Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 326: Cold weapons, hot weapons, just different organizations

"What you said, do you think it's possible?"

Hillens slowly swayed the red wine, put one hand in his pocket, and looked indifferent and arrogant with a little contempt.

A natural force!

An ability that is envied by countless civilians and professionals.

For example, Maisel's own telekinesis has reached a level beyond that of ordinary awakened people without any previous experience or guidance.

In contrast, it is not an exaggeration to say that he is jealous.

In the chaotic world of Arad, where transfer phenomena are rampant, the existence of superpowers seems to be a great help to those who have no power and those who have worked hard to become professionals. Sarcasm and ridicule!

Emperor Lyon, who had great power in the continent, was also very curious about the source of superpowers' abilities, and he ordered the arrest of some people in an attempt to analyze the source.

This kind of behavior can be regarded as indirectly causing people with superpowers to huddle in the green city of Grozny.

Moreover, because superpowers are born with power, they have no idea of ​​the hard work that cultivators have gone through along the way. They can easily get lost and unable to extricate themselves, or even lose their minds.

After mocking Messer, Hilens was actually far less calm inside than on the surface.

Because he has been on the resort island for two days, why haven't the three bastard members of Bellemare sent a message to him with information?

Vaguely, he had a strange feeling in his heart.

At this moment, a well-dressed man who looked like a butler hurried over and whispered something in the earl, which made Hillens surprised and frowned.

"Messer, you also understand that there are not many people with powers as powerful as you. Grozny will never be able to stop the empire. I will only give you one day, and I hope you will be sensible."

Hillens, who was becoming increasingly impatient, sneered and left, and asked the housekeeper in the corridor of the villa: "Tell me in detail, what's going on?"

"Sir, through inquiring, we learned that three members of Parliament were imprisoned by Skadi for murdering the Queen, the Demonic Sword of Human Life, and huge amounts of corruption. Currently, the relevant official positions and rights are temporarily retained by the Queen herself. Confidant Cornalo, Santorini is in charge.”

Before the butler finished speaking, Hillens' expression changed. He didn't know what this action meant. It was a prelude to resistance!

The queen who had been begging for mercy for more than five years actually "ate" three people in one go. What a huge appetite.

After patting his forehead, Hillens felt the unpleasant feeling in his heart getting stronger and stronger.

"That's not right!" Hillens was startled and suddenly said in surprise: "How long ago was this news? When was the congressman detained?"

"Sir, a week ago..."

The butler immediately trembled. The time was a week ago. Skadi couldn't suppress such a big matter even if he wanted to. So why has there been no order from Weitalun?


Hillens returned to the study and quickly wrote two letters, stamped them with the noble medal of the Hillens family, sealed them, handed them to the housekeeper, and said urgently:

"Send someone to send a letter back to Vetalun to honor His Majesty the Emperor, and send a letter to the garrison commander Glavus in Miranda Plains. Immediately, as quickly as possible!"

"Yes, sir!"


As the deputy leader of Skyhawk, Schmidt has extremely excellent intelligence analysis capabilities. While leading Ye Lin to the temporary camp, he analyzed:

"Hillens happened to avoid the time when you attacked the Empire Arena, but the three congressmen were imprisoned. This kind of thing cannot be hidden. Sooner or later, it will reach his ears. He didn't bring many people. , unable to influence the situation in Hedunmar, so I will definitely send a letter back to Weitalun for help as quickly as possible."

Ye Lin nodded and looked at each other with a smile. I'm afraid the Count's holiday villa is now surrounded by people from Sky Eagle and Death Ball.

Although the two major organizations are unable to conduct in-depth internal investigations due to the existence of mysterious powerful men, with their extraordinary abilities, secretly blocking a villa should not be a big problem.

There are dense forests on the Faroe Bay islands, and all kinds of insects, snakes, spiders and scorpions inevitably live in the depths. Most tourists are not in the mood to dig into them and feel uncomfortable.

The ground was covered with fallen leaves and tangled vines, with no trace of human activity at all.

But just behind a rugged mountain rock, there are two simple wooden houses built with wooden boards. There are many tattered fishing nets hanging outside, as well as oak barrels and a circle of rickety fences. They look like an old fisherman's abandoned house. Home.

This is Schmidt's temporary command post, one for the Skyhawk Organization and one for the Death Ball, right next to each other.

Although they are cooperating for the time being, they are not in conflict with each other.

Ye Lin, who was standing at the door, suddenly twitched the corners of his mouth, feeling extremely subtle and weird.

In the board room on the right, a group of elite soldiers from the Sky Eagle Organization, all fierce and experienced men, were slowly loading bullets into their magazines, with energy grenades hanging on their bodies.

In the board room on the left, several members of the Death Ball were using the daggers in their hands to test the subtleties of their knife skills with each other by carving apples as fast as they could.

Cold weapons and hot weapons are in sharp contrast, with different styles and techniques, as if there is a gap between two eras.

When Tianying was founded, it meant that they were in tit-for-tat opposition to the "Prince's Courtyard", so they were all men.

The Death Ball pursues extreme cruelty, such as using a knife to draw pictures on human skin, which requires women with more delicate minds.

The Dark Elf people were not surprised when they saw him, but nodded in greeting. The ring on Ye Lin's finger also had a snake-shaped ring given to him by the Death Ball.

Schmidt smiled heartily, clapped his hands and introduced: "This is the boss who hired you, and is the second largest provider of activity funds within the organization."

As for the first financial provider, it is naturally Hedunmar's famous rich man...Kelly.

They knew each other as if they were familiar, so someone accidentally shot him while they were operating in the middle of the night.

Although metal weapons were of no use to him, it would inevitably cause the members of Skyhawk to throw grenades and bombard them in confusion, causing an own misfortune.

Schmidt asked him to come up with an idea because the mysterious powerhouse was more difficult and special.

Otherwise, with his decades of rich combat experience, Hillens would have been hung on a coconut tree to enjoy the sea breeze.

But Ye Lin had already guessed who the mysterious strong man might be. After feeling confident in his heart, he made a quick decision and said, "I will deal with the mysterious strong man in the second half of the night, and then you..."

He made a pulling gesture on his neck, and the two major organizations understood it.


Count Hillens' residence halfway up the mountain is private property. General tourists are not allowed to approach it and will be warned by the guards and driven away.

Of course, this is not a residence he bought, but the result of the attentiveness of an official on the West Coast.

In the forest at the foot of the mountain, several dark elves were moving and swimming like apes, and the silver daggers in their hands shimmered slightly in the mottled forest islands.

On a main road leading to the seaside, there were several swordsmen lying there, their bodies gradually stiffening, and they were all killed by a single blow to the throat.

Two letters were found from the swordsman's arms. The dagger was swung like a gust of wind. Within a moment, the letters turned into pieces the size of peanuts, scattered and flying in the sea breeze.

A swordsman who hurried over was a little surprised when he saw this, but he still had no choice but to take out a special energy grenade and carry out the aftermath work of destroying the corpses and eliminating traces.

The time is slowly approaching midnight...

"The bright moon rises over the sea, it's beautiful, isn't it?"

Standing on the top of a tall tree, looking at the seaside, Ye Lin sighed, but no one paid him any attention.

Hillens lived in a sea-view villa with beautiful mountains and shade trees, which made him feel very comfortable.

However, after sending several people to deliver the message, the count did not escape immediately, which was a bit surprising.

It seems that Hillens has determined his identity and no one dares to touch him.

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