Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 3209 Bear has a day off today!

Chapter 3210 Bear has a day off today!

The cold rain in the White Sea is pattering and non-stop. No one knows that this rain will last for a long time. I feel that tomorrow the sun may shine on the world and warm the tired body and mind.

The deck of a ship in Solidaris was burning with five elements of fire. The fire disc player dispersed the cold and damp darkness nearby, and also illuminated the heavy and sad faces of everyone.

The rich sadness in Barty's eyes turned into determination. He took a deep breath as if he was sucking in the cold rain from the White Sea, and said loudly: "The Blue Eagle will carry your will forward, and our flag of pursuit of freedom will always fly in the world of gods." Sky."

Ludmila counted the casualties of the battle during the day. The shocking figures made the hearts of the living people twitch, and their bodies became even colder in the cold rain.

Although everyone who joined the Blue Eagle was prepared to sacrifice, when the moment actually came, there was still a great sadness that could not be stopped, and the rain in the sky seemed to turn into tears.

Except for some members who have requested to have their ashes transported to their homes, others will scatter their ashes into the sea of ​​freedom.

Dust to dust, soil to soil, the ocean is the ecological foundation of the divine world and the mother of everything.

Ban En, the captain of the Demon Attack Team, was brought out. The Fire Clan has always been tall and strong. Even after being shot by Ye Lin, his arm was still very strong. His light blue eyes had regained his composure. Hearing someone He only raised his head slightly after the movement.

Barty couldn't help but feel anger and ridicule, and said with a slightly twisted tone: "I never thought we would meet in this state, Ban."

She and Ban En have played against each other several times, and they are considered "old friends".

Ban En actually belonged to Kiran in name, not the Liyun Chamber of Commerce, and he had not been the captain of the Demon Attack Team for a long time. The previous captain died of exhaustion in a monster explosion more than 20 years ago.

Barty has never been hostile to Wulan. Wulan is a sealed city, a sky city that suppresses troubled places from a specific angle. She has always targeted the Liyun Chamber of Commerce and Huitong Public Bureau.

It's just that Ban En is very close to the Liyun Chamber of Commerce in terms of personal tendencies, and the cooperative relationship is very strong. There is secret news circulating that Ban En and the president of Liyun Chamber of Commerce are blood relatives.

Ban's face remained calm and unchanged, with magic seal chains lingering all over his body. He sneered at Barty's taunts, "Without the help of ignorant adventurers, Blue Eagle would have become a thing of the past tonight."

This is indeed a relatively cold fact. Solidaris is being surrounded by demonic energy and mist at the same time. With the fall of Barty, the Blue Eagle fleet will be completely defeated without leaving a single ship behind.

"Those who have gained the right will get many help, while those who have lost the right will have few." Batty directly quoted the famous saying of the ancients. What has happened in the past cannot be changed, and your failure is already doomed.

"Bann, how did you know that Solidaris would detonate the evil spirit?"

Barty asked what she was most concerned about, and what Rui Er and others were also concerned about. The first place where evil spirits spread was Qingyan and Baihai.

As an energy similar to mist, demonic energy can be "touched" and has the nature of entity. It should not spread to the Blue Eagle Fleet in the sky so quickly.

Someone used the inverse star text to stir up boundless demonic energy towards Lan Ying.

Ban En ignored Qingyan in the disaster as if he was right and rushed towards Solidaris. This was a big problem.

Bann looked at Barty, then at Rui'er, and finally at Yelin, and suddenly asked an uncharacteristic question: "Where did you Blue Eagles get your noble consciousness? You are just a group of pirates."

In the Battle of Chongquan, Blue Eagle fought desperately against Mahnava. Although they were crushed unilaterally, they also gained precious breathing time.

Now Blue Eagle stands with the White Cloud Valley and the adventurers again, risking possible attacks to remind Qingyan that there is something wrong with the Eye of Mist, and what he did deserves the title of "hero".

Barty did not hesitate and replied bluntly: "It's not consciousness, it's conscience. Blue Eagle is not noble, Blue Eagle is still a human being!"

This sentence made Ban En's eyes flicker, he snorted, and did not continue to answer Barty's question.

Ordinary torture to extract a confession will definitely not pry Ban En's mouth open, so he is determined not to answer or even self-destruct. There is nothing Batty can do. Just when Batty frowns deeply and thinks, a Chou Meng Chou... A cute stuffed bear wearing a gentleman's coat walked in.

Barty was surprised. She recognized this bear. It was the companion of the miracle doctor Yimi Wu. It should be similar to the position of a mythical beast. It could walk and run. She had never seen any other special abilities.

