Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 3231 Master, I want to learn this!

Chapter 3232 Master, I want to learn this!

The archives record room is one of the most important places in the Eye of Mist, where the foundation is. The founder is Linklater, one of the first builders of the Eye of Mist. He once said a sonorous and powerful word:

"If we can't record the truth, then it's no different from distorting history."

So in the record room of the Misty Palace, the headquarters of the Eye of Mist, you can find almost all the information of the Eye of Mist. It is very detailed, and the authenticity is absolutely trustworthy. "Falsehood" is the taboo of the Eye of Mist.

Now the information about Ursula has been artificially erased, and Hazel's investigation not long ago found that the believers who should have been recorded as "dead" have become members of the Mist Curtain, which made her strongly doubt the authenticity of the record room.

The God Realm really maintains the truth and harmony on the surface, but it has been rotten in secret. It is said that it is golden and jade outside, but rotten inside.

"Ah, so tired and annoyed~ All the information about Ursula and Dark Island is here, you can take a look at it." Hazel lay back in the soft office chair, took out a bottle of Coke from her shoulder bag, opened it with a puff, and exuded a lazy and listless atmosphere.

I really miss the days when I used to slack off. Cladis presided over various affairs, big and small, and I could take a rest or tinker with my favorite fog machine after finishing two part-time jobs.

Now Cladis and Lopez have run away, taking a group of believers with them, and then her foolishness was discovered by Yidan, resulting in a lot more work for her to deal with.

Ye Lin flipped through a few thin sheets of information about Ursula, which were indeed insignificant mission records, which could only prove that she was indeed a believer of the Eye of Mist.

The records of Dark Island were similar to what Ursula said, and the Eye of Mist was ignored after failing to solve it.

Moreover, combined with the experience of the Blue Eagle Pirates, Ye Lin suspected that these three groups of dispatched personnel were really the "Eye of the Mist". Could it be that the Mist Curtain led by Lopez not only failed to solve the evil spirit but also aggravated the spread of the evil spirit.

Hazel raised her chin slightly, indicating Ursula who was following them. She felt a little strange and asked, "Why is she so wooden and at a loss? What's wrong?"

She knew this powerful monster, the fun girl who almost kidnapped hundreds of scholars in the auditorium. She was one of the five monsters with evil spirits and was a member of the Eye of the Mist before.

She was very powerful. If Ye Lin and Camilla hadn't happened to be there, there would have been a big incident.

"It should be the collapse of faith and the loss of the meaning of life." Ye Lin replied.

Ursula had fallen into one of the five monsters with evil spirits a long time ago. The white snake posture was full of evil spirits, which was naturally unacceptable to humans.

Before, she was almost pierced by Mochia's "gift". The other party was determined to snatch the seal of heaven. The six evil eyes were full of malice and indifferent to Ursula's life and death, which made her feel cold in her heart.

She couldn't be a human, and she almost died as a demon. Ursula suddenly lost the desire and meaning to pursue the future.

If she had eyes, she would be dull now, with no energy and spirit, like a puppet controlled by silk strings.

After listening, Hazel shrugged her shoulders, took another sip of Coke, and teased: "That's pretty miserable. We are full of hypocrisy among the gods, and the demons are not sincere either."

She thought of Lopez and Cladis again. The two of them are now not tolerated by the human side. The difference is that they must have some conspiracy they want to achieve.

Now Ursula is still alive, can walk and eat by herself, and can't do anything else.

Because of Ursula's sexy and beautiful appearance, she seems to be a "vase" suitable for collection. It should be good to use her for flower arrangement every day.

"Take her to Yuena for training." Hiat suggested casually.

If you lose the meaning of life, you might as well regard the belief in "God" as your lifelong pursuit in the future. Such people will have extremely sincere and pious beliefs, and their minds are full of my God.

"Well, I'll bring it to Yuena later. Hazel, please find me her archive box of the same period."

"Why do you want that? They are all antiques from hundreds of years ago. The believers of her generation have all died long ago."

While talking about trouble, Hazel found a hard archive box containing the same period data and handed it to him to see what he could do.

Ye Lin pointed his finger at the archive box, and a silver ripple passed by. After opening it, he took out several pieces of data that should not have existed.

"Hiss, this is that..." Hazel scratched her hair, slapped the table, pointed at the information in his hand, and said in a very certain tone: "Time! You can really manipulate time."

The trait of a genius is to deduce the original appearance of things through a little information. Hazel has full confidence in herself. Combined with the fact that she once became 18 years old, Ye Lin must be able to manipulate this illusory power.

I heard that there are very few people in the God Realm who can manipulate the demonic energy and the power called "disharmony". The latter is a kind of magic with unknown specific effects. Various rumors say that it is very scary. It can collapse the five elements of the God Realm and disrupt the stable earth veins.

But compared with "time", it is obviously not, it's amazing.

Hazel's beautiful eyes sparkled, jumped off the chair, and pulled his arm affectionately, "Master, I want to learn this!"

Before, Hazel was skeptical about Ye Lin's words "I reveal a little knowledge, you have to study for a lifetime", thinking that it was suspected of bragging, but now she completely believes it.

"Not very good, the time is very dangerous and requires talent, I don't know if you are suitable."


"Huh?" Camilla on the side looked surprised. When did Hazel become his apprentice? And he called her Master instead of Teacher, which is more solemn.

The God Realm attaches great importance to the relationship between master and apprentice. The saying that a teacher is a father for life is not just a casual saying.

Ye Lin flipped through Ursula's information and teased: "Do you know that her first thought of worshipping me as a master was to explode my inheritance."


Hazel felt guilty, looked around, then straightened her curvy chest and counterattacked: "Didn't you turn me into eighteen because I couldn't date at the age of eleven?"


Camilla's eyes changed again, and there was such a magical reason.

Ye Lin's heart skipped a beat. Something was wrong. This girl was very precocious and much more mature than Bayana.

Ye Lin changed the subject, raised the information in his hand, and said to Ursula: "So you are from the Scribben family, and you are his ancestor."

"Scribben" is the former protector of the White Sea.

Although the God Realm does not have the power of a family, the blood relationship is still connected. In Ursula's era, she was a member of the Scribben family and a member of the Eye of Mist.

Ursula, who had been expressionless, spoke slowly, her voice hoarse and weak, saying: "You seem to be very interested in my past, so will you believe what I say?"

"Not really." Hazel nodded truthfully and continued: "But it doesn't stop me from wanting to listen, because at your time, the hatred between the people in the God Realm and the monsters should have matured."

Since Ursula can restrain the demonic energy and maintain human rationality, she should not choose to join the monsters. Her information was erased by someone with ulterior motives, so there should be some secrets.

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