Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 3298 My house is quite big

Chapter 3299 My House is Pretty Big

Why did the great God of Mist still not show his power to punish the offender when his bedroom was blown to pieces by the pirates who committed heinous crimes?

The unreasonable phenomenon makes people wonder if he has completely lost his power.

The faith of the followers of the Eye of Mist is slowly shaking, and the foundation of their hearts is cracking. The voices discussing the God of Mist have never stopped, from a few ripples to the current huge waves.

As one of the leaders of the Eye of Mist, Yidan used the rare solar eclipse as an analogy at a critical moment, quickly transferring hatred to the land of disaster, and told the followers that it was the demonic spirit of the monster that polluted the power of the God of Mist. As long as the monster is solved, all problems will be solved.

Yidan felt extremely bitter in his heart, and felt that eating coptis was not as bitter as this. He lied to many people, which violated the dogma of the Eye of Mist to pursue "truth".

However, a lie could actually make things go in a good direction. Yidan sighed deeply, his mood was as complicated as a pot of stew. When he closed his eyes and picked up the food, anything might come out.

He couldn't help but press his bald head again. The surface of the skin was oily and slippery. Flies would have to fly around several times when they landed on it. Only a head without hair roots would have such a smooth state.

A normal shaved head can see the color of the hair root follicles.

Yidan was not lying about the hair. His baldness came from a reckless experiment. The energy shot by the mist machine swept his head. Later, just like chemotherapy, his short hair fell off completely.

Yidan believed that as long as the principle of the experiment was analyzed and reversed, his hair could still grow again.

So he was not completely bald, but just didn't grow hair temporarily. The two are completely different concepts and are related to a man's dignity.

"Lord Yidan." A believer hesitated to speak and hinted to him with his eyes that Shu Mo, the guardian of the earth, was back.

Should we continue with our original plan, which is to ask Lord Shu Mo to rescue the sleeping God of Mist, or at least understand the status of the God of Mist.

"Shu Mo has tried to communicate with the God of Mist in the Misty Plateau. The evil spirit in the divine world has not dissipated and polluted the world. She cannot contact the God of Mist to wake him up." Yidan lied again, and couldn't help but smile bitterly again in his heart.

There are only zero and countless lies.

The God of Mist's divine beast Yao Mumu was slightly injured and is currently hiding in an ancient magic barrier in human form to recover.

How should I put it, the human form of Yao Mumu is ugly and cute.


Compared with the Dark Island Yaksha, Shu Mo's attack, the bombing of the bedroom, the fog and mist fire and other series of events, what made Ye Lin smile bitterly was the glare and "roar" from the genius girl Hazel.

Hazel grabbed Ye Lin by the collar, stared at his clear eyes, and said in a vicious tone: "Since you came to Qingyan, Cladis Dean ran away, Lopez turned evil, fog disaster came, and the evil spirit became thick, causing all my leisure time to be almost ruined. I suspect that you are sent by God to defeat me."

The second half of the sentence is the key point. Ye Lin looked calm, "How do you talk to your master? Be more respectful."

"Tsk..." Hazel was disdainful and let go of his hand.

Just a few minutes ago, Yidan told everyone that he was going to Wulan to check the fire and make sure if there were still believers who insisted on believing in the God of Mist. If not, the God of Mist branch would simply disband.

Bear the pain for a while and don't continue to ruin the reputation of the Eye of Mist.

Then he handed the work to Hazel and several trusted old believers, and hurriedly took the airship away.

In fact, he also wanted to have a good chat with Miss Yue Na, who was also a believer of God, about things about faith, and friendly exchanges between different faiths.

When Yidan was in distress, he asked her if there had been any similar incidents in your religion, and how they were handled in the end, and if there were any points worth learning from.

Yuena simply told me that the god I believed in had never had any problems. If she really had problems, it would mean that the universe would have problems. It is difficult for the holders of the basic laws to have problems. Once problems occur, they are big problems and take a long time to solve.

For example, Nimer and Prana.

Our sect did have some serious doctrinal turmoil, but it had nothing to do with the original deity of our god. It was all because the believers interpreted the will of God and then had their own ideological collisions.

