Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 3212 I want to rinse my mouth after eating meat and vegetables

Chapter 3213 I want to rinse my mouth after eating meat dishes


Aidin was quite embarrassed. She was originally stubborn and used the Heaven Seal to refute Barty and Ludmila's statements in a fit of anger to cover up her fault. She never expected that Ludmila really found the Heaven Seal that was also a legend in the God Realm.

Bati suddenly stood up and looked at Ludmila, repeating the question in an uncertain tone, "Lourdes, have you really found the legendary Heaven Seal, the Heaven Seal that can solve all the problems in the God Realm."

During the Battle of Chongquan, she suddenly changed her strategy of fighting to the death and asked Ludmila to find the Heaven Seal. In fact, she didn't have much hope at all, and she was more thinking about keeping the fire of chivalry.

Ludmila smiled and nodded, not thinking about keeping it a secret, "The Heaven Seal was once in Ye Lin's hands. He was the one chosen by Lord Mar, but now the Heaven Seal should be with Xiao Su."

She deliberately revealed this secret to give Barty a reassurance and to eliminate the psychological barrier with Aidin.

Mastering the common secrets helps the three of them to identify with each other.

Of course, she had obtained the permission of Guo Yelin in advance.

As expected, Aidin did not care about fighting with Ludmila, and hurriedly asked: "A golden light like the scorching sun broke out in Qingyan City, dispelling the evil spirit and the heavy fog. The user was a beautiful woman in a golden holy skirt. Is she Xiaosu?"

From the afternoon to midnight, Aidin had been searching for the distressed members of the Blue Eagle, and also asked about Qingyan's situation, and got some important information.

"No, she is Yuena. In our... Arad Continent, she is the legendary Archangel of Light, and her status is not lower than that of Lord Mar." Ludmila almost habitually called her, forgetting that she was actually a person from the God Realm.

Ludmila briefly introduced the identities of Yuena and Xiaosu. The Seal of Heaven is currently "missing", and the God Realm only guessed that it is on Yelin.

"Why doesn't he reveal his identity? This way, he would have a reason to intervene in the affairs of the God Realm, including the Liyun Chamber of Commerce..."

Ludmila interrupted Aidin's nagging and shook her head in denial, "The duties of the Heavenly Seal are just a legend. Managing conflicts between people in the God Realm and commanding large organizations are the emperor's rights and our own business."

In other words, it is right to find him to solve the monster beasts and demonic energy. Even if Ye Lin is willing to do other things, he will not listen.

A sudden outsider came to the Liyun Chamber of Commerce and ordered them to adjust prices, withdraw currency, and release resource monopoly... With the character of the Liyun Chamber of Commerce, it would be a miracle if they could obey. It is estimated that they would not listen to the words of the Hermit Mar.

"However, there is a genius-level merchant who will definitely clash with the Liyun Chamber of Commerce. She may be able to do it..." The image of Celia appeared in Ludmila's mind.

They went to Wulan together. Ludmila said goodbye to them because of the information from Blue Eagle and left there first.

Late at night

Bati, Ludmila, and Aidin slept in the same room. No one slept on the bed. They used moisture-proof mats and thick blankets to make the floor. There was a dim fog lamp on the table.

Aidin took off the prosthesis of his left leg and soon fell into a deep sleep. Ludmila couldn't fall asleep for a while and whispered: "Bati, tomorrow we will ask Ye Lin to restore a new arm for you. How about that? He can do it."

She knew that Batti was not asleep, and the rhythm of his breathing was obviously wrong.

Captain Blue Eagle Batti actually has another title in the God Realm - Bow Ghost!

There are more than thousands of archers in the God Realm, but only a few can get the recognized title of archery. People say that Batti's bow and arrow seem to have ghosts attached to them, and they can always hit the enemy's vital points in an incredible way.

There is also a similar title for the navigator of the Wandering Association. She is known as the person of the heavenly realm, which means that her archery has been integrated with the world, beyond the boundaries of human beings, and named after the sky.

Although Batty, who lost an arm, used Alusha's mist machine to make up for it, the machine is not as close as his own flesh and blood, and the name of the bow ghost has gradually been forgotten.

