Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 333 The Sad Emperor

"That's all~"

Youyu sneered lightly. She was originally a dark elf with excellent flexibility. As Yin Yue who exercised every day, her quality was not generally good.

So a job change is very exciting, but the impact is not very big.

On the contrary, Ye Lin, who was helping her wipe her eyes, rolled his eyes repeatedly. Do you want to praise her for being self-taught?

"Okay, go wash your legs."

I patted my thigh and quickly raised my hands as if to admit defeat. After all kinds of tossing, it was almost dawn.

Half an hour later, Youyu wore hot pants and a cotton vest, wiping her hair with a dry towel. Her chestnut-colored legs were long and straight, but her eyes were filled with disgust as if she were looking at a scumbag.

"I won't eavesdrop in the future. It's so boring, ugh~"

She shook her head for a while, must she have entered nun mode?

Do girls have nun mode?

Ye Lin was stunned for a moment, then asked, was he being treated as a tool and kicked away after using it?

How heartless!

Immediately he touched his chin and recalled in confusion: "But your singing voice is very loud..."

"Go to hell!"

He turned around with great force and kicked Ye Lin several meters away. He hit the wall behind and rolled his eyes, making him unable to breathe.

He is worthy of being an assassin who can reach the speed of sound, with great legs and great strength!

Slip down... lie down...


Weitalun, royal palace

Leon crossed his hands and closed his eyes in thought.

He had been having a very unhappy week in the past week, and for him, it was almost inexplicable.

It was as if someone threw a brick at me while I was walking on the road, and my head was hit with a bloody lump. Just when I was about to curse, a pile of bricks hit me.

I thought the Imperial Arena was because the rebels had become cowardly. They had not done anything for several years and finally couldn't stop. I could barely understand why.

But the ensuing injuries to 30,000 soldiers and the explosion of the transfer experiment caught him so unprepared.

The casualties in the Empire Arena have been calculated. Those gamblers who play with human lives, and every time the Empire takes a sip of fat from above, the casualties are 80%.

Two barons and one viscount died, but the other nobles, including their families and attendants, were severely wounded and disabled everywhere. It was a terrible sight.

The entire aristocratic class was horrified by that blazing white light, but they had no idea who was wielding that sword.

Baan's face was smeared with pollen from the specially made dream-eating tree. No matter how hard the other party recalled it, he couldn't remember the specific details. He only vaguely told him that there was a swordsman.

But the leader of the Oracle Legion, Natalia, is the swordsman, so this clue is almost non-existent.

Even in panic, a rumor began to spread... saying that the emperor was going to take action against the traditional nobles at the expense of his own safety!

For a time, the entire aristocratic class was in danger and stayed behind closed doors.

What Ye Lin didn't expect the most, and what happened unintentionally, was the Guardian Knights mentioned by Reni, which were the knights under Hillens.

He had originally stayed in Vetalun to be sent by Baan to protect the emperor.

However, because the Guardian Knights lost to half-dragon Lute and Natalia, they were crushed and beaten in the arena, causing heavy losses.

There are rumors that His Majesty was very angry because of the useless group of Guardian Knights and sent a secret organization to punish Hillens who was on vacation.

Then Hillens was unwilling to give up the formula of the immune capsule and accepted Bellemare's detention and asylum.

An inexplicable misunderstanding...

In short, a piece of news, after being spread among ten people, can derive five different versions, or even completely contradictory meanings.

The arena, the seventh ghost and the cosmic demon, these are just scratches for Leon, it will hurt, but it won't hurt for long.

What made him frown the most was the Billmark Proving Ground.

In other words, how did those experimental data that should not exist appear out of thin air?

Can anyone turn back time?

After the big explosion, he sent experts to Billmark and got the exact information before all the information was destroyed.

What’s even more frightening is that half of the contents in those materials are true!

There should be someone, or rather several people, who is very familiar with the testing site, cleverly plotting against him in secret.

"His Majesty."

Queen Josephine stretched out her hand to push away the maid and guard, and made a cup of hot tea, with a flash of worry in her eyes.

