Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 3276 Two daily tasks

Chapter 3277 Two Daily Tasks

Held said words in a plain tone that made Ye Lin have a black line on his forehead. She was indeed a bad woman who almost murdered all the apostles. She was the most irritating and could make people roll their eyes in just a few words.

Being widowed was not a deliberate move by Held to target Sugar Cane, it was just to make things easier.

Sugar Cane suddenly smiled knowingly. The bad woman said that she was widowed. In a sense, she was also recognizing him from the side, recognizing that he was Yako's father and her lifelong spouse.

Ganzhe immediately cleared up his depressed mood and looked at Held, who was wearing a black dress, with appreciative eyes. The body in front of him was Held's stand-in. After giving birth to Akko, his body curve seemed to be better than that of the main body. Much fuller.

Especially the pair of plump granaries on the chest of the black dress, which is obviously a good harvest year, is particularly attractive.

"Helder, after you weaned Akko, did your chest feel swollen and uncomfortable? Alice said there was." Sugar Cane asked with a sudden thought, almost desperate.

The child Yako was "bitter" because he was "prematurely born" due to the water of life. After being born prematurely, he was weaned off breast milk and had to eat instead.

Held's beautiful eyes turned cold, filled with evil spirits, "Get out!"


After changing into new shoes, Akko jumped out of Held's arms, stepped firmly on the ground and stamped his feet with a happy face. As expected, dry shoes were the most comfortable to wear.

She had no idea that her father was being scolded for being mean again.

Akko took the initiative to hold the hands of his parents one by one, and then pulled hard and rushed to the Star Turtle Library. We went to play with the constellation turtles. Those mythical beasts are cute and can fly.

Held walked a little faster, and looked at Akko with eyes as delicate and tender as water. The moment he turned his head, the tenderness disappeared, and he was shockingly evil. He gave Gan Cane a cold look, implying that I am now a widowed record keeper. Identity, please don't mess around with me and reveal your identity.

Don't ask any more nonsense.

The Guardians and Recorders of the Earth Realm have special ways to contact the Star Turtle Library, and they can also bring guests to and from it. It is known as the largest library in the God Realm and is also the seat of knowledge.

Recently, many major events have happened in Qingyan and Dark Island, and their influence has spread to the divine world. It seems that a terrifying future is unfolding, and the Star Turtle Library has been a lot busier.

The Star Turtle Library is a neutral force in the God Realm, a gathering place of knowledge. Only three Earth Realm Guardians and Recorders travel the God Realm, mediating many events, and have the vague outline of a law enforcement department.

However, most of the recorders are average in strength. They rely on the ancient influence of the library and the reputation of the three hermits to mediate disputes in the divine world. However, there are often a few members with "rich martial virtues".

Chongquan's Earth Boundary Protector Kamelin, Qian Haitian's Earth Boundary Protector Scribben, etc. all have the strength of "You must sit down and talk to me".

Ye Lin asked about the reason for the rapid circulation of information in the library. Held asked Akko, who let go of his hand and ran away, to slow down and said without turning his eyes:

"There is a special secret treasure in the library that overlooks most of the God Realm. It is similar to the secret method of refraction. You can only watch it and cannot interfere."

So when Chongquan and Wulan were still confused about the Dark Island, the Star Turtle Library had already determined that the crisis there was temporarily resolved, and they also saw the terrifying demon corpse lying across the Misty Palace.

"Aunt Isadora." Akko climbed the dozens of steps in the library with brisk steps, ran towards the curator in a purple dress, threw herself into her arms and rubbed her, and then said she was going to find the little girl. The Star Turtles went to play.

The curator gently put down Yakko and asked her to run slower, and then looked at Sugar Cane with eyes full of traces of resentment.

Unlike Celia, Siatt and others who have "not had enough fun, don't have children", the curator is very willing. After many times, he has been flirtatious and asked Gan Cane softly, "Do you want to have another child?" ".

If you want it, I won't purify what you left in my body.

