Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 3261 Oh my god, Sara Island, there is a surveillance tower!

Chapter 3262 Oh my god, Sarah Island, and the surveillance tower!

In a sense, Feng Ying never went to school. After all, he was a "wandering" samurai before, and he was a real wanderer without money.

The sword was ethereal and the moon was cold and frosty. Yasha, one of the five demon-stricken monsters, tried his best to resist but was still cut in half by the sword. His flesh and bones were distinct, his blood flowed like a waterfall, and his soul was cut off.

"Makhnava! Save me!" Yasha yelled, his cold voice now shouting out in pain, damn, did the other party treat it like sashimi, cutting it up and down.

It is difficult to destroy beyond the realm. Yasha was split twice in a row and still survived. The reunited demon body still stood tall in the sky, waving the bloody trident. The strong wind tore up the sky and the tsunami surged thousands of feet.

The boiling demonic energy mixed with its blood created extremely polluting substances. The trident pointed at the White Sea in the distance, and the storm carrying the turbid substances suddenly covered the sky and rushed towards the White Sea, intending to rain down a demonic rain of annihilation and filth.

It was forced to fight tooth and nail, and the power Yasha created was no less powerful than Qingyan's previous battle.

It was impossible for Mahnava not to feel the transcendent fluctuations. The tall humanoid demonic body glanced coldly at Bai Hai, thought for a moment and then did not move, but continued to look at his target.

It is difficult to truly kill those who have transcended the realm. If the two transcendents, Lopez and Yaksha, plus a group of great demons from ancient times cannot escape from each other, then two things can be verified.

Firstly, the strength of that group of adventurers needs to be re-evaluated. Secondly, Yasha is also a waste. He is a little stronger than Largo, who is weak now, and he can't even escape.

As for Ursula, Mahnava considered her dead.

"If you can escape, I will slightly increase my evaluation of them. If you die, I will greatly increase my evaluation. No matter what, you are meaningful." Mahnava no longer paid attention to the fluctuations of the transcendent level, and turned to And asked about another hidden five monsters suffering from demons.


"It can be occupied, it will take some time."


Mahnava nodded slightly, and in a burst of black turbulent energy, he transformed into a man in a straight suit, burly figure, majestic face, with clean beard and hair, and walked towards Kiran.


"Let's all die!"

Yaksha violently set off a hurricane mixed with demon blood and smashed into the White Sea. The wind and rain were raging. Ordinary people also saw at this moment, a demonic figure with a body and a snake's tail reaching up to the sky and the earth, calling for wind and rain, accompanied by thunder and lightning, and overwhelming the world, as if the demon god in the myth was resurrected in terror. .

watcher village

Brimu, who had recovered some of his physical strength after drinking the Remy potion, sensed a strong demonic aura and immediately rushed out the door regardless of dissuasion. He stared at the shadow of Yaksha in the distance, and his mind suddenly tightened.

During a thunderstorm many days ago, everyone vaguely saw its shadow.

"Oh my God, there's Sara Island, and there's a watchtower!" Brimu was so shaken that he couldn't help but make a trembling voice.

From the Monitor Village, only Sara Island can be seen as far away as possible, unaware that the Dark Island further away has been torn apart.

Feng Yingsu flicked the sword with her hand, and the sound was crisp and clear. A bolt of white lightning flashed across the sword body. The Thousand Flower Sword bloomed with more brilliant sword energy, completing an evolutionary transformation at an essential level.

The demigod weapon tempered by the creation runes and the chaos magic stone is called "Luo Hua". ‘The name was given by Ye Lin’

"In my name!" Mavis's eyes lit up with a mysterious black light, and the fallen sword blade quietly glowed with a faint light symbolizing death.

Feng Ying disappeared from the place, and appeared in front of Yasha in the next moment. She was wearing a white sword and facing the fierce wind and rain. A strange scene fell from the sky. A vast bright moon was in the sky. The sword she held in her slender fingers was even brighter and had already melted. The hilt of the falling flower sword of the Mingyue Sword Immortal, who is a flying immortal, has been raised to the left middle position.

"The flowers are blooming and the shadows of the cherry blossoms are falling in the forest... Tsk, it's so unpleasant to hear, but, forget it..." Feng Ying shook her head. She had long admitted that she was a waste of names.

Feng Ying still refuses to give up when it comes to fishing. It must be because of the fishing rod, fishing line, bait, float, resources, mood, weather, temperature...

