Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 3141 Over and over again

The plain white witch dress trimmed with red accentuates her slender figure. Her shawl hair is black and shiny. Xiaoyu, with her bright eyes and white teeth, is as pure as she can be. She also has a kind of classical beauty. She is also the one with the most clothes on her body before going to bed. people.

"Ahem..." Ye Lin moved his voyeuristic gaze away, trying to cover up his ungentlemanly behavior.

It is one thing for everyone to know that he has always been dishonest, but it is another thing for him to be exposed to his face.

Xiaoyu seemed to be completely unaware. She moved her beautiful white legs inadvertently and changed her sitting position. Then the band-aid seemed to have poor stickiness and fell off.

Ganzhe's eyes widened with desire in an instant, and his blood boiled all over his body. He grabbed Mo Mei's right hand with his left hand and dragged the dirty girl back to the room, driving a pile!

next day

Baiyun Watcher Largo was unaware of what happened last night. He patrolled the Baiyun Valley on a daily basis. He would greet people warmly when he met them on the road, and everyone responded to him positively with a smile.

Largo habitually took a break in the middle of his inspection and found a place to make paper lanterns. He was still humming a song, but when he looked at the lighthouse, there would be a hint of gloom in his eyes.

Largo is obsessed with glowing lanterns. Lanterns are one of the lighting tools used when going out in ancient times. Although the light emitted is small, it can also bring a precious sense of peace of mind.

The mythical beasts still like to play with Mailu and hate Sophie... Everything in Baiyun Valley is not much different from usual, and the light of the lighthouse is still bright.

After Ye Lin found the strong men in Baiyun Valley and explained what happened last night, Ruier was the first to stand up and show his distrust, looking at him with sharp eyes and saying:

"This is impossible. Largo has no demonic aura at all. We have never heard that a demonic beast can disguise itself as a human. Moreover, we also have scholar Ruiqi's demonic aura exploration device. How could a demonic beast be active in the world? Baiyun Valley, please don’t slander our monitors.”

Ye Lin's statement sounds so funny. Largo has been in Baiyun Valley for several years. Although he seems a bit stupid and has a careless personality, his character is obvious to all and he has very good popularity in the valley.

He is a monster... How is that possible? Doesn't it imply that all the people in Baiyun Valley are blind?

Elici on the side also showed a shocked look, but did not refute loudly and remained silent, waiting for the follow-up.

She also found it incredible that Largo was a monster, and she also intuitively felt that Ye Lin was not the kind of despicable person who casually slandered other people's identities, and it was completely unnecessary.

Because no matter in every aspect, Ye Lin surpassed Largo by a lot, and slander would do him no good.

Xiao Shumo was so excited last night that she stayed up all night without sleeping. She posed in the room and rolled happily on the bed. She barely fell asleep after five o'clock in the morning, and she still hasn't gotten up until noon.

Great Elder Lu Tan did not show any attitude, but asked calmly: "It's empty talk, please provide evidence."

"That's natural." Ye Lin nodded and smiled, and then raised his hand, the misty light flowed, and everything that happened last night was reproduced three-dimensionally.

The demonized Largo, his words, his crazy face, the truth he revealed, Ruier and others seemed to be on the scene, in a real scene.

When the reappearing scene disappeared, Rui Er and the Great Elder frowned unconsciously, their faces covered with a dark color, and they immediately felt the seriousness of the matter.

Using illusions to distort the route and make it endless, the thousand-year promise in Baiyun Valley will turn into a huge joke.

In the God Realm that attaches great importance to promises, Baiyun Valley's reputation will be greatly damaged and plummeted. From now on, it will be unable to hold its head up in the God Realm as a breach of trust.

Thinking about the consequences makes people shudder. This move was really too vicious, silently "killing" the future of Baiyun Valley.

Ye Lin gave them some time to think, and then continued: "Since I cut off Largo's memory, there is a high probability that he will repeat his actions tonight. You can wait secretly in the middle of the night to verify this. Whether an image is true or false, I pretend not to know anything during the day.”