Sugar Cane would hold the curator's hand pitifully and shake his head every time. If he couldn't pay the curator in ten months, he would die.

Without you, who would do the secretary's job and who would do the daily tasks?

The curator suggested that the second curator from the mirror dimension could be used as my replacement. She is very similar to me in appearance and figure. Even her personality of collecting knowledge is exactly the same. She is also very gentle and affectionate towards you.

Gancan shamelessly said that my two secretaries could do daily tasks together.

When climbing up the steps, Held hung a ray of spiritual thought on Akko to prevent accidents, and said casually: "I want to send Akko to school. What do you think?"

"Is it Xiaoyi and Finai's literacy class?"

The second girl and the third girl are already learning to speak. Queen Skadi prepared some textbooks and teachers on how to read pictures and letters for them. As the future monarch of the principality, knowledge must be acquired from an early age.

"No, Akko's mind is enough to go to elementary school. I'm considering whether to send him to heaven or to Arad."

Before I knew it, my relationship with the bad woman truly felt like a family.

Entering the Star Turtle Library, Ye Lin quickly discovered that the recordkeepers who came and went looked at him with a rather strange look.

Because they knew that the "widowed" Recorder Hayd was beautiful, elegant and refined. He always had a plain, calm expression no matter how he faced anyone, but now he actually had a slight smile on his face and occasionally had gentle eyes.

Some recorders envied and sighed. The gods valued agreements, especially the agreements made during marriage. If one party was unfaithful in the future, they would be ridiculed and despised by relatives and friends of both parties.

However, Haid's "widowed" status was quite special. It was an extremely helpless accident. Being a widow could prove her loyalty to love, but no one could say anything if she remarried.

After Ye Lin figured it out, he looked at Held from a new perspective. A mature, cold, sexy widow? !

My wife is a widow. The story between me and the widow must be told. The widow's daughter is actually my daughter...

"Don't you want your eyes anymore?" Held returned to his expressionless state and warned Ye Lin not to stare at her like a pervert.

Walking into the gate of the Star Turtle Library, the first thing that caught my eye was the dense collection of books and the divine star characters flowing in the air. The library contained the power of space, and the space inside was much larger than what you saw from the outside. Standing at the bottom and looking at the top, it was so vast and deep that you couldn't see the top.

Many recorders rode the constellation turtles to go up and down, just like the magic scholars who rode brooms to sweep the dust in the ancient library of the demon world.

The curator knew what his purpose was. He said that the Star Turtle Library had already known that Shu Mo's identity had been exposed by Cladis, and had begun to conduct a detailed self-examination to find out who had told outsiders about Shu Mo's childhood details.

In addition, some recorders had strongly suggested that Shu Mo return to the library, where she could be better protected, and that someone else should be appointed as the land guardian of the White Sea.

And on the same day, they found out who the "traitor" was. She was an old woman with gray hair and a fat body. She was a doctor who collected herbs. She took good care of Shu Mo when she was a child, almost equivalent to Shu Mo's grandmother.

She seemed very flustered by the news about Shu Mo that was like a hurricane in the white sea. She told him that she met a mysterious person when she went out to collect herbs. When they were chatting, she couldn't help but follow the other person's thoughts, and inexplicably couldn't refuse the questions he asked.

In fact, since the Star Turtle Library and the nearby villages have a total population of about 1,000, and most of them have lived here for a long time, they all know that the child picked up by Mr. Grayson is called Shu Mo, a cheerful and brave girl.

Shu Mo has lived in the Star Turtle Library for more than ten years, and any villager can tell a few words about Shu Mo's past.

Shu Mo witnessed for the adventurers at the Baiyun Lighthouse. When the villagers knew about it, they laughed and said that Shu Mo finally had the momentum of a land guardian.

Ye Lin nodded and sighed, saying: "It's not a leak, but someone or a monster other than Cladis has calculated Shu Mo's true identity."

Speaking of which, it was also confirmed in the game that Held's original name was Haid!

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