Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 3249 Divine Beast Crazy Bear

Chapter 3250 Divine Beast·Crazy Bear

Yimiwu and Yuena fought fiercely all the way, chasing each other, and the enemy was on a narrow road. Only the almighty Crazy Bear with the name of "Crazy" behaved like a real gentleman and doctor.

On weekdays, Yuena often teases you that you are lucky to have Crazy Bear. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the best housekeeper in the world. How many people want your bear.

Without Crazy Bear, you would be a dead nerd in the devil world.

The little witch said plausibly that Crazy Bear only needs to work, but as the owner, I have many things to consider.

Then Ganzhe frowned, pulled the little witch over and gave her a slap. All you have to do is lie down, and I have a lot of positions to consider.

Kuangfeng took off the black round-top gentleman's hat on his head and saluted the villagers. He retreated under the stunned eyes, and then the villagers discovered the stranger standing behind them at some point.

The villager who happened to meet at the entrance of the village was stunned for a moment and quickly said something to the village chief Bonas.

The latter was obviously more knowledgeable and well-informed, and quickly set his sights on Shu Mo and the constellation turtle Wu Mu.

The Protector of the Earth Realm represents a large neutral force, and is suspected to be related to the Hermit, who is no less important than the God of Mist.

"Thank you for your hard work coming from afar..."

"Village Chief!" The young man Brimu ignored the fishy sea water all over his body and squatted next to the confused Cindy. He suddenly shouted: "Look, her hands have returned to human appearance."

Rather than ascertaining the identity and purpose of the outsiders, the villagers watching were more concerned about their own safety. They turned their heads to look, then took a breath of the fishy smell from the coast and hurriedly covered their mouths.

If the concentration of demonic energy is not below a certain limit and there are no exposed wounds on the body, then the probability of ordinary people being infected by demonic energy is actually very low.

But it does not prevent the residents living here to have a psychological shadow, the wind is roaring, and the vegetation is full of monsters.

"Village Chief, this..." Brimu also felt confused. Once the transformation into a monster begins, there is no cure. This is why the village chief must send Cindy to Sara Island.

We couldn't bring ourselves to kill our friends who were still sane, and we had to defend ourselves against the evil spirit, so we made the cold and ruthless decision just now. There was really no other way.

Although there are occasional rumors of demon guardians in the divine world, few people have seen demon guardians.

Cindy looked at her hands blankly. They were a pair of hard-working hands, not hands with overextended knuckles and lizard skin. She suddenly got excited and subconsciously said in the hint: "Am I okay? I I can’t feel the evil spirit anymore.”

Ye Lin smiled. He was not very good at intervening in the local rules and regulations, so he hinted to Cindy to say loudly that she was fine, thus impressing this concept on all the villagers.

Village chief Bonas put down his shark hunting gun, grabbed Cindy's hand, looked at it, and said in a deep voice: "Bring the exploration device here."

A villager hurriedly took a palm-sized, box-shaped evil spirit exploration device and placed it in Cindy's hand. The green light on it was always on, indicating that there was no evil spirit.

"It seems to be Ruiqi's research work." Ye Lin raised his eyebrows. The theoretical school's research results are truly beneficial to the divine world.

Bonas looked hesitant while holding the instrument. On the one hand, it was recognized by the gods that once the transformation into a monster begins, there is no cure. On the other hand, it was the new invention of Qingyan scholars, which has never failed.

Brimu reminded: "Village chief, that bear just now obviously did something to Cindy..."

"The evil spirit in her body has indeed been eliminated by Crazy Bear. If you don't believe it, why not find a separate and remote place and lock her there for three days." Ye Lin made a timely suggestion.

Bonas looked at the woman's tear-stained cheeks, and then at her fully recovered hands. His face was hesitant, still undecided.

He is responsible for the safety of all villagers and eliminates any possible danger.

"The minority obeys the majority. Everyone, close your eyes. Those who agree with Cindy's stay, please raise your hands. Those who disagree, please stay still." Bonas finally decided to leave the choice to everyone.

They were told to close their eyes because the issue of monsters was too sensitive and the villagers would definitely have differences of opinion.

Regardless of the final outcome, Bonas does not want to affect trust among villagers.

"Cindy, close your eyes too."

Slowly, arms were raised one by one, and soon they surpassed half of them. At this time, the tanned skin of the Tu people was like a great Optimus Pillar, as if they were trying to hold up a sky of trust for Cindy.

