a ceremony and position set up by Irina to pray for the blessings of all beings in the heaven, but later it gradually became the holder of power.

"But we only have three earth guardians, and we don't have the skills to do everything, so we can't just take care of everything." Kamelin held up her forehead, not to mention there were three, and she felt that even thirty people were not enough.

"You are also responsible for pirate affairs?" Ye Lin asked.

"Yes, when pirates attack the Chamber of Commerce or other people's airships, the Guardians of the Earth have to take care of them, but the pirates are unreasonable and behave barbarically. They directly ignore our existence and will not accept mediation at all."

Ludmila, who was standing by the window, didn't feel offended, because what Carmelin said was basically the truth, and thieves were also thieves.

Her former Blue Eagle Pirates did indeed ignore the Earth Guardian...

"I have destroyed quite a few pirate ships, but the guardians of the realm rarely leave their jurisdiction. In addition, most pirates live outside the land, so they just stop after attacking. If they run to the sea, I will return it." There is really no other way but to offer a reward for the hunters to go."

Thanks to the boss "_Gou Chen_" for the 2000 point reward.

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