Crazy Crazy Bear walked steadily and with great air, walking more gracefully than Pan Ruide. He held a puppet needle and a simple scarecrow in his rough bear paws. When he arrived, he looked at Ban En's heart without saying a word. Just a prick, a scream...and then handed the scarecrow to Barty.

Now you can control him at will. His body and soul will be completely controlled by you, and there is no way to refuse any of your questions.

When Crazy Crazy Bear went back, he habitually picked up the mop placed by the door. Then he thought that this was not EX Dornier and there was no need for it to clean, so he put it down again.

Bear has a day off today. He has nothing to do. He goes back to do some sewing and then goes to bed.


Pan Ruide, who had a full stomach, stopped the Crazy Bear and tilted his head, thinking it was very interesting and interesting.

Neither of the two guys could speak human language, but they had an amazing tacit understanding and resonance at this moment. Crazy Bear and Pan Ruide gestured with each other with body language for a while, then shook each other's paws and put their arms around each other.

On the other side, with the help of the little witch, Barty and Ruel also got the answers they wanted.

"We have already established contact with the Fog Veil. Everything is in the plan. Blue Eagle was just a smooth part to deal with personal grudges." Ban En's eyes were lowered, lost their luster, and turned into a blur. A puppet that can be manipulated at will.

"The one who released the demonic energy should be Lopez, the leader of the Stepping Ones... He is very mysterious, and he is proficient in the reverse star glyph. The president said that he is very similar to a scholar from ancient times, and he is suspected of being the rebirth of a dead person. "

Rui Er frowned when he heard this, and it was the curtain of fog again.

The Veil of Mist continues to cause monster crises in various places in the God Realm. I thought that its sphere of influence was only in the White Sea, but I never thought that it would actually have a close relationship with the Monster Strike Team.

The noble duty at the beginning of the creation of the Kiran Demon Strike Team was to resist those monsters with the ability to fly that threatened Kiran, and thus the prototype of the Demon Strike Team, also known as hunters, emerged.

Later, his responsibilities gradually changed to protecting Wu Lan, not only fighting against monsters, but also against evil pirates.

Since the establishment of the Blue Eagle Pirates, they have never taken the initiative to launch a robbery against a certain city in the God Realm. This is something Barty dares to say with clear conscience.

But not all pirates are ethical thieves. In the God Realm, there are pirate groups that specialize in violent robbery, attacking any caravans and even cities on the ground.

Barty suddenly wanted to laugh and have a good laugh. Blue Eagle, a pirate organization, resisted the monster several times and suffered heavy losses. On the contrary, those organizations that were considered just and pious continued to have affairs with the monster.

The Eye of Mist, and the Demon Strike Team, one is an organization that serves the Mist God, and the other is a guard team that specializes in hunting monsters.

Ban En also revealed that the suppression of Blue Eagle was a personal grudge. In this turmoil, Blue Eagle should not have been able to make any waves, but was slapped to pieces.

"If it weren't for the adventurers, Bai Hai would have been engulfed by the demonic energy. On another level that you can't see, a war of a higher level must have broken out." Ban En's tone was full of resentment.

The little witch's puppet makes him unable to resist Barty's questions, and at the same time he controls life and death. Ban En's emotions can still be expressed.

He had long sensed that there was a stronger hermit realm spread in Shadow Bay, and it must be one of the five most powerful monsters.

However, the power of monsters at that level did not swallow up Bai Hai as expected. Instead, it stopped abruptly and disappeared a bit abruptly.

Combined with the fact that Ye Lin shoots the origin like hunting a caged bird, it is not difficult to guess that the adventurer is also a person in that realm.

Elgon the Hermit has not yet come out, so it can only be the action of the adventurer.

"Bati, how did you hook up with such a figure? I know that he has just arrived in the God Realm not long ago, so he cannot know the forces of the God Realm. Moreover, he has believed in Blue Eagle for a long time. This is too strange. Shouldn't you It will be... exchanged with the body." The resentment in Ban En's words was very strong. He was unwilling to accept it. If the adventurer hadn't intervened, how could he have been reduced to a prisoner's situation.

Ban En was indeed surprised as to why Ye Lin believed that Barty was righteous. The public opinion in Baihai at that time was clearly extremely unfavorable to Lan Ying.

Barty immediately denied Ban En's annoyance and said, "Don't think about Ye Lin's character with your dirty thoughts. He is a person at a higher level and will naturally have his own cognitive methods."

Ye Lin, who was staying outside the cabin, shook his head vigorously. I am actually that kind of person... I believe you, firstly because of Ludmila, secondly because there was insufficient evidence at the time, and thirdly because you are full of great justice.

Thanks to the boss "Origin Xinghai" for the 500 point reward.

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