Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 3302 Blue and White Stripes

Chapter 3303 Blue and White Stripes

In short, the good people in the God Realm are especially good, and the bad people are no different from the Arad Continent.

The above is taken from Cai Niaowu's summary of what he saw in the God Realm. The error is not very large. The second half of the sentence makes Shu Mo have no reason to refute.

Shu Mo also knows that the outside world not only has no earth guardian who records everything, but some people in power have tried to erase historical events that have a bad impact on themselves, and derived the saying "History is written by the victors".

But is "truth" necessarily good? Shu Mo, who has experienced the Eye of Mist incident, cannot give an answer now. The two lies of Lord Yidan are obviously beneficial to the cohesion of the Eye of Mist.

But if from another perspective, telling everyone the truth and then selecting the loyal believers of the Eye of Mist, the big waves wash away the sand and leave the pearls, will it be better? Shu Mo doesn't know.

It turns out that the God Realm is so complicated. What I learned in the Star Turtle Library is just the tip of the iceberg of the God Realm. The real God Realm still needs to be witnessed with my own eyes.

To extend the topic, the curator also served as a temporary recorder in the Star Turtle Library. She gained a lot and obtained a lot of information.

But she was not able to personally participate in the Dark Island, Sky Garden, Qingyan and other events. Would she feel a little regretful?

Hiat put away the bag of companion lotus seeds. The precious ingredients could only be used to the greatest extent if they were given to her. She smiled and asked: "Shu Mo, is there more information about the secret forest you mentioned?"

"Yes, I have been looking for relevant information in recent days." Shu Mo nodded gently. Before she could continue to explain, a golden electric current flashed outside the airship, and then there was a group of unknown sounds.

A group of fat little guys like piglets, with two curved horns and orange-yellow bodies, flew behind the lightning. They were round and cute, and they were also electric.

A girl's happy voice came from the sky, "Please pay attention! Diana and Moz are back."


A round, furry, oversized hamster crashed into the EX Dornier with a loud noise, and the girl riding on its back also rushed in, and the inertia directly threw her in front of everyone.

"It hurts, it hurts, Moz, what did you hit? Isn't this in the sky? I don't see anything next to it, is it a flying bird?"

Diana rubbed her head and climbed up, dizzy, and saw the stars spinning in the sky.

The girl's long pink hair was tied with a blue ribbon with flowers, and she was wearing a shoulder-baring lace dress with white stockings extending to her thighs. There was an extra knee-length tight skirt inside, which served as safety pants.

What attracted more attention was Diana's gloves and shoes. Her lady gloves were blue on the left hand and white on the right hand, but her shoes were white on the left foot and blue on the right foot, showing the opposite personality combination.

Mo Mei also noticed that the giant hamster Moz, who had "rolled" all the way to her, had a soft white belly, and the fluff beside his belly was blue, including the necklace Moz was wearing, which also had a blue ribbon.

It seemed that the pair in front of him particularly liked the combination of blue and white.

Ye Lin nodded gently. After discovering Diana's color preference, he subconsciously reflected the light. Diana's knee-length hip skirt could play the role of safety pants, but it was not as tight and conservative as the hot pants style.

Diana's panties wrapped around her buttocks were also blue and white stripes.

In order to avoid possible troubles, the "old-fashioned" EX Dornier has been sailing in stealth mode. It only briefly retracted the hidden magic in the Horned Deer Plain and the Sky Courtyard, and did not set up any defensive magic.

Diana and Moz rushed in without even seeing them. Ye Lin was surprised that this pair had some of the flavor of Bayana, tough and powerful, flying like a cannonball, and directly knocked a hole in the side of the airship that looked like a "human riding a giant hamster", and there was nothing wrong with themselves.

Ye Lin snapped his fingers, and the big hole that was knocked open, the scattered wood and metal, returned to their original positions along the same trajectory, and returned to their original positions in a few breaths.


The little witch made a silent gesture and took a step forward. A ripple spread out from the wooden floor with her as the center. The puppet theater field unique to the little witch was opened, and the surrounding environment began to change greatly.

