Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 3138 Illusion in Illusion

Chapter 3139 Illusion in Illusion

The slender mysterious man turned into a black shadow and arrived at Baiyun Lighthouse in an instant. His thin figure stood at the base of the lighthouse, looking coldly at the light above that penetrated the two worlds.

The base of the Baiyun Lighthouse is covered and decorated with exquisite and smooth stones. Under the cold moonlight, it reflects the gloomy and cold face of the mysterious man, showing the color of heavy ink.

His eyes and hair were a ghostly blue, with light that seemed to come from the underworld. The cloak raised behind him looked like a tattered animal skin, and he held a weapon that looked like a sword or a gun in his hand.

"Although it's only the first-level form, I haven't seen this look for a long time." The mysterious man said calmly, as if nothing had happened to his monster-like face.

There was nothing he could do. If he wanted to tear apart those false oaths, he had to release his power a little.

The power of the White Cloud Monitor alone won't work, it's too far behind.

The moonlight reflected a strange yet familiar face, revealing something evil but still traceable. After a closer look, I suddenly realized that he seemed to be Largo, the white cloud watcher who had been bumping and wrestling during the day.

Largo indifferently raised the weapon with powerful aura flowing in his hand, and was about to destroy the Baiyun Lighthouse that had just witnessed the oath today.

Suddenly he frowned and stopped attacking, then slowly put down his spear.

No, this is actually not good, or not perfect enough.

Directly smashing the Baiyun Lighthouse will certainly cause a strong commotion and severely trample on their agreement and dignity, but all the emotional anger will be vented on the "person" who smashed the Baiyun Lighthouse.

What he wants is not just to watch them go crazy on the spot, that is too simple and too boring. What he wants to see is the complete trampling of the so-called agreement, oath, trust, those bullshit disgusting things, and the garbage in the ditch. goods.

Largo gradually revealed a sinister and chilling smile, and suddenly he had a wonderful idea.

A method that makes the gods and heavens who have just established diplomatic relations be suspicious of each other, and then gradually intensify the conflicts until they completely collapse, be separated forever, and even cause a war between the two worlds.

The "tattered" animal skin cloak rolled up Largo's body and disappeared into the Baiyun Lighthouse, as if he had never appeared here. Then Ye Lin and Mo Mei walked out from the other side of the lighthouse and looked up at the two A beacon of light to the world.

Mo Mei nodded her chin and muttered in confusion: "No one in the Baiyun Valley noticed it, and there were no guards near the lighthouse. The monster was just approaching."

"Well, there is indeed no guard at the lighthouse today. It may be due to the embarrassment of Baiyun Valley. They didn't pay much attention to this place before." Ye Lin guessed the reason why there was no guard here.

First of all, the Baiyun Lighthouse has not been connected to another world for a thousand years. The lighthouse was once abandoned and useless, with only a decorative effect.

And because Baiyun Lighthouse is located at the highest location, people from Baihai suggested that it be used as an ordinary airship lighthouse.

Although it played some effective roles, it always gave people an awkward feeling. The guidepost of the world became an ordinary lighthouse, seeming to laugh at the futility of waiting in Baiyun Valley.

Therefore, Baiyun Lighthouse is maintained on a daily basis, but it is not taken too seriously. Usually someone will only take a look at it from a distance in the second half of the night. If they find that the lighthouse is still on, they will close the door and go back to sleep.

Tonight, Great Elder Lu Tan held a warm celebration to celebrate the fulfillment of the oath, and no one came here.

Ye Lin took Mo Mei's hand and disappeared into Baiyun Lighthouse. Everything was under his control. The remaining voice disappeared in the wind, "Let's follow, our evil heart can no longer be hidden."

Largo traveled all the way east, first leaving the Baiyun Lighthouse, and then passing through the territory of the Baiyun Valley. The windy and surging sea did not stop his steps, just like a black night crow passing silently through the air. .

Mo Mei looked at the direction and frowned. This guy had no intention of stopping yet. He probably wanted to follow the lighthouse's guiding light all the way to heaven.