An evil heart will follow its inherent malice, and Largo, without memory, will continue to try to twist the course tonight.

"Okay! I will wait." Ruier nodded and took a deep look at Ye Lin.

Promises and memories are the cornerstones of the divine world, and he can actually cut off memories... Rui'er suddenly became a little wary of Ye Lin.

That night, the weather in Baiyun Valley was cloudy, dark and windy, and the silence revealed something ominous and strange.

Ye Lin, Great Elder Lu Tan, Rui Er, and Erici were all hiding in the lighthouse, calmly touching a table of mahjong.

There was no movement in the first half of the night, but in the second half of the night, a ghostly figure appeared near Baiyun Lighthouse, staring coldly at the guiding light that penetrated the two worlds, with undisguised malice in its eyes.

Ye Lin nodded and said, "Here he comes."

Riel showed an expression of disbelief. Although the appearance of the man outside the lighthouse had changed somewhat, the familiarity of getting along day and night still allowed her to recognize at a glance who the man with the terrifying evil aura was... Largo!

Largo controlled his demonic energy very well, flowing only within a certain range, and the demonic energy exploration device could not detect the Baiyun Lighthouse.

Later, Largo grinned and made the same choice as last night. He felt that directly destroying the lighthouse was too crude, not dramatic enough, and not enough to play with the ridiculous agreements and oaths of the divine world.

A grand farce must be gorgeous enough, the plot must be twists and turns, and the people must be dead!

He went straight to the mist barrier outside Baiyun Valley, continued to use illusions to distort the route that had penetrated, and then continued to be imprisoned by Ye Lin, forcing him to explode into the true form of a faithless demon.

Crush it to pieces with a slap, reborn, then ask questions, cut off the memory and throw it back to Baiyun Valley.

Riel and Lutan's faces were so cold that they were freezing. They stared at Largo in the demonic state, trembling all over, feeling a great anger and shame.

"Ye Lin, I apologize to you. I'm sorry, my tone was too hostile during the day." Rui Er lowered his head and apologized to Ye Lin. His mind was still roaring. The friend he once trusted turned out to be a monster, and all his good intentions were Deliberate falsehood.

For the people of the God Realm who attach great importance to their promises, Largo's "unfaithful" behavior has completely touched their nerves and slapped them on the face, causing burning pain.

Ye Lin nodded and said: "Don't kill him, and don't expose him, he is still useful to me. How about I take you to see the heaven."

The night of Belian Port shines brightly, and the welcome sign written in the divine language by the Book of Ludmila is clearly visible. The lighthouse of the heaven stands on the coast like a silent giant.

Since the God Realm side has not yet reached the Heaven Realm, the port of Beilean is still a little deserted for the time being. Only the coast guard and daily maintenance staff are here.

The group of people in Baiyun Valley were greatly moved. How could they not tell that this port was newly built.

The people of the heavenly realm have shown full enthusiasm and goodwill, waiting for the distinguished guests from the divine realm to arrive.

next day

Largo, who had his memory cut off, was still casually fishing as usual, chatting and laughing with other monitors, and then making lanterns or going out to "do good deeds" in the middle of the patrol.

Riel, Ellie, and the Great Elder tried hard to maintain a normal state in front of Largo.

When late at night came, Largo continued to come to Baiyun Lighthouse with a gloomy face, and then went to set up the illusion with a grin.

Then he was smashed to pieces by Ye Lin with a palm, reborn, and his memory was cut off.

The days went on and on, until one day when Largo got up, his knees suddenly collapsed and he knelt on the ground. He couldn't lift any strength, his face was as pale as a piece of paper, and his forehead was sweating.

"Hiss, why am I so weak..." Largo was puzzled. He seemed to have dissipated completely without doing anything.

In fact, every night when he was beaten to pieces by Ye Lin, his monster nature would become weaker and the power of his soul would weaken, until now he was about to die.

Largo "suffered a serious illness" and finally gave up destroying the Baiyun Lighthouse.

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