Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 3198 I can’t help it anymore

Chapter 3199 I can’t help it anymore

Barty touched the blood that had flowed to his collarbone. The stinging pain from the wound shot straight to his nerves, and his scalp was about to explode.

Bann, Keyak, Scorpion Man, and two other strong men who also exuded the aura of the original realm surrounded them. They didn't know their specific identities, but it was obvious that they came with bad intentions.

Directly one-on-five, Barty's heart suddenly sank, and he had a premonition of danger.

Although Ban En is the only one among them who has a high-level original realm, which is the same as her own, as long as she is in this high realm, she will definitely bring trouble to herself.

Since "Blues" was seriously injured and died in the Blue Eagle Pirates, there are only four original level members left, namely the wind element user Yuzhen, the divine beast Panred, and the patron saint beast of Solidaris - Swans Kate.

As long as they can be gathered together, they will still be able to fight on the battlefield in this sky, and Panred can also fly... although it often forgets that it can fly and walks on two feet every day.


Barty glanced at the Solidaris fleet that had been shrouded in demonic aura with great concern. There were faint signs of strong men from the original realm taking action, and the energy fluctuations did not belong to Blue Eagle. They were probably so busy that they were exhausted and unable to do anything.


Bann drew a terrifying figure and spoke in an arrogant tone: "A total of ten origin-level powerhouses from our major forces have been sent to encircle and suppress Blue Eagle. None of you can escape from the White Sea today, but I can give you a surrender." If you have the opportunity, take the initiative to remove all your weapons and leave Solidaris, and we will consider letting you live."

Barty shook off the blood on his hand, and his eyes instantly became extremely gloomy. Bann's words were unbelievable. He would never give Blue Eagle a chance to survive. There were probably more than ten origins who surrounded and suppressed Blue Eagle.

Barty's mood had gone beyond anger, and he said calmly: "Liyun, Wulan, Huitong, I was mentally prepared, Gear Workshop, Beast Tooth Judgment, I never expected that you would also come, Blue Eagle. Sorry for your place.”

"It's my duty to eliminate thieves in the God Realm." Someone laughed, as if he thought Barty was naive for asking such a question.

It was he who shot an arrow in a sneak attack just now, hurting Barty's neck.

"Don't use your battle in the air and sea to seize the moral high ground." The other person shook his head, blocked Barty's anger, and said: "Did you take the initiative to fight for the God Realm? No, you just suddenly bumped into each other. Mahnava deserves his punishment, he is a scoundrel and deserves to die."

"You fart! Lan Ying knows that monsters are a catastrophe to the God Realm, and has been actively looking for the entrance to the troubled place. That collision was not a coincidence, but inevitable. It was clearly Lan Ying who saved Wu Lan!"

Barty immediately gritted his teeth, and his neck undulated significantly with his breathing. As a result, the wound continued to bleed and could not heal. It had flowed along the collarbone to the chest, and the breasts were stained with blood, making it particularly miserable.

If Blue Eagle hadn't happened to bump into Mahnava, that terrifying monster would have definitely attacked Wulan, because Wulan is a mechanical city that seals the troubled place at a specific angle.

It was Blue Eagle's desperate resistance that made Mahnava worry about being detected by the Hermit, so he robbed the "Azure" and then disappeared without a trace, giving Kiran time to react.

If Mahnava had suddenly attacked Wulan, the consequences would have been absolutely disastrous and the city would have fallen.

The man from the gear workshop suddenly spoke with profound meaning, "Are you saying that a group of pirates are actively saving the God Realm, but we are sitting back and enjoying the fruits of your hard work?"

Barty's lips trembled and he said in a trembling voice: "You are a bunch of scum! Qingyan is being attacked by monsters, and the Eye of Mist is colluding with monsters. You turn a blind eye, but you just want to eliminate the thorn in your side..."

"Stop nagging her, deal with her and then go to Solidaris." Bann snorted indifferently. Sometimes the dead are more useful than the living. They are just pirates. No one will care if they are dead.

What made him slightly dissatisfied was that no strong person from Baihai came to encircle and suppress Blue Eagle.

"Haha, if you want to kill me, who will be buried with me!" Batty suddenly became very proud and glanced at the five people coldly. Even if she died here today, she should be able to take one or two people away with her.

"Blue Eagle will bury you with you." Ban En was the first to take action, and then two more powerful people from the origin came out, both from big forces.

The war in the sky broke out instantly, and Solidaris also suffered a huge crisis. The hallucinogenic nature of the fog and the spread of evil spirits awakened the psychological trauma of the Blue Eagle members.

The mutation occurred, and Solidaris was filled with deafening screams, the sound of something tearing, breaking, and falling, followed by cries, and calls filled with grief.