With the sword of "Brush", the sky reflected the bright moon, and the slanting light was transparent. This time, Yaksha and the bloody trident were split sideways, and the demon blood was like a waterfall. The sword of Feixian was dazzling, and the universe was clear.

Yasha roared angrily and tried his best to fight back but to no avail. He was cut open by a sword three times, and the sword energy kept eroding its soul and flesh. Even though it was a transcendent, it was severely injured at this moment. Its soul power was greatly weakened. A transcendent is difficult to die but not immortal.


"If you don't die, I'll ask Yaoyao to read your name backwards from now on." Feng Ying sheathed her sword. The blade was as smooth as a mirror, with the bright moon and cherry blossoms hidden in it. She put it into the scabbard with a "clang" sound.

A ball of demon energy belonging to Demon King Mokia emerged from Yasha's body, and it was difficult to heal the subsequent damage caused by Feng Ying's sword energy.


Yasha's upper body suddenly exploded violently, and the ripples of the crazy impact spread. An area of ​​​​the sea was directly exposed to the ground, and then horribly dented. The Sara Island and the surveillance tower in the distance were directly cut into half. Fortunately, Mo Mei took shelter in time.

Amidst the endless demonic energy and demonic blood, a tiny demonic shadow sprang out and fled in the direction of Kukai. It faked death and deceived everyone at the cost of its transcendent body and 99% of its soul power.

"As long as I can return to the place of trouble, my body can still be reborn, and my chopped-off soul can also have a chance to recover."

Yasha didn't dare to stay, and the lightning and flint arrived at Kukai. Finally, his mind relaxed a little, and he was about to drill towards the entrance of the hidden place of trouble.

It knows that it has failed miserably, and now unless Lord Mokia comes to help, it will have to sleep for a thousand years and regenerate its demon body.

At this moment, something strange happened. Its soul suddenly cracked and twisted like a broken mirror. From it came beams of black light. Yaksha's soul was rapidly disintegrating and melting.

"This is impossible!" Yaksha roared, igniting his last soul power, leaving only the last bit of spiritual consciousness, trying to dissolve this power.

Mahnava of Wulan turned around. Since Yaksha desperately escaped to the sky, he didn't mind helping.

However, the speed of Yaksha's soul disintegration was faster than Mahnava imagined. The black light of death bloomed, completely annihilating it and no longer existing.

Mahnava stood there for a while, with a cold face, and walked towards a chamber of commerce on the street.

Even if it was just a wisp of enchantment of the supreme power of death, it was not something Yaksha could resist.

Yuena, Momei and Xiaoyu worked together to purify the demonic aura and dirty rain of Yaksha. Rays of divine light shone brightly in the world. The dragon opened its eyes in the sky, one eye contained the original wind, and the other eye was full of thunder.

The shadow of Archangel Saphir was very similar to Yuena's face, quiet and peaceful. The light of Archangel's cross shone on Baihai again, purifying the aura of demons.

Momei's mind energy was omnipresent and all-encompassing. It quickly condensed and wrapped every drop of demon blood after Yaksha was shattered, erasing the remaining resentment in it, including the remaining half of the snake body was also wrapped up by the mind energy. The corpse of the transcendent level was not something Baihai could stop.

"The five monsters who were infected with demons, Yaksha, the disaster of the sea, finally died again after a thousand years." Elgon was obviously a little dazed, and was crushed by Katie with absolute advantage on the chessboard.

Elgon knew that Yaksha had many terrible secrets. During the battle in Baihai, it shook the great magic circle. At that time, its opponent was the hermit Kelton, and now it was cut by Fengying's three swords.

Outside the Awakening Forest, the "ghosts and wolves howling" of the demon team could be heard faintly, and they were beaten by the incarnation of Niwu.

The Broken Dark Island

Astra tilted his head and stared at the Crazy Bear, which was bigger than the mountain and based on the sea, suggesting that the two of us fight?

The demon crocodile was no match for it at all. After a few head-on moves, the opponent was no longer able to fight. It was not satisfying at all and was still unsatisfied.


Crazy Bear and Astra started to fight, friendship first, fighting second.


While Ye Lin was "difficult" to deal with Lopez's disorder, he asked Celia through telepathy: "Rich woman, do you know where there is good luck or important facilities of Huitong Public Bureau?"

"Ask Tana, she collects market intelligence, I am only responsible for making money."

Soon, Tana gave a reply, "There is a floating island in the north of Wuyan, on which is an important airship maintenance base of Huitong Public Bureau."

"Okay." Ye Lin nodded.

A few minutes later, the floating island was swept by a beam of unbalanced force, causing a loud explosion.

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