As long as there is a glimmer of hope, they pray that the bells of Sala Island will not ring again.

"Put it down." Bonas closed his eyes hard to prevent some of the warm liquid from flowing out, and said stiffly: "Then lock Cindy up for three days. I hope it is a miracle of the sun."


Cindy woke up from a daze, her thin shoulders trembling, then she ran to Crazy Bear and knelt down and kowtowed. She knew who saved her at the critical moment.

Crazy Bear subconsciously took a step back. The bear had never seen such a situation before.

The villagers on the coast also recalled what happened just now. They all looked at Crazy Bear and said in surprise: "Speaking of which, that mythical beast used two needles, a sunny day doll-like thing, to change Cindy's demonic beast form. …”

"Is it a mythical beast? Why does the fur look like cloth?"

"Maybe it's a mutation. It's a unique one. Look at its appearance, it looks like it's pieced together."

"I heard that there are many strange beasts in the Awakening Forest, which can spit fire, spray water, control wind, create illusions... and can do anything."

In the heated conversation among the crowd, Crazy Bear was immediately defined as a beast, and a unique species.

The villagers' enthusiasm for Crazy Bear obviously surpassed that of Ye Lin and his group. They almost called it "Bear God". It seems that the beast that can treat evil spirits is the first in the world of gods.

Ye Lin shrugged his shoulders. The villagers who have been tortured by evil spirits for many years pay more attention to the significance of reality. Whoever can solve the evil beasts and evil spirits is their great benefactor...even if it is a bear.

Crazy Bear waved his paw at the villagers, and then wrote a line of star characters on the beach with his fingers...It doesn't matter.


Guyu, who was hiding in the dark and drinking water, almost spit out a mouthful of water. Crazy Bear actually learned the characters of the world of gods and could write them skillfully, but she herself didn't learn a single word.

On the other side, the battle between Yue Na and the little witch continued, and they had already moved away from the monitor village and fell into a place filled with demonic energy.

The trees here were still growing, but the bark was already damp and moldy, and the solid trunks were twisted like a huge black snake. The bushes were intertwined, the silt was piled up, and there was also a trace of demonic energy.

In the shadows, a pair of cold eyes gradually lit up, and Yimi Wu and Yue Na were not found at the first time.

Not long after, a man wearing a high-level uniform of the Eye of Mist, with black hair, bangs drooping, and a melancholy expression walked out of the bushes, dragging his "wounded" body towards the monitor village.

Halfway through the journey, the little witch suddenly descended here, alerted the surroundings, and shouted: "Yellow-faced woman, where are you hiding, come out, don't sneak around."


Unexpected visitor.

Zenon of the Eye of Mist flashed a cold light in his eyes, changed his plan on the spot, and then coughed hard, saying: "Little girl, what are you doing here, leave quickly, it's dangerous here."

After hearing the "kind" reminder, Imi Wu turned to look at Zenon and muttered in a low voice: "A worm?"

Zenon took a step closer, frowned suddenly, and said: "It's bad, the evil spirit is coming, I am a believer of the Eye of Mist, I know there is a shelter here, come with me."

As soon as the voice fell, the evil spirit nearby really became thicker, and there were constant hissing and shrill sounds in the dark, like insects and snakes running, and humans wailing. Ordinary people would be scared to death when they saw this scene.

"Go!" Zenon took another step closer and was about to reach out to pull Imi Wu.

"You are the one who caused the evil spirit nearby." The little witch sneered, staring at Zenon with a puzzled face, "I can see at a glance that you are not a human."


The little witch raised the puppet needle, and a series of dazzling patterns flew like meteors. When it landed, it caused a big explosion. Zenon, with a hideous face, was instantly submerged and then torn into pieces, turning into several insects and escaping frantically.

Speaking of which, I saw an interesting one...

First of all, the preview of the Legion of the Awakening Forest has been released. The big boss similar to the cause and effect mode is Ergon. He should not have rebelled, but is an experimental adventurer.

Then Ergon's third form is... a beast-eared shota!

Are all you hermits shotas?

The most special thing is that in the DFU, there is such a paragraph in Ergon's profile... He respected Mal and had a close relationship with Kelton. With the disappearance of Mal, he disappeared at a certain moment.

There are rumors that Mal left the God Realm, and he was sad and lived in seclusion in the Awakening Forest of the White Sea...

Hmm? ? ?

Something is wrong, tilt your head? ?

Hiss... Could it be that you are...

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