"I still have to hatch eggs~" Hazel grabbed her hair and groaned in pain, complaining that it would be better if there were 48 hours in a day.

Ye Lin smiled and teased: "If there are 48 hours in a day, then you may need to work 36 hours a day, and your salary will not change."

"It's like working for two months and getting one month's salary. That's too terrible. Capitalists have to hang on trees." Hazel muttered and shuddered.

Fortunately, although Hazel was complaining and grumbling, she also understood that this was a critical period for the Eye of Mist, and capable people had to work harder.

Ye Lin also encouraged: "After this period, it will be easy in the future."

"Hiss, why does this sound so familiar? The tone of adults is really annoying." Hazel rolled her eyes to show that she was bored. I'm going to be busy. Don't bother me if you have nothing to do.

After leaving Piaomiao Palace, Ye Lin looked back at this building with great historical heritage and religious significance, and smiled: "Hazel didn't realize that she really seems to be the next dean."

The stain on Cladis is now as black as the bottom of a pot. Even if he had no choice but to do what he did, it is true that someone died because of his "betrayal".

Merits are offenses, and faults are faults. Cladis himself probably won't forgive himself for hurting the God Realm.

"Diansi is good, the lord of a faction, a well-known and famous figure, in the God Realm without a country and laws, it is equivalent to standing at the top." Ye Lin continued to praise, but everyone rolled their eyes, so you just said it.

Because if this guy really thought that the high-handed attitude was good, he would not give up the kingship given to him by Queen Skadi, and Wuxuan in the Demon Realm is now managed by the astrologer Rossello.

Before going to the Awakening Forest, Ye Lin collected the current news.

The lighthouse on the other side of the Baiyun Valley has been re-lit, Xiaoyu and Fengying have returned long ago, and Fengying has punished the divine beast Lugaru because he yelled and disturbed her fishing.

Riel's divine beast Dakar is currently evolving because he ate too much "Deer Crackers". The next step is that it will have the ability to revive in the Awakening Forest. No wonder I haven't seen it recently.

The Blue Eagle Pirates on the Duckweed Islands received news from Wu Lan, and Guyu sent them a thick stack of newspapers.

Their Solidaris fleet has been basically repaired and can set sail at any time. Lazy Dog Youzhen has returned safely.

Thanks to the proof of the truth by Yidan and the earth guardian Shu Mo and Camelin, the Blue Eagle Pirates have cleared the blame they had in the past, and the reputation of the Blue Eagle among the people in the God Realm is gradually improving.

Then Ludmila talked about another thing. Captain Batty was ready to take back the Blue Eagle's glory "Mothership Azure" a year ago. The entire Blue Eagle has been making various plans for this and preparing powerful weapons. Now everyone is frowning all day and is in an unsolvable dilemma.

Just the Mahenava that emerged from his memory could threaten Batty's life. It was unimaginable how strong his true self could be. Going there rashly would only increase the number of demons.

Captain Batty, who was not sure of winning, had no appetite and was thinking about the mothership Azure. His chest was almost thin from hunger.

There was also Milash. This guy had led the group of Kemidis of the Blue Eagle astray. He kept shouting about French fries and even wanted to dip them in ketchup. The chef on the ship was begging Alusha to invent automatic French fry equipment and automatic ketchup equipment.

Then there was the incident in which he used Shumo as bait for fishing. The pirates of the God Realm came all together for three reasons, showing their ferocious fangs, and were eventually wiped out on the spot.

The wreckage of airships filled the Misty Plateau, and many pirate leaders and backbones died. It can be expected that the ocean of the God Realm will be much quieter in the future, and there is also an additional reason to intervene in the Liyun Chamber of Commerce, which will take a little time.

So in a sense, the destruction of the Mist Palace is directly related to Ye Lin.

"The Mist God will understand my good intentions. If she has no house to live in in the future, my house is quite big." Ye Lin was very calm.

Riel and Ruiqi were very busy, supporting the daily order of Qingyan and the order of the academic world.

Before going to the Awakening Forest, everyone also went to see Beiyana's good friend, Miss Hunter Bianca.

She was still guarding the big egg of Yaoyao's incarnation. She would touch the smooth eggshell every day and laughed that she was like a mother.

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