Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 3270 Why is he underage again?

Chapter 3271 Why are you a minor again?

After Wanzi came to the God Realm, he had contact with those scholars. He originally had high expectations, whether the collision of the two greatest inventors in the world would spark a dazzling spark of inspiration.

thus creating a greater work than "The Ring of Ouroboros."

But I was disappointed as soon as I came into contact with it. The creativity of those scholars was too monotonous. Their inventions were entirely based on the energy of "mist".

That is to say, when they want to create an invention, the first thing they consider is to use fog as the only energy source. Maruko believes that this will greatly limit the possibility and fun of the invention.

Different energy bases can create different great works.

And there is another question. I am the greatest magic scholar in the demon world, so who is the greatest inventor in the god world~

Now the corner of Wanzi's mouth raised a smile. He felt that the pink-haired girl in front of him who had a big chubby hamster as a partner was very interesting. The one she was holding looked like a yellow piglet and had two curved ram's horns to drive its energy. Like cool lightning.

Wanzi opened her palm and placed a very sweet pink candy. If she made friends, she would give each other a candy.

This candy is normal, not a work of magic crafted from the Philosopher's Stone.

If Iqi is given candy, then there must be something added to the candy.

Diana pulled Mozi's paw back, but did not take the candy from the ball. Her beautiful big eyes were full of vigilance. Who would eat candy given by a stranger when they meet for the first time? Do you think I am that person? A little girl of four or five years old.

I'm fourteen years old!

Diana is taller than Maruko-chan and has a slimmer figure.

Due to her bloodline from the God Realm, Diana's chest in the long dress bulged out in a small arc. However, her age was much younger than Maruko's, and similar to Erice's.

If Sugar Cane were here, he would definitely complain about another underage Loli from the God Realm.

"Moz, let's go quickly." Diana jumped lightly and sat on Moz's back shoulder. The two small sparrow-like wings of the fat hamster flapped. After flying up, the speed was unexpectedly fast, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Wanzi touched his chin, and then made a gesture, I want to follow quietly to take a look.

Biana and the others nodded, and then gestured that we should take a stroll around on a broomstick. There are many mythical beasts here, the environment is beautiful, and there are many fruit trees. It is so interesting.


"Weird person, he bumped into us but didn't apologize." Diana was angrily, touched her partner's head with a hand wearing a mixed blue and white glove, frowned and said, "But there is one thing, her four This little guy is quite cute, and he does look a lot like my children.”

Diana flew all the way back to her laboratory. This was her own little world. The sky was filled with white and black clouds with eyes and mouths and sunglasses. On the ground, there were those yellow and clear clouds running in groups. The little guy with the body of a fat pig and the horns of a goat made a mess on the ground.

"Wow, this is your laboratory. It's great. You have so many electric pigs." Diana was startled by the sudden appearance of Wanzi.

The clouds in the sky immediately lit up with the light of thunder and lightning, and groups of "electric pigs" also stared at Wanzi, exuding obvious hostility.

It was this strange girl wearing a big hat again. Diana was very angry that Wanzi came uninvited. She pointed at Wanzi with her left hand wearing a white glove, "Gather the elves, let's do something powerful."


Each "electric pig" takes action, condenses into a formation, and is about to rush towards the ball with fierce momentum and sparkling electric light.

"Stop, stop, stop, I really want to make friends with you. We are the same kind of people." Wanzi waved his hand and quickly set up the first demonic acid rain cloud and the electric eel collider. Look, look, I have a cloud too. Will discharge.

"By the way, let me introduce myself first. My name is Wanzi, and I come from the outside world~"

Diana frowned and looked at Wanzi's work, her anger did not go away at all. Her eyes lit up after hearing the outside world, and she raised her hands to prohibit: "Don't come over, just stand there, Moz won't I like you to be close. Are you from the outside world? "

"Yeah, who are you? We know each other." Wanzi nodded.

