Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 3202 The cross is shining

Chapter 3203 The cross is shining

Biana clenched her fist in the shape of a cat's paw, put it next to her cheek and winked, looking cute, hehe~

People don’t ignore you on purpose, they really don’t see you.

Then, taking advantage of the moment Ye Lin let go of her twin ponytails, Beyana rubbed oil on her soles and ran away. Her beautiful red twin ponytails floated 90 degrees in the air. Don't follow her brother, or you will be beaten by everyone. Such discipline will lead to no freedom.

Ye Lin was too lazy to use his strength to catch Beyana back, and said casually: "Niwu is also in the God Realm, just in your direction."

Biana came back immediately with an expressionless face!

I'm not scared at all, I just miss my brother, okay.

"Why are Sister Niwu here? Is Aunt Katie here too?"

"You are so smart~"

The fallen Kiran battleship "Tianchuan" was docked in mid-air by invisible forces. There was a loophole from the bottom of the ship to the deck that reached into the sky. Both energy systems were blown up by Maruko's shot.

Chongquan's Earth Protector Kamelin went to Tianchuan and gathered the remaining members of the Kiran fleet and airships to declare that the war was over.

Faced with incomprehensible looks and voices asking for reasons, Kamerin gave the explanation that Mahnava briefly appeared, was extremely powerful and cruel, and killed the strong man in Kiran.

Moreover, the demonic energy is getting stronger and stronger. If you continue to fight in an excited state, the demonic energy will enter your body and turn into a ghost. By then, it will be difficult to save the hermit.

If you become a ghost, your chances of survival are slim.

Kamerin's warning immediately took effect. No one said anything more, and they all looked into the distance. The demonic energy visible to the naked eye had completely enveloped Qingyan and Shadow Bay. The decaying color gave people a strong sense of discomfort visually. .

Wu Lan's fleet also has several strong men from the legendary realm, who are enough to play a leadership role and calm the somewhat panicked people.

And Kamerin didn't lie. Mahnava did appear and killed a strong man in the fog. She just blurred the specific number, giving people the illusion that the deaths of strong men were all killed by monsters. .

"When the snipe and the clam fight, the fishermen benefit." One person had a complex look on his face and seemed to feel sorry for the loss of the two fleets. What he said resonated strongly with many people.

Kamerin smiled silently. She didn't know the magic of mind reading, and she didn't know how many of these people really regretted it.

Maybe it's just like what Ye Lin said, oath, peace, witness, promise... The God Realm uses too many beautiful words to whitewash the outside, creating an illusory illusion and making people unable to see the rotten inside.

After a pause, Kamerin reminded: "White Sea and Chongquan have been completely separated by fog. Now Tianchuan's energy system is damaged. Ordinary airships cannot cross the sea. You have to wait until Tianchuan is repaired before you can return to Chongquan." spring."

The mist of the Mist God is so thick that it has turned into a natural disaster of mist. Only large airships and strong men from the original realm can travel safely. Others are at risk of getting lost in the mist.

As soon as Kamerin finished speaking, a rather noisy discussion broke out in the crowd.

Solidaris also suffered heavy losses in this battle. Senior personnel died, and about one-third of the entire fleet was damaged. In other words, they were still waiting to go back to collect the bounty.

"Stop arguing, I will guide you to the outside of Qingyan City, where there is enough food, water, and Mist Mechanical Engineers." Camerin stood in the sky, pulling Tianchuan who had lost energy.

Those who don’t believe in her can try to cross the fog and sea by themselves.

"Tianchuan" is not without energy, but it has lost the drive to use energy. After all, the energy of "fog" can be extracted anytime and anywhere.

Kamerin raised her hand to smooth the hair that fell to her forehead, and quietly looked at the omnipresent but too dense fog in the world. It is a gift from the God of Fog and the foundation of civilization in the divine world.

"Fog" is everywhere and has become a part of basic cognition like oxygen. People in the God Realm have never seemed to think about what to do if there is a problem with "fog".

If there were another cloudless night...Camerine suddenly shuddered.



