Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 320: The First Princess

However, after just half a minute of roaring, the magnificent and majestic Imperial Arena, which had cost a huge amount of money to build, completely collapsed into ruins, with smoke and dust billowing out.

"How dare you!"

Beatrice's roar was sharp and ear-piercing. She never thought that although Ludmila was restrained, that inexplicable swordsman would destroy the arena!

"Leave me alone!"

No longer caring about confronting Ludmila, he turned into a purple shadow and headed straight for Ye Lin and Siatt who were trying to escape.


When her feet landed on the ground, Beatrice's whole body was blooming with mysterious purple energy, like an ancient ferocious beast, choosing people to devour.

He put down Siatt, who was full of joy in his arms, and wiped a handful of fat to signal her to step back and stay away from the battlefield.

The blood-colored sword screams softly, and has the mysterious ability to split the soul.

"Want to fight?"

Although he knew that the other party was very strong and difficult to mess with, he still showed no fear on his face and even seemed very relaxed and happy because he was in a very good mood now.

Although Beatrice is far superior to the average awakened person, she is not a soft persimmon who can be manipulated, and Ludmila has already bent her bow at the rear.

The situation was at a stalemate, and Beatrice suddenly realized that she seemed to be in an extremely embarrassing situation, and was in a dilemma.

Now, should we forcefully capture the mysterious fugitive who destroyed the arena, or should we rush to rescue the emperor who is buried in the ruins and whose life or death is unknown?

And the most important thing is that the revolutionary army must not know that the emperor is buried below!

"It's not a good time to come, but today is the day. Will you die if you don't watch a gladiatorial fight?" Beatrice cursed secretly, her face gloomy and she was still hesitating.

In the end, it was Ye Lin who took the initiative to break the deadlock, spreading his hands and teasing: "Ludmila's bounty is 10 billion gold coins, she won't care if this number is doubled."

He saw that Beatrice seemed to be hesitating, but she didn't think about Leon at all.

I just thought that the other party as the manager was hesitating to save those nobles or try to keep them with one against two.

It would be better to take the initiative to give her a step down and continue to pour dirty water on Ludmila.

It is completely reasonable for a woman who was offered a bounty of 10 billion by Delos to be able to destroy an imperial arena.

The sullen Beatrice stared at the blood-red sword. She had her own intelligence network and had now guessed the identity of this person.

It was the demon swordsman who became famous for fighting one against three in Northmar!

His heart skipped a beat. If a war really started, it would not be a question of whether the female swordsman could be left behind, but a question of whether he could escape unscathed.

In other words, it is a matter of whether he and the emperor under the ruins can survive!

She panicked a little, but remained calm on her face.

"Heh, you are quite interesting. You are lucky today."

He suppressed his anger and, according to a certain loser's practice, quickly said a few words without losing face and dignity to show that he had not lost!

Beatrice turned around and ran towards the Imperial Arena, giving up her plan of stalemate.

The falcon Mirasho soared in the sky, landed on Ludmila's shoulder, and rubbed her cheek, as if conveying some important message.

"Hurry up, there are a large number of troops on the way in the direction of Weitalun."

The Sage's Call and the metal spaceship driven by Kelly flew away as fast as they could escape.

Less than half a minute after the spaceship left, the drizzle of prelude suddenly turned into a downpour, mercilessly washing away the ruins of the Imperial Arena.

The small river formed by the heavy rain is mixed with extremely dirty blood, mixed with the filthy muddy branches and leaves, nourishing the vegetation that is thirsty for rain due to the scorching sun in the past few days.

But this time the blood is not the blood of slaves, but the blood of imperial people.

After Beatrice rushed to the ruins according to the location in her memory, the vast magic power lifted up the extremely heavy broken walls, masonry pillars, and then threw them to the back.

As for the various miserable cries in his ears, whether they were from gamblers or nobles, none of them were more important than the emperor.


Just as she threw away a piece of the roof pillar, the ruins in front of her shook, and a purple ball of light slowly rose from the bottom.