"I am...I am Diana, the monitor of the Forest of Awakening, and a member of the Rhythm of Beauty. These are my good partners. I call them elves, not electric pigs."

Just when Wanzi and Diana finally got to know each other, Mailu, Mi Gao and Camilla also came to the Forest of Awakening.

Wherever Mailu walked, the mythical beasts were curious to visit, and couldn't help but follow her. There were a large number of mythical beasts, big and small, flying and crawling. The scene was very spectacular. Those who lived in the Forest of Awakening Humanity was shocked.

Camilla itself has an extraordinary affinity with mythical beasts, and now with the addition of the elf Mailu, she can "kill" almost all the mythical beasts in the Forest of Awakening, and all the bad-tempered guys have become better behaved.

"Sister Katie." Mailu smiled sweetly and held Katie's hand.

Katie also seemed very happy to meet an old friend in a foreign country, "Milu, rice cakes."

"Sister Katie, did Diana run away again?" Camilla's polite words and elegant behavior won Katie's liking.

Katie's first stop when she came to the God Realm was the Forest of Awakening, which is known as the most harmonious place in the God Realm. She wanted to find more ways to "empathize" with the summoned beasts here, so she met the person responsible for managing the Forest of Awakening. Camilla.

"Yeah." Katie smiled and teased, "That kid is almost suffocated in the Awakening Forest. If she is not let out, something bad will happen."

Katie actually acquiesced to Maruko and the others' sneaking away, and she also quietly made them bump into Diana.

This group of naughty and eccentric bear girls may help Diana, who is mentally ill, relax.

Diana's problem is a long story. She was born in a village near the Awakening Forest, and naturally joined the Melon Rhythm when she grew up.

Although Diana has almost no musical talent, she has an outstanding talent in communicating with the mythical beasts.

Diana is the first to communicate with every newly born or resurrected mythical beast in the Awakening Forest, and she shoulders a very important responsibility.

It's just that Diana herself doesn't know her importance to the Awakening Forest.

Working in one place for a long time will make people numb and irritable. This is not the first time she has tried to sneak out of the Awakening Forest. She has tried 17 or 18 times, and each time she was caught by Camilla and the members of Meilunzhiyun.

She said that she could not leave the Awakening Forest, otherwise the harmony and rules would be broken.

Diana herself did not understand. I just wanted to go to Qingyan and Jiaolu Plain to take a look. I just wanted to experience more new and interesting places. How could it break the harmony?

Then, under the premise that she was resentful, she could not listen to the explanations of many people. On the surface, she nodded "hmm", but in fact, she was thinking about how to escape from the Awakening Forest.

In short, Diana played an indispensable role in the Awakening Forest, but she herself developed a strong rebellious psychology in the long working state and did not want to live under the framework of "harmony and agreement" anymore.

She wanted freedom, real freedom.

"Diana..." Camilla sighed softly, then looked at the Awakening Forest with towering ancient trees, and suddenly her whole body was shocked, and the scene in her eyes changed unimaginably.

The trunks of the towering ancient trees suddenly turned into metal, emitting a biting cold air. The place where they were seemed to have turned into a huge, endless cold-blooded prison.

"How could it be..." Camilla hurriedly shook her head to come back to her senses. It was just an illusion, but it was extremely symbolic.

Camilla murmured: "Is it really as Ye Lin said, over-emphasizing harmony, the promised divine world, has already gone to an extreme path."


A violent explosion sounded, the trees rustled, and thick smoke suddenly emerged from a corner of the Awakening Forest.

Camilla immediately looked over and saw that it was the direction of Diana's laboratory.


"Forget it, let her go." Katie stopped Camilla who wanted to check, shook her head at her, and then smiled: "You, me and Mai Lu are enough to deal with the Awakening Forest during this period, let Diana go."

In the plot, Diana has been so depressed that she feels that it doesn't matter if the fog god dies, and she feels a little crazy.

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