Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 3284 The real pirates are coming

Chapter 3285 The real pirates are coming

Shu Mo, or Wu Shen's influence is really too great.

It didn't take long after Cladis confirmed it, and the news swept through the three continents of the God Realm like a storm, and almost everyone knew about it.

Everyone in the God Realm knew that the God of Mist was ill and that there was a big problem. Tens of millions of people in Baihai were almost killed. Shu Mo's appearance undoubtedly ignited their hopes and blessings for the God of Mist, and it was a ray of light that broke through the dark clouds. of bright dawn.

But now the white sea is once again covered with dripping, cool rain, and dark clouds are heavy in the sky, completely covering up the warmth of the sun. The atmosphere is extremely depressing.

One airship after another passed through the passage opened by Mo Mei, and immediately the light shone brightly and the speed soared, pointing directly at the misty plateau.

He Mo Ni, known as the most beautiful woman in Chongquan, was also in an ordinary-looking airship. With her slender fingers, she picked a grape from a bunch of purple agate-like grapes and put it in her mouth, and asked:

"Muse, what do you think Ye Lin wants to do? Shu Mo can't cure Wu Shen."

After Shu Mo's identity was exposed, Siatt came to her and told her that she wanted to do something big and needed her nominal support as the leader of Melun Rhythm, and that's what happened now.

The muse who was teasing a colorful butterfly shook her head, saying that she didn't know, and then asked curiously: "Ms. He Mo Ni, why can't Shu Mo succeed?"

Ai Luo, who was eating a lollipop, Mu Ya, who was small, as well as Bibi, Heman and others all cast curious glances.

Even Colin fell down, and then he recognized the wrong owner again.

He Moni smiled and said: "Because if Shu Mo can cure Master Wu Shen, why would Wu God just watch Bai Hai fall into the crisis of thick fog and not summon Shu Mo? Everything in the God Realm has been saved because of her." And Qi, Wu Shen loves the God Realm more than anyone else."

In short, the bond between Wu Shen and Shu Mo is blood, and she will understand Shu Mo's abilities better than anyone in the God Realm.

Muse and the others' expressions changed slightly when they heard this, yes, that's the truth.

"The last time the Eye of Mist successfully communicated with the Mist God was probably a year ago, hosted by Cladis. Now Cladis's whereabouts are unknown, but he has proved Shu Mo's identity through his old friend."

He Mo Ni pinched a grape with her fingers and threw it to Colin. She was as beautiful as a flower and extremely intelligent. Now her gemstone eyes were shining with wisdom and she said:

"Cladis's various behaviors are too weird. During that time when he communicated with the God of Fog, Cladis must have learned some undisclosed secrets."

Hemo Ni has wisdom that matches her beauty. She is a scholar in her own right, but her previous illness has caused her energy and spirit to remain low. She continued:

"Do you still remember the Cloudless Night? It was a period of time when all the fog disappeared. It was Lord Marr who took action to solve the problem. I heard that his Yggdrasil Staff was shattered for this reason. Now it is the opposite. The situation..."

Seeing that these girls were confused and confused, He Mo Ni rolled his eyes slightly and made an explosive speculation: "I often think that in our divine world there is an opposition between Yin and Yang, Yin is for death, and Yang is for life. , the mist disappears to die, Lord Mar saved the mist god, now the mist is too strong to survive, can the balance be maintained only if the mist god dies. "


"With Lady Moni!"


Muse and the others were stunned by the news. It was reported that the three continents of the God Realm were going to be in chaos. It was too terrible, unimaginable, and violated the most basic and noble understanding of the God Realm.

The God of Mist is eternal, and her brilliant light has illuminated the divine world for thousands of years. Even now, no one thinks she will die. They just think she is sick, and her illness is serious.

"I just got some random thoughts from Yin Yang and Cloudless Night, just kidding, I'll scare you." He Mo Ni smiled softly, but worry flashed in his eyes.


