Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 3229 Could it be, fat

Chapter 3230 Could it be, fat...

Is it really possible to control the elusive time? After Camila made a vague guess, she felt incredible in her heart and began to doubt her own guess.

In addition to the five elements, the divine world also has cultivation systems such as fog, ice, wind, and lightning.

The Eye of Mist organization has gathered the largest number of people in the God Realm who can directly use the ability of fog, and using fog is also a system.

If someone has a very high affinity for fog, the threshold for joining Eye of Mist will be lowered to a certain extent.

After non-God Realm people enter the God Realm, they will be weak and dizzy for a period of time due to inhalation of mist through breathing.

But if you get through this period of time and take the initiative to accept the mist, it will be somewhat beneficial to your cultivation.

Mist can be understood as an energy similar to "colorless crystals". People in the God Realm are accustomed to the existence of fog, but this does not mean that all people in the God Realm can manipulate the energy called fog.

However, whether it is the five elements of the divine world, or the wind, fog, thunder and lightning, etc., they are all energies that can be directly seen or touched in nature. After cultivation, they can be transformed into human power.

Time and space are mysterious attributes whose meaning is widely known but cannot be truly understood.

Seconds, minutes, hours... centimeters, kilometers... are all crude descriptions of human concepts of time and space. I have never heard of anyone in the God Realm who can control these illusory conceptual attributes.

But if this were not the case, how could one explain what happened to Hazel.

Camilla glanced at the wall clock on the wall again. Only one minute had passed since the moment when Ursula's bone needle burst out. The second hand was ticking, but it was spinning firmly and powerfully in the next circle.

The mystery in Ye Lin is thicker than the fog in the White Sea.

"Camilla?" Hemo Ni smiled and patted the student's shoulder. Why were we just standing there in a daze? Let's go to the Piaomiao Hall.

"Huh? Sorry, let's go,"

The sunny rain is continuous, pattering all over the world. Although the artistic conception is beautiful, many people are already frowning. How to harvest the nearly mature grains planted in the fields in such rainy weather? Harvesting and drying have become big trouble.

Before going out, Sophie thought that that was it, let's go out to eat first, which shocked the demon who had regained his body.

She thought her appetite was already very powerful, but the other party was even more exaggerated. How could Ye Lin afford it?

The store owner with a sad face suddenly rubbed his eyes vigorously and recognized the first musician of Chongquan and Mo Ni in the crowd. His whole body was so excited that he trembled. He took three steps and two steps at a time and immediately picked up the shop's account. Ben asked her to sign it.

He Moni smiled gently, took over and wrote a few beautiful divine words.

He Mo Ni is not the strongest in the God Realm, but her number of fans must be the largest in the God Realm. Chongquan, Bai Hai, Qian Haitian... the Blue Eagle Pirates all have many of her fans.

The shop owner's eyebrows relaxed. It turns out that the super-eatable girl and the mythical beast are friends with Lord Mo Ni, so today is his lucky day. Through a series of intertwined causes and effects, he got the autograph of Lord Mo Ni.

On the way to the Misty Palace, Camilla stepped hard on the solid ground under her feet from time to time, recalling in her mind the scene when everyone worked together to dismantle the mirror image Qingyan.

Did Ye Lin create a visual illusion of Qingyan, or did he really replicate a Qingyan City with perfect proportions at his fingertips? The miraculous world in just one thought, even Master Ergon could never do it. .

But not to mention, seeing buildings being blown to pieces and squandering power recklessly, it felt... pretty cool.

Camila's interest in higher realms and special powers was aroused.

Xiao Su and You Xia planned to take a walk and then go back to retreat. They gained something after the battle, and they were a little more sure of their breakthrough.

Wanzi, who was wearing a big hat on his head, was leisurely, biting a lollipop in his mouth, and then pointing at all aspects of Qingyan.

Unlike bassist Aiello, who also likes to eat sweets, Aiello is used to eating spherical lollipops, while Wanzi eats wave candy.


Something's wrong!

