Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 3223 It’s the fat carp, I added the fat carp!

Chapter 3224 It’s Fatty, I added Fatty!

He had to find an opportunity to slap her. Natya held the soul-breaking blood-drinking halberd and carefully avoided Ursula's attack, looking for an opportunity to attack.

This sea-blue trident has incredible power. Natya came across it from the grave pile deep in the Canyon of the Dead. It may belong to a forgotten burial person, or it may be someone who unfortunately left it there. .

The effect is very simple and crude. Enemies hit directly by this trident have a certain probability of being harvested by the power of the underworld.

The Tower of Delirium and the Tower of Death are both magical places built with Terra high-tech and hell ore. There will be no real death. Challengers who think they died in the tower will wake up after a period of time.

With this halberd, Natya was able to dominate the world and beat countless adventurers away, leaving a great reputation.

Give Ursula a chance.

Lily and Bailey are good at the elemental magic of ice and fire respectively. Qingyan's living area is completely frozen by the ice element. Tall buildings are wrapped in ice, and dense and sharp ice needles point directly at Ursula in mid-air. Fierce as rain, swift as wind,

The sky lights up the color of fire clouds, and the rainy black clouds are now starting to drop huge fireballs. The end has come, and the sun is about to explode and fall into the world.

Ursula's forehead was on fire, her plan was completely disrupted and she could only fight bravely. Her eyes turned into a dark abyss, and countless evil spirits surged out, whimpering with gloomy ghost cries and wolf howls, turning into a dark green tornado that reached the sky. Breaking up the ice and fire.

In the Misty Palace, the crosshairs of the assault crossbow's sight were pointed at Ursula.


Bianca pulled the trigger of the assault crossbow, and a spark erupted from the tail of the drill arrow she created. After flying out, it swayed in a graceful arc. When it reached a certain distance from Ursula, the arrow split and disintegrated, revealing instability. of compressed energy core.

The energy present inside is fog!


A mushroom cloud exploded over Ursula's position, and the rising fireworks were like a giant volcano erupting and awakening at this moment. A terrifying shock wave swept across the living area and nearby commercial areas. After being swept by the shock wave, they collapsed and exploded. One-third of the area collapsed and exploded. Every Qingyan was razed to the ground.

Bianca's secret weapon is very simple. It is to compress the fog that can be seen everywhere in the divine world and then detonate it. It has a taste of the Eye of Darkness bomb. It is simple and unpretentious, but its destructive power is very impressive.

He Mo Ni, who was watching the battle, did not hide his surprise. Today's young people are already so powerful. They are more proficient in various destructive skills. They turned into violent demolition maniacs and destroyed half of Qingyan City.

Bianca whistled and shouted: "There's no harm in the smoke, everyone, be careful and take last hits."

Another mad bombardment of magic was thrown away, and the mirror image of Qingyan City was in danger. It was completely exploded, leaving only the Misty Palace.

Ursula was one of the five terrifying monsters suffering from demons. Even though she might be a weaker one, they couldn't just kill her with a random attack. She seemed to have reached a realm of transcendence.

"Hey, what's wrong with me?" Biana suddenly trembled, then scratched her head in confusion.

I just remember that I "accidentally" made eye contact with Ursula, and then there was an inexplicable maliciousness in my mind, which caused a headache, like the kind of headache that occurs when you can't answer questions in an examination room.

Then the headache disappeared inexplicably...Biana had been an adventurer for a while after graduation, and had accumulated some combat experience. She quickly examined herself to see if there was any lingering curse.


It feels very good, my blood is strong, my limbs are light, and I feel like I can eat three servings of seafood fried rice in one meal.

Ursula waved her strength to get away from the center of the explosion, with deep darkness pouring out of her eyes. The inverse star text filled with evil aura constantly transformed into various terrifying monsters and pounced on them.

This group of yellow-haired, red-haired, white-haired, green-haired, and dyed-haired girls individually look inconspicuous and can be smashed to pieces with a slap, but they really have some strength when they gather together and bombard them wildly.

Ursula has not yet been able to exert her full strength, and there is still a fierce battle between heaven and man in her heart. She is thinking about whether to give it a try. If she kills these girls, she will undoubtedly fight Ye Lin to the death. She still I can't figure out Ye Lin's strength, and I have strong fears.