Shu Mo and the followers of the Eye of Mist took the mythical beast Mumu to the top of the Mist Plateau. The latter is a beautiful mythical beast that looks like a small whale, with fins like neon clothes. It has a light cyan head, big black and bright eyes, and a blue-red tail. Two colors.

The top of the Mist Plateau is the legendary Mist God's Palace. There are many gorgeous palace-style buildings located here. Each one is exquisitely carved and ingeniously crafted. They are all built on the misty clouds. The sacred aura circulates as if the gods live there. palace.

The history of these palaces is extremely ancient. It is said that they may have been built by the original Eye of Mist believers, and they have a long history.

The bedroom called the God of Mist is actually a symbolic place.

It is impossible for the God of Mist to sleep peacefully here, but it is indeed possible to communicate with the God of Mist here.

After arriving at this location, the air was a little thin, and Shu Mo breathed in the missing oxygen. Not only was the fog not as thick as Qingyan, but it was no longer raining.

"So Your Excellency Yao Mumu, if we want to talk to the God of Mist, we have to be eaten by you...?" Shu Mo stared at Yao Mumu again and again. Is this how Diansi in the past communicated with the God of Mist?

Your Excellency Yao Mumu is a mythical beast. He probably doesn’t have the habit of brushing his teeth. What is his usual diet? Does his mouth smell bad?

Yao Mumu nodded seriously, and then opened a mouth that was too big for her size. It really looked like a whale swallowing everything. It was as dark as an abyss, and the other end was connected to an unknown world.

Just when Shu Mo was about to grit her teeth and think that it would pass in a blink of an eye, something strange happened. Suddenly, a beam of red light shot towards Yao Mumu. It was the magic of the Five Elements Fire. The beam was bright red and hot, shining on Yao Mumu's tail with strong hostility, and instantly burned through a piece of it.


Yao Mumu cried out in pain. It can speak, but usually only uses a few words to express all its emotions.

Humans also have such words. One word or one phrase can express a variety of emotions, which is very convenient and quick.


Rel and Ailixi, who were accompanying them, widened their eyes. They felt incredible while being alert, and there was a surge of anger in their chests.

Although the bedroom where the God of Mist lived was only symbolic, it was still a holy place recognized and worshipped by the masses in the God Realm.

Now someone actually used force here and attacked the God of Mist's sacred beast. This is a crime of disrespect.

One after another, warships with ferocious shapes, full of primitive roughness, like killer whales, sailed down from the clouds. They were glowing all over and shuttled through the clouds with some kind of magic, avoiding everyone's attention and descending on the Mist Palace.

"Whale Shark Pirate Ship." Riel's eyes condensed, this was trouble.

The mothership of the Blue Eagle Pirates, the Azure, had an extraordinary origin and powerful firepower. It was said that it could blow up a city. With the Azure, the Blue Eagle was definitely the first pirate group in the God Realm.

Following closely behind was the Whale Shark Pirates, who also had a huge war fleet with more than a thousand members. Although they did not have the super foundation of the Azure, these guys were real pirates in the God Realm.

Completely different from the chivalrous thieves like the Blue Eagle, the members of the Whale Sharks were all ruthless and dared to attack pirates on the ground cities. They hunted all the airships they targeted indiscriminately.

Their fighting method is often to force the target airship to stop with firepower, and then plunder all the resources of the target airship. No matter whether they are men or women, young or old, they will not let any of the members on board go.

If they cannot force it to stop, they will just blow it up and pick up the remnants.

Sometimes they will raid ground cities and plunder the resources they need after the bombing.

The Whale Shark Pirates have angered the gods and were chased by Wu Lan's demon strike team, Bai Hai's earth guardian Scriben, and other mixed fleets. In that battle, many people were killed and they were chased to a Jedi in the gods before they stopped.

Unexpectedly, they appeared again, and their scale has not decreased. They are aggressive and hostile.

Riel thought he could lead everyone to raid out, but this is the bedroom of the God of Mist, which has a very special meaning. If it is destroyed by pirates, the negative impact will be too great.

On the deck of one of the attacking warships stood a man with a cold breath and a scar on his face, and he said directly:

"Hand over Shu Mo."

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