Someone suddenly yelled a certain name heartbreakingly, telling him to run away, but the owner of that name had died long ago, and died in the battle between air and sea.

As if I saw it, endless ghosts swarmed up, and the deck turned into a purgatory on earth...

They are real, and every ghost and monster is terrifyingly aggressive, baring its teeth and claws, and is terrifying.

They are also false. Ghosts and monsters do not exist. They are all projections in the memory of the Blue Eagle Pirates, and they are now realized.

Many old members of the Blue Eagle were suddenly traumatized and began to lose sight of everything in front of them. They screamed in fear and instinctively tried to destroy the endless ghosts and monsters. However, their attacks often fell on their own people. Unintentionally killing each other.

Pan Red, Dandel, Alusha, Kalkaio... all those who experienced the Sky-Sea War, regardless of age, had extremely strong hallucinations and saw the horror of the past.

Blue Eagle was completely in chaos. The horrible nightmare disintegrated the order that Blue Eagle was proud of, and its combat effectiveness was greatly reduced.

People with flaws in their minds are more likely to be hallucinated, so most of the combatants of the Mist Mist were still normal.

The Mist Mist fleet had no idea what was happening here, but they were very good at seizing opportunities to expand the results of the battle. Boom... A Blue Eagle attack ship was smashed, and the members on it didn't even scream.

Hallucinations, monsters, and mist mist, the arrival of the triple disaster made Solidaris miserable and suffered heavy losses all at once.

Continuous explosions resounded through the sky, and one ship after another was hit by the mist mist's light and then shattered and disintegrated, and a large amount of ship fragments and blood fell into the Shadow Bay.

"Wake up!"

Ludmila rushed over and bit her lips so hard that they bled. She called out while defending against the enemy, bending her bow and putting arrows on it. The longbow she trusted and was familiar with was almost blown up. With a bang, a stream of light flew out and blew up a Liyun airship.

Youzhen disappeared. Pan Ruide and Svens Kate were surrounded and attacked by several origin masters. They were in danger. The hair on the big penguin's chest was blown bald.

Someone took advantage of the situation and approached the Blue Eagle's medical ship, which had almost no attack power. Every head was a bounty for the Liyun Chamber of Commerce.

"Too bad, I can't help it, Istar Battle Spirit, transform!" Beyana took the lead, transformed gorgeously, and then rushed towards a Wulan combat airship, and blew it to pieces with a move of Star Pattern Meteorite Explosion.

Bianca and Yaoyao looked at each other and said, "Let's go protect Solidaris's medical ship, the Snake Tree."

The deep pain and nightmare memories have undergone some ominous mutations under the catalysis of fog and evil spirits. The tragic nightmares of thousands of people are intertwined and merged at this moment, and a terrifying figure that should not appear slowly materializes...

And the source of its materialization is Captain Batty of the Blue Eagle, who once fought against it head-on.


The fleeting light almost cut off Batty's right arm, but not a drop of blood flowed out. Her right arm was lost in that battle.

Affected by the demonic energy, her brain entered a state of confusion where nightmares and reality intertwined. In a trance, she saw the demon who reached out to her again...

'The people you want to save are waiting for your death. You are fighting hard here, but they are singing and dancing in the mist. Hahahaha, after all, no one will believe a pirate...'

'Why not join us, take back your dignity, and prepare a new habitat with us... Blue Eagle Pirates'

Bati, and Ludmila at that time rejected Mahnava's invitation.

Later, the demon beast stood on the deck of the Azure and said lightly: 'I spared your lives in order to let you suffer the betrayal of the God Realm again. I will reappear in your memory. At that time, you will see the hypocrisy of the God Realm. Agreements, peace, and oaths are all bullshit'


A big hand as thick as a tree trunk and covered with bone armor emerged, with a sense of illusion, suddenly grabbed the scorpion man of the Huitong Public Bureau, ignoring the poisonous light and struggling body, and directly pinched him on the spot.

Blood splattered, and the body and soul were destroyed.

The original Mahnava, who was far away in the Awakening Forest, suddenly laughed and mocked the big squirrel Ergon opposite: "So you are still engaged in a civil war, it seems that you haven't learned enough from Ursula!"

Ergon's face was expressionless. Liyun and Blue Eagle were destined to fight to the death. He knew it, Little Mar knew it, and everyone in the God Realm knew it. The new and old grudges between them could be written into a book.

Ergon didn't know whether Batti would become the next Ursula. Everything has its own destiny and future. If her noble qualities are never tarnished, after this disaster, then the White Sea and the God Realm will owe Blue Eagle a favor.

Blue Eagle will have the opportunity to complete the great transformation that the thief Blues wanted.

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