With tears in her eyes, Ludmila threw herself at Barty, whose right arm was empty, and hugged each other hard, her voice choked with sobs, "Barty, I'm back, I'm sorry I'm late."

"Lourdes, didn't we agree?" Batty showed a smile on his tired face, pretending to be relaxed and said: "We must smile when we meet again."

"Yeah, I'm laughing." Ludmila shed tears.

There was not much time for them to reminisce and reminisce, and the air was still filled with the choking smell of gunpowder smoke. Batty ordered Solidaris to sail to the east. There was an uninhabited Duckweed Islands there, which was enough for the Blue Eagle Fleet to repair.

The sea in the God Realm also has tidal fluctuations. Whenever the tide reaches its peak, the Duckweed Islands will be submerged under the water, and will only emerge from the water again when the tide ebbs.

As a result, although the area of ​​the Duckweed Islands is considerable, it has never been developed and utilized. After all, there are no high-quality resources nearby. Only occasionally some tourists come here to catch fish and pull some shrimps and crabs from the cracks in the rocks. of.

It would be a good time to stop for repairs to the dilapidated Solidaris.

Human feet still belong to the solid earth, floating in the sky will have no foundation.

Ludmila thought for a moment and said: "Separate a few patrol ships and hospital ships that are still intact, and go to the shadow bay and the beach to search. We should have survivors."

Parachutes and one-man fog flying machinery are standard equipment for every airship. Solidaris was destroyed by many airships in the battle. Unless they died on the spot, the crew members would have survived if they parachuted in time.

Barty's eyes lit up, and he secretly sighed that his thinking was affected by the evil spirit, and he had even forgotten this detail. He nodded and said: "That's right, just do what Ludmila said, Yuzhen, you will be responsible for this matter ”

"Youzhen, he's chasing a figure spreading evil spirits and he hasn't come back yet." Alusha wiped her red eyes, it seemed she had cried.

"Alusha, I believe him." Batty touched Alusha's head with his left hand.

Youzhen has always been lazy and lazy, but his strength is one of the best among Blue Eagles, and he masters extremely fast wind magic. He is so skilled that even several strong men of the same realm cannot defeat him.

"Carl Keough."

"He... rushed out in a War Bicorn and never came back." Alusha Leith tried hard to hold back her desire to cry.

Carl Keo is the vice-captain of the Third Battalion and a good helper of her sister Aydin Reiss. He is praised as the brave "Iron Hoof" because he has always fought bravely, takes the lead, and dares to attack any enemy who is hostile to the Blue Eagle. .

A woman with long red hair, Turkish wheat-colored skin, and a lean and muscular figure walked out from behind Ludmila. She said in a hoarse voice: "I will be responsible for this matter. I will find every lucky Blue Eagle." member."

She is Edin Les, the captain of the third brigade. She was knocked unconscious by Ludmila so she was unable to participate in the battle just now. Her expression is complicated now, showing deep regret and self-blame.

Several airships quickly lowered their altitude and headed towards the water and beaches of Shadow Bay, looking for possible survivors. The remaining airships rushed to the Duckweed Islands together.

They didn't care about Qingyan's attitude and were not prepared to ask them for help. It was hard for anyone to believe that the pirates had fought with the monsters and passed the news back to Wulan, so no one believed that Blue Eagle came to Qingyan to investigate and warn. , the Eye of Mist has an affair with the monster.

After all, the Eye of Mist is an organization that serves God.

"It's far from over." Barty looked at the clear smoke filled with demonic energy from a distance. Lan Ying tried his best, and then prayed for their good luck and wished themselves good luck.

Not long after the Solidaris fleet left the Shadow Bay, in Qingyan City, an archangel cross emitting strong holy white light slowly rose into the sky. In an instant, the light surged, and billions of rays of holy light illuminated the sky and the earth.

The endless demonic energy is like melting ice and snow, quickly disappearing under the illumination of the holy light. The demonic beasts and ghosts embodied by the demonic aura and the memory of fear also completely disappear in the light, no longer showing signs of recovery.

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