Beatrice was greatly relieved when she saw this scene. As the emperor of the empire, she indeed had all kinds of life-saving props on her body, so she seemed to be fine.

Leon Heinrich III walked through the ruins with a steady and steady demeanor, his eyes simply scanning the arena and showing no concern.

He didn't become furious or frightened. Although his clothes were half wet, he remained calm and composed, as if the disaster had nothing to do with him.


There was a thunder, and the heavy rain became more and more pouring. The rain protection cover held up by Beatrice crackled with fierce water splashing sounds.

The atmosphere was so oppressive that it was almost suffocating. Even though she was not really happy with Leon's personality, she was still feeling her heart pounding like thunder at this moment, quietly feeling a sense of panic.

"Your Majesty, as long as you give me two weeks, I can rebuild the arena."


Leon didn't even look at her. Instead, he asked a very subtle question that he didn't want to do at all:

"That ship is fast, isn't it?"

It is easy to guess that the only tool that can break through the thousand-meter blockade and disappear without a trace is the Revolutionary Army's Holy Sage.

At the same time, he also told Beatrice that if the Saint's Call cannot be solved, unless the arena is built in the capital city of Vetalon, it will be meaningless even if it is rebuilt here a hundred times.

If they dare to bomb the first time, they dare to sneak attack the second time!


In the midst of the heavy rain, a group of well-trained and well-armored soldiers galloped over under the leadership of a carriage, splashing rainwater on both sides of the wheels.

Celia, the first princess of the empire, hurried over holding an umbrella. Her eyes never stopped at the ruins of the arena, but she was full of worry about her father.

After seeing that Leon was safe and sound, he was both relieved and angry: "Beatrice, who dares to attack the arena?"

Hearing this, Beatrice was slightly startled. There was something slightly strange in her eyes. The First Princess, she is so angry.

Since you are so angry, why don't you let the soldiers behind you join in the rescue activities in the arena?

Are the lives of the people of the empire really worthless?

But these just flashed through my mind. After all, the other party was a princess, and her status was still very noble.

"It's Ludmila, the prisoner with a tens of billions bounty on his head from the Revolutionary Army, as well as Root, the Dragonborn, and Natalia, the swordsman."

The soldiers outside the arena were almost exhausted, and as for those fanatics betting on human lives in the audience, there were probably not many left.

Only those nobles who cherish their lives and carry life-saving tools may be able to survive if they are very lucky.

Of course, judging from that white light, it means only one with "extremely" good luck.

A rough estimate is that at least 30% of the nobles have perished!

The rest also have injuries.

"They are so brave!"

The First Princess's shock and anger made Beatrice secretly roll her eyes. Nonsense. How dare you come to bomb the Empire Arena if you don't have much courage. Your performance is too bad. It's not as honest and clean as the Third Princess.

The relationship between Imperial Princess Celia and Imperial Princess Isabella presents a completely different extreme.

Celia's mother was Marie, Lyon's favorite concubine, while Isabella's mother, like Prince Vann, was Queen Josephine.

Isabella herself advocates freedom, fun, and has a cheerful and generous personality, while Celia is rigorous, meticulous, and a bit old-fashioned.

At the same time, Princess Celia is still slightly jealous of Queen Meia, especially Queen Skadi, due to her ambition.

Although she holds an important diplomat position in the empire, there are also various rumors that Celia is Lyon's best heir.

But she herself understood that unless there was some huge accident, it would not be her turn to be the heir to the empire.

Because she was a married princess who was granted a marriage by Lyon.

"Your Majesty, I am guilty."

Barn, who suddenly woke up after being poured by the cold rain, hurriedly got up, knelt on one knee, lowered his head, and let the rain soak all over his body.

"Lift your head and stay flat."

Leon finally concealed his indifferent gaze, and he still knew Barn's loyalty.

Ever since he illegally married Emily, Barn had given him absolute loyalty.

He was more willing to believe in Barn than Beatrice.

"Celia, Beatrice, send people to dig out the survivors of the arena. Barn, you come back to the palace with me."

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