Wanzi suddenly stopped licking the candy, his ears and Daimao all stood up alertly, he was looking in all directions, and his magic hat was being pushed up by Daimao.

There is an icy murderous aura!

call out!

The expressionless Siatt appeared behind Wanzi at a speed that was not suitable for his plump body. He raised his hands and his eyes were filled with red light, as if he was ferociously preying on prey.

Wanzi shivered, her intuition telling her that there was something terrible behind her, and she couldn't turn around or look directly at it.

"Is it fat... fat..."


Siatt first took off Wanzi's big hat and put it on her head, then pinched her pointed ears and said without any fluctuation in her tone, "I haven't seen you for a while, you have gained a lot of courage."

Didn't you just call Feitiao to bless you? Now I'm here to bless you.

"It hurts, it hurts~ Fatty, you are quite fat, but why are you so narrow-minded?"

Meatball used a substitute scarecrow to escape, and it was obviously Natya who started the attack first.

"Come back here!" Siatt raised her hand, and the ball flew over uncontrollably, accepting Fatty's caress honestly.

"Because you mentioned the word fat three times~"

"I didn't say Fatty!"

"You also said you didn't mention Feitiao."

"I'm mirroring Qing Yanti's Fat Bear. I didn't say Fat Bear just now."

"Don't mention the fat croaker, you manhole cover, you're not afraid of losing your teeth after eating so much candy."

"Okay, okay, I won't talk about the fat croaker."

"You're still talking about the fat croaker!"

"No, I said I won't talk about the fat croaker anymore."

Angry~clenched fist!

Yaoyao and the others all stared at the verbal battle between Xiyat and Wanzi, and were confused. What is "fat croaker"? I've never seen it before. It sounds like the name of some fat fish.

Piaomiao Palace

Xiao Su and You Xia went around, bought some things they liked, hugged the cute beast for a while, and then urged Ye Lin to open the entrance to the secret world. This guy blocked their transmission tokens, it must be intentional.

After relaxing appropriately, they have to practice quickly and seize today's battle experience.

"Are you so impatient to enter my body?" Ganzhe reluctantly pulled up the two people's white and soft hands.

"Don't be mean~" Xiao Su rolled her eyes and was speechless. What do you mean by entering? Do you want me to put the roots of the world tree into your mouth?

The secret world is an alternate dimension he opened up, but it is not in his body.

"Actually~" Ye Lin coughed lightly and gave another method with "good intentions", saying: "Don't be anxious, haste makes waste, and I can also provide the method of the divine path."

The only restriction is a few hundred combat power, Aunt Katie has reached it, and Alicia is working hard.

"Hurry up~" Xiao Su pretended not to hear it, urging him to hurry up and stop wasting time.

Ganzhe nodded, first pulled Youxia over and kissed her forehead, then sent her into the secret world, and then looked at Xiao Su affectionately.

Although the loli in the divine world is beautiful, Xiao Su always has a sour and sweet first love feeling.

Xiao Su helplessly supported his temple, "Close your eyes, really close them."

Ganzhe closed his eyes as he was told.

Then at that moment, Xiao Su and Beiyana, who was passing by happily, completed the position exchange.



Beiyana, who was hugged by the sugar cane, touched her forehead foolishly. Why am I here suddenly? What was the elder brother doing just now? I am your sister who is not related by blood.


The elastic little fat meat was wiped.

Beiyana trembled all over, and suddenly understood and realized.

The elder brother was super shameless. He liked to take advantage of Xiao Su and the others, and made Yimi Wu mature, but he was always clear with her and Wanzi, without any bitterness, as if they were real blood brothers and sisters.

It’s not that she and Wanzi are different. The elder brother explained that they were too familiar with each other and couldn’t do it. The two bear girls were no different from their own sisters.

Now Beiyana knew that as long as the elder brother’s eyes were covered, he would not have the psychological pressure of “being too familiar”.

Because... Xiao Su was wearing a gorgeous pleated short skirt, and she was wearing a one-piece hot pants with an outer skirt. No matter how stupid the elder brother was, he couldn’t feel the difference between the clothes.

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