The bar counter for tasting wine and drinking tea became a chopping board and counter for chopping meat. On it were half a piece of unknown meat, and dark red bloodstains were everywhere. A bottle of champagne became a huge bone-chopping knife, inserted diagonally on the chopping board with minced meat.

The sofa and tea table became cages for imprisoning animals. There were no chickens, ducks, or geese in them, but monkeys with dirty hair, making sharp and miserable cries, which were creepy.

Ye Lin, Shu Mo, Mo Mei, and others sitting next to them also became wooden puppets with messy graffiti on their bodies, with obvious body joints, stiff facial features, and lack of life in their eyes.

In fact, everything is an illusion, a horror theater projected by the little witch. There are dozens of stage combinations with different plots in her dark house, most of which are horror-style.


After waking up, Diana couldn't help but hold Moz's arm tightly, and her beautiful big eyes showed obvious nervousness. Did she accidentally run into a place of disaster, or the hell in the storybook?

The crazy bear, who looked a little fierce and a little cute, appeared and bowed to Diana.

Then a cold and gloomy voice of narration sounded, "Welcome to the puppet theater, poor lost man, now you have become a part of this story, I wish you good luck..."

"Moz, come on, someone powerful, use 100,000 volts." Diana pulled Moz's little paw. This place was too weird. The elves who followed us disappeared.


A dazzling electric current network instantly spread in all directions with them as the core. Everyone was surprised that this fat hamster with rounded shape had the rare lightning attribute in the God Realm.

The electric current network disappeared into the endless darkness without causing any waves.

"Ah? It's useless?" Diana's heart was pounding, and she regretted not listening to Camilla.

A cold voice sounded again, and it was hard to tell whether it was a man or a woman, old or young. It said, "Now you will face the first choice. There are three drinks on the chopping board, two of which are poisonous and one is non-toxic. Please choose one and drink it."

Diana was stunned for a moment, and then she saw the strange-looking bear holding three cups of bright red drinks approaching her and holding them up to her. The liquid in the cups looked like blood.

"What if I drink the poisonous one?" Diana pursed her lips and tried to communicate with the voice.

"You will become a puppet or a frog."

Crazy Bear pointed at the "puppets" with stiff features.

"Of course, if you beg me, I can give you a little help."

"I won't beg you, Moz, let's go." Diana jumped lightly onto Moz's back, who spread his wings, flew high, and then turned into a flash of lightning and rushed behind him.

More than ten minutes later, Diana returned to the original position with a horrified face. It was still the three drinks, the huge bloody chopping board, and a bone-cutting knife inserted diagonally. She had returned here for the fourth time and tried every direction.

Diana gave in, "Please... I want to leave here."

"Please choose a drink first."

Diana hesitated and chose the drink on the right.


A satisfied voice came from the darkness, and then a slender hand with nail covers stretched out from the void and took the drink in the middle.

"Now there is one less poisonous drink. You have one chance. Continue to stick to your choice or change to another one?"


Imi Wu handed the tomato juice he had retrieved to Yue Na. I don't like to drink this. I am so kind that I will give it to you for free.

"I don't want to drink it now either." Yue Na waved her hand.

Imi Wu passed the tomato juice over Sophie and handed it to Sugar Cane.

After taking it, Sugar Cane looked at it. It was too fresh. There was too much tomato flesh in it, and it didn't meet his standard for drinking water.

Immediately, a flash of inspiration came to him, and he took out a white silk that he didn't know who it was, put it on the mouth of the cup as a filter, and filtered out a drink.


Advantages of Fog God: the background music after the fight is very nice, some of the mechanisms are very interesting, such as the basic mechanism of the second stage, the collision of the sun and the moon, and Fog God is very beautiful.

Disadvantages: light pollution... Some mechanisms are for the sake of mechanisms.

I remember that in the early and middle stages of Bakar, when everyone's damage was not that high, they tacitly waited for a mechanism to pass before using the sun, praying that they would encounter an easy mechanism.

Now, no matter whether the mechanism has passed or not, they just use the sun, sun, sun...

Fog God does not feel oppressive. Recalling the demon form of Ozma in the second stage, "really handsome", and the super giant Bakar, the young girl Fog God is really a bit out of place.

Fog God also has a group version, the artificial god Napol form, look forward to it.

At least show some momentum of Hellux.

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