"We are about to reach the foggy area. What exactly does he want to do?" Mo Mei looked at her boss, who nodded to show his understanding.

During the day, Yuena's Holy Eye secret method revealed Largo's true appearance hidden under his delicate skin at a glance.

There is a "demon" with a twisted soul hidden in the Baiyun Valley. His twisted form is definitely not human.

Yuena pointed it out directly without alerting the snake, thinking that there might be a hidden secret that she didn't know about.

Then at the celebration banquet in the evening, Ye Lin tested the white silk Ai Lixi and Shu Mo, as well as the big-breasted Rui Er. They all showed a strong dislike for monsters and demons.

So Ye Lin felt that they probably didn't know about Largo's special situation, so he was slightly curious about the reason and purpose of Largo hiding in Baiyun Valley.

"Largo has entered the fog. He is not really going to the heaven." Mo Mei whispered, a trace of chaotic thoughts flashed in her eyes. If it was harmful to the heaven, she would slap Largo to death.

There is a huge mist barrier between the heaven and the gods. There are reef undercurrents everywhere inside, full of mysterious energy. Compasses and other scientific instruments will temporarily fail here.

Sea ships are almost impassable, and only certain sturdy airships can travel between the two worlds guided by the light of the lighthouse.

Largo did not go deep into the fog. His purpose was not to bring trouble to the world of heaven by himself, but to create a trigger for violent conflict between the two worlds, thereby trampling on the ridiculous agreement and the so-called peace.

"It's almost here." Largo stopped and raised his left hand with dark purple skin and five sharp fingers. A ball of evil energy filled with black thunder and lightning was born, exuding thrilling and terrifying energy.

I saw Largo throwing the demonic energy into the mist, and then he showed a satisfied look when he saw that they blended perfectly with the mist.

As if he had thought of the next good show, Largo couldn't help laughing a few times, laughing proudly and freely, but his face was filled with a sinister and unknown ferocity.


He set up a powerful illusion on the only path in the fog. All airships traveling here will fall into the illusion.

Coupled with the effect of the foggy area that can cause all instruments to malfunction, the pilot mistakenly thought that he was continuing to follow the lighthouse's beam, but he did not know that he had deviated far from the original channel.

By the time they discovered the anomaly, it was already too late. Perhaps they would not notice the anomaly at all, and the danger contained in the mist would destroy the ship and sink it into pieces, killing people and sinking into the sea.

In the future, fragments of shipwrecks may occasionally be recovered from the coast.

As long as the next few voyages fail to return, the worlds on both sides will fall into deep suspicion, doubting the authenticity of the lighthouse beam and the "goodwill" of each other's world, and even today's group of forerunners in the heavens will suffer and be covered. He was reputed as a liar and was hated by the entire divine world.

And little Shu Mo, haha, such a cute child, will probably fall into a state of strong self-doubt due to wrong trust and testimony, and the people in Baihai will no longer trust her.

You might even cry, hahahaha~

All trust, agreements, and witnesses will collapse one by one. What a wonderful scene. Largo's body is trembling slightly when he thinks of these, and he can't wait to see such a future.

Very good, it's almost time. It's time to go back and return to your identity as the White Cloud Monitor.

Largo smiled evilly, turned around and left, returning along the original path by the light of the lighthouse.

But everything didn't go as smoothly as he thought.

Something Largo never expected happened. He wanted to follow the light of the lighthouse back to the Baiyun Valley. His quick movement could cover thousands of miles overnight.

Now the soul senses that more than an hour has passed, but he has never been able to leave the scope of the fog.

"I only went deep into the fog for a quarter of an hour, and there is no way I can't turn back after an hour. Am I under an illusion?" Largosen's cold eyes looked around, terrified, and he quickly searched for a way to break the illusion.

The Mist Barrier is the power of the Mist God and the Hermit, so it is not impossible to be attacked unexpectedly.

But what happened next almost drove Largo crazy. He used various secret methods and methods but could not regain his "consciousness".

The light of the lighthouse was still bright, but he could no longer tell which side was the heaven and which was the divine world.

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