"Lourde, Blue Eagle owes him enough, and he has always believed in Blue Eagle." Batty did not open his eyes or fall asleep, "Just like you said, he has no necessary reason to help us, it is more like a spirit of chivalry."

"Blue Eagle has not repaid him a little bit of kindness so far, which is not in line with the word chivalrous, so how can I ask him for anything extra? People should be content and polite."

"He may think it is a small effort, not worth mentioning, but for us, the kindness is higher than the mountains and deeper than the sea, and it is difficult to repay."

Lourdemila understood that Batty would never make more requests before finding a way to repay Ye Lin.

"Lourdes, tell me about your life in Arad, and what kind of person he is, and how you know him."


The next day

The rain in the White Sea has not stopped yet, and the light white mist is still shrouding the sea of ​​the God Realm, flowing silently. It is the foundation of the civilization of the God Realm, but at this time it is also the source of ominousness.

"Imi Wu, you are really beautiful today." Ganzhe praised sincerely, the Gothic skirt matched with small leather shoes, cute, fashionable and noble.


The little witch rolled her eyes at this guy. Whenever this guy hangs out with a big-breasted girl all night, he will be very gentle and meticulous to her the next day.

Ruiqi has red lips and white teeth, her eyebrows are flying, and her skin is so tender that water can come out if you pinch it. It is clear that the red candles are swaying all night and the warm tent is spent.

Now praise me! ?

It was obvious that he had eaten too much meat and came here to clear his mouth with "vegetarian dishes".

Too lazy to care about you!

Alusa, Dendel, and Ludmila will go to Qingyan together, taking an airship with no obvious pirate features, while Batty and Edin continue to stay at the Duckweed Islands.

Riel said goodbye to Captain Barty, saying that he would try his best to continue solving the Eye of Mist matter and return Blue Eagle's innocence.

Of course, she also knew that this was more difficult. After all, the Eye of Mist and the Demon Strike Team had always enjoyed a high reputation in the God Realm.

"Let's go!"

Ye Lin suddenly grabbed Rui Er's wrist and quickly hid in the airship.

About three minutes later, a large group of Komidis flew over noisily shouting "Where are the French fries?" The noisy sound made everyone's expressions change.

It’s broken, these guys are addicted to it.

clear smoke

The entire city clearly retains traces of the aftermath of the battle. Many streets and houses are damaged. Among them, the iconic building Piaomiao Hall is the most severely damaged. There are cracks in the gorgeous buildings. In addition, the unknown structure of the Eye of Mist Due to the current situation, most areas have been closed to the public.

Dandel followed Ruiqi. She needed a batch of herbs that were not cultivated on the Snake Tree. It happened that Ruiqi's few friend Xinxinia was an herbal medicine merchant.

With the help of Riel, Alusha found "Candy Tahiti", the engineer of the Clockwork House. For this purpose, she prepared a large number of sweets to reward Tahiti and did what she liked.

Taixiti patted Alusa on the shoulder and said, "I didn't expect you to be such a small one, Alusa. You're so cute."

The mist suit designed by Alusa has a height-increasing effect in terms of combat boots. Now dressed in ordinary clothes, Alusa looks much smaller than yesterday, about the same height as Elici.

"Taishiti, you're going to have health problems if you eat so much candy."

"It doesn't matter." Taixiti from the Tu ethnic group showed off her neat white teeth. "Look, my teeth are still healthy. I don't have high blood pressure or other sugar-eating diseases, which proves that I have a body that specializes in eating sugar."

Alusha shook her head helplessly. From a distance of two or three meters, she could smell the sweetness on Taixiti's body.


"Look, who's here." Ye Lin clapped his hands, and then flashed to reveal Ludmila behind him. Fat Lao and the others' eyes immediately lit up.

It's strange to say that it doesn't matter when the family is under the same roof, but if they go out separately and then bump into each other outside, there will be a subtle and indescribable feeling.

Saying hello seems too abrupt, and not saying hello is even more inappropriate.

"Hey, where are Beyana and the others?" Ye Lin raised his eyebrows, the one who was behind him just now.

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