"Queen, you are here. Tell me, the mysterious man made a series of big moves, all within a week. What is his purpose? Who is this person?"

Queen Josephine is one of the rare people who is beautiful and smart. Just because he is used to being the hegemon by himself, even if he makes some wrong decisions, the queen also knows how to remain silent.

But now he is really a little irritable. The noble class thinks that he is going to kill him, and the common class is brewing a rainstorm.

For a moment, there was a ridiculous feeling of being alone and helpless in a violent storm.

"Your Majesty, those who achieve great things do not stick to trivial matters."

As the saying goes, accompanying a king is like accompanying a tiger. Josephine did not dare to speak out frankly, so it was better to be careful.

However, this little thought could not be hidden from Leon. He was still very proud, smiled heartily, and said: "I am a fan of the authorities now, and I urgently need some advice. It doesn't matter if the queen just says it."

The consequence of solemn power and tyranny is that once you feel that you are unable to do what you want, you may have no one available and you may be left alone.

But fortunately, he considers his attitude towards his family to be barely adequate.

"Your Majesty, I am just a woman, and I cannot interfere in political affairs. But what I overheard the most at the women's gathering yesterday was that they said that the husband in the family was uneasy and that the top priority was to make a choice."

The party the Queen attended was naturally a gathering of upper-class ladies, and the information she received was relatively reliable.

Leon nodded and heard something.

The choice refers to appeasing the nobles or protecting the common people?

He could express his attitude very well with just one order, asking nobles from various territories to assist in searching the rebels.

If the arena is ordered to be rebuilt again, then everything will be worry-free.

It's just that for the already pent-up civilians, this resentment may be even more serious. It can even be said that this is a tyrant who is tearing his face, and there is no need to even pretend to give a speech.

Similarly, if you order a few nobles to be arrested as role models, denounce their inhumanity with tears, put all the blame for transfer experiments and arenas on their heads, and then order a thorough investigation and so on.

Regardless of whether the common people believe it or not, at least half of the anger can be calmed by showing the attitude, but in the aristocratic class, everyone may be in danger.

What Josephine hinted at was to put the blame on the nobles, and then he would go on stage and put on a good show. At least he could temporarily save some face and buy time to deal with the country in a roundabout way.

As for the increasingly angry Adventurer Alliance, that will have to be considered later.

The royal family is ruthless. Isn't it normal to kill a few ministers?

Leon leaned back on the chair, with a complicated expression on his face, and took a long breath, as if he wanted to let out the depression in his chest these days.

However, Queen Josephine was startled, pursed her lips, touched his wrist, and said softly: "Your Majesty, wait for me."

After that, he hurriedly exited the study, as if he wanted to get something.

She and Leon have been married for more than 20 years, and their children have grown up to have a family and start a business. She can understand something from the other person's actions that she doesn't care about.

Leon's ambition would never allow him to suffer such a loss, and it was a sap-like loss.

The sigh just now indicated that Leon wanted to ignite revenge after calming down.

Hearing that Bellemare was in trouble, he most likely wanted to send his troops westward to eliminate domestic conflicts with a war.

"His Majesty."

Queen Josephine placed a piece of paper in front of him and said worriedly: "I understand your desire for top combat power, but this is the data compiled by the empire's spies who broke into the Adventurers' Alliance."

An information sheet made Leon a little suspicious of its use, but when he took a closer look at the content, it was extremely shocking.

This is a summary of the approximate number of professionals in Hedunmar, as well as the development prospects of the Adventurer Alliance!

The above content briefly describes that in addition to the traditional swordsmanship profession, which has always been Delos' advantage, 50% of the other emerging professions that are blooming are concentrated in Bellmare.

In other words, if the awakened ones are regarded as representatives of high-level combat power, then as professionals with mid-level combat power, Belmare has surpassed Delos, at least in terms of quantity.

If we send our troops to the west now, the Empire may have a very difficult enemy to deal with now that the Adventurer Alliance and the Empire are not very aggressive.

The most frightening thing is that some mentors with extremely senior qualifications, such as G.S.D., a figure who is as close to the owner of the Ghost Hand as a grandfather, are not too cold towards the Imperial Army.

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