But if you continue to respond passively and fearlessly, and then have a group of girls ride on your head and explode, it will undoubtedly be a humiliation that will lead to death.

I suffered a lot of injustice before I became a monster. I was tired of seeing evil. In the end, I even lost my eyes. If I still endure injustice after becoming a monster, then wasn’t it in vain for me to seek refuge with the Demon King?

The blood of the monster beast gradually surged and boiled in the body. The monster side of Ursula's body was climbing crazily, and a layer of fine white scales appeared on the plump and white body. The monster transformation of each monster user was different.

Go all out and become a monster!

"Take my spear!"

Biana, with her twin ponytails flying, threw the Gu-slaying spear at Ursula, and then turned into a bolt of lightning and kicked the Gu-slaying spear. The dazzling lines flowed and shone with ancient and mysterious light.

"Wait, why is she okay!" Ursula was shocked when she saw that Biana was fine. Ye Lin had left a deep impression on her by ignoring her attack before, but now a red-haired girl also ignored it. It directly affected Ursula's lack of confidence.

With his mind spinning, there are only two possibilities to ignore her attack. One is that the opponent has some kind of soul defense secret method or treasure, and the other is that this girl is a complete idiot.


Ursula swung the sword of the reverse star text to meet it, and then tried to dodge Beyana's attack. The explosion rolled up the dazzling pattern like a knife or a sword, flying in all directions. A dazzling pattern brushed Ursula's arm, and blood flowed out.

The stinging feeling instantly made Ursula's blood rush to her head. The side of the monster completely suppressed the human personality. The pupils of snake pupils appeared in her empty eye sockets, and the cold and dark killing intent was overwhelming, covering the entire Qingyan.

"It is a transcendent, but it is not very stable and is quite special." Ye Lin quickly judged Ursula's true strength. A full-strength battle can set off the power of the transcendent, but it will not last long.

The overall strength is slightly weaker than Largo, but some abilities are extremely powerful when used.

The dark eye sockets that can distort and collapse reason can trace the life memory of the target, cut off the origin of its soul and blood, and wipe it out on the spot. Ursula probably went after the source of Beyana's blood, and then there was no effect at all.

After all, the origin of the golden bloodline is the ancient Terra of the mythological era. If we look into its origin, we have to mention the Valkyrie Norra's big account, the elemental goddess Pushia.

And Beyana knows that the people who can shake are more terrifying than each other, and shaking a Niwu can beat the whole field.

"Haha, you're done."

Natya appeared silently behind Ursula, and the raised Soul-Breaking Blood-Drinking Halberd lit up a layer of mysterious black light, shining on Ursula's body at the most familiar angle and whipping.

Shattering Tyrant!

"Natya, run." Wanzi pulled out another huge lollipop to support. The origin of the Soul-Breaking Blood-Drinking Halberd is very mysterious, and there is a probability of a sure kill.

But after experiments, they found that the stronger the object's strength, the lower the probability of triggering, and the sure kill across the realm is almost impossible.

However, something shocked them. Ursula had clearly made a defensive anti-star text, but was still hit on the shoulder by Natya's halberd, followed by a flash of black light, Ursula suddenly trembled all over, vomited blood on the spot and retreated violently.


How is it possible? Ursula is a person who has surpassed them by a large realm.

Beiyana waved her fist excitedly, "Well done, Natya, well done, how did you do it?"

"Fat, it's Fat, I rubbed Fat." Natya explained with a serious face.

The triggering probability of Soul-crushing Blood-drinking Halberd is extremely low, and the upper limit of its own magic pattern is insufficient, so it is almost impossible to cause damage to Ursula.

Natya had already considered the problem of facing a high-level enemy, so she pestered Mavis a long time ago, begging her to modify the Soul-crushing Blood-drinking Halberd and add a trace of death from the underworld.

Then she rubbed Fat, begging Fat, to open her mouth, the great Fat of Destiny, to give me a 100% sure-kill effect ability.

But unfortunately, due to the huge gap in their realms, this attack did not kill, but only seriously injured Ursula.

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