Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 3338 Ms. Captain

Chapter 3339 Madam Captain

The wooden house that Zenas had worked so hard to build was blown into pieces by the strong wind, and the blanket he used to keep warm was ignited and burned into a pile of ash. Wulan is a city suspended in the sky, and the temperature at night in summer does not exceed 20 degrees.

He thanked Ye Lin profusely and followed the reporter Nasha to leave the slums, preparing to stay at the home of this kind fellow villager before finding a job.

When he left, his back was quite tired and confused.

The cost of using magic is to consume the inherent vitality. Zenas regretted it so much that his intestines were green and his heels were numb, but he also knew that there was no regret medicine in the world.

The talent of magic is still a "privilege" owned by a few people.

Ye Lin has not left the slums yet, standing in place to look at the environment and people nearby.

Paris, the stinky ditch princess in the back street of Huttonmar, is a member of a large family, a page of the household registration book, so he has been to the back street many times and has a deeper understanding of the "slums".

Paris didn't like him running to the backstreet, because after each time he did it, the overpowering essence of the sugar cane would temporarily ineffective her "Ten Thousand Poisons Heart-Eating Art" even if she intentionally suppressed it.

After repeated teachings, Paris threatened him and gave him two choices: either set up outside or wear an umbrella.

There are roughly two reasons for the formation of slums. One is the foggy street in front of us. In order to make a living, people without suitable jobs live in some cheap or free places for a long time, and over time they become slums.

In addition, due to the influence of the environment and policies, Huttonmar ushered in a shining golden age after Queen Skadi ascended the throne. The queen, with her far-sighted vision and enlightened policies, brought Huttonmar an opportunity for rapid development.

Queen Skadi herself was also regarded as one of the greatest kings in the history of the Principality of Belmar.

However, due to various reasons, Huttonmar Backstreet was left far behind in the process of development and had no intention of development.

When Paris was a child, she was rummaging through the trash can and was insulted by a wealthy woman passing by, calling her a stray dog. Later, Paris picked up a brick and smashed the glass of her house in the dark and windy night.

Ye Lin asked her why she didn't just hit the other person with the brick, and Paris calmly replied that at that time, she was indeed a beggar who picked up trash.

Also, if an attack broke out, it would alert the Silver Guards of Huttonmar and she would be hunted down, which would be a big trouble for her who had not yet understood the true meaning of street fighting.

Ye Lin stuffed the banknote he got from Nasha's wallet, plus a few of his own, to a middle-aged woman who was sitting at the door of the wooden house, with a pale face and a listless face, as if she was infected with a disease.

"Ramie flower leaves, bitter lotus seeds, red poppy grass, silver mint, all are cheap herbs. Buy some of each and boil water to drink, three times a day, for three days."

Then, Ye Lin picked up a piece of mirror fragment and left here with a slightly heavy step. The birth of Wulan slums is inevitable. A place where millions of people live cannot provide millions of jobs.

Ye Lin is going to find the doom Freis mentioned by Zenas. The other party should still be in Wulan, and his activities are mostly in the task guild and slums of the Demon Strike Team.

There are many slums that I just left in Wulan.


Demon Strike Team Guild

Ye Lin took a look at the tall and gorgeous symbolic sculptures of bows and arrows at the door, put on a mask, lowered the brim of his hat, made a simple disguise and walked in.

The image of the adventurer has been known to the public in the God Realm.

The birth of the Demon Strike Team originated from a "void fall" monster attack. A group of monsters with flying ability suddenly attacked Wulan, causing huge casualties and property losses.

This is also a design flaw of Wulan, which has no special ability to defend against enemies.

Wulan, Liyun Chamber of Commerce, Huitong Public Bureau, and Gear Workshop reached a union and jointly established an elite flying combat group to protect Wulan, which is the original body of the Demon Strike Team.

The Demon Strike Team has its own set of levels, with different treatments from low to high, which refers to both the strength realm and the number of tasks completed by hunters and the degree of danger.

The lowest level is called "Extraordinary", which symbolizes that those who can join the Demon Strike Team are not ordinary people. The highest level is called "Giant Whale", which refers to the giant beast of the sky, which is the overlord flying in the sky.

You can't get rich just by receiving a dead salary that meets your level. Hunters have powerful power, and it's a waste to be idle, so the two echo each other, and the Hunter Guild that issues tasks was born.

Without affecting daily patrols, hunters can freely take on some "private jobs", from catching dogs and cats, repairing "Misty Home Appliances", to hunting monsters and escorting cargo.

Therefore, a kind of representation was born. If you have any problems in the White Sea, go to the Eye of Mist. Most of the believers there are good people.

If you have problems in Chongquan, go to the hunters. As long as the price is right and it does not violate the moral code, they can solve it for you.

If you have problems with Qianhaitian, go to the Wandering Association. They are the oldest force in the God Realm in various senses and have a deep foundation. However, the Wandering Association will not accept too trivial tasks. Generally, they are big jobs.

"Fatty Bless you." As soon as Ye Lin entered the door, before he had time to look at the interior decoration of the Demon Strike Team building, he found Fres sitting in the corner. His image matched the description of Zenas.

The skin is like a man from the Fire Tribe, tall, with deep features, white hair, and the same white coat, while the vest and trousers are black. He is the type that attracts attention wherever he is.

Zenas also told the other party that he did not think of hiding his image when he persuaded people to believe in the mirror, probably because he did not have the corresponding ability to change.

Because Freis's "bad luck" is quite famous in Wulan, people avoid him like snakes and scorpions in the places where he is, for fear of being entangled by his bad luck.

Hunters also hate him, and "bad luck" may cause the failure of a mission, and the price may be their precious life.

Freis knows that he is very disgusting, so he is alone most of the time. When he comes to the demon strike team, he just finds a place to sit and observe the hunters coming and going.

Now there is a woman who took the initiative to find Freis in front of him, looking coldly at him sitting in the corner.

She was a beautiful and mature lady, with long and clean eyebrows, bright and sharp pomegranate eyes, rosy lips, a high nose, and a silver earring on each ear. Her gray-blue shoulder-length hair covered half of the earring.

She had a full chest, crossed her legs in a slightly indecent manner, and wore a vertical striped women's suit and black hot pants that were easy to move in. A pair of bright brown stockings wrapped her straight and slender legs. The overall image was mature and charming.

The members of the Hunter Guild looked at Freis with disgust, but when they looked at the woman, they immediately turned into respect and a little admiration.

She was the deputy captain of the Monster Strike Team... No, now she should be the captain.

The captain said lightly: "Freis, please don't hang around in the Monster Strike Team. If you are short of work, I can find you a job that doesn't require communication with others."

The implication is that your "bad luck" physique is quite famous in Chongquan, and everyone doesn't like you, especially the hunters who need to fight monsters.

They don't want to see you here, so they will feel a mental burden and affect their performance when performing tasks.

So she is now discussing with Freis to persuade him to leave. If she can't persuade him, she has the right to take action directly in Wulan.

"You can go anywhere to promote your mirror or find sympathy, but not in the Demon Strike Team, not here." The captain's tone is more serious and cannot be refuted.

"I'll leave in a while." Freis nodded lightly, then took out a very ordinary six-sided dice and suggested: "Captain, let's play dice, one, two, and three are small, symbolizing bad luck, the smaller the point, the heavier the bad luck, four, five, and six are big, good luck."

The captain picked up the dice and played with it on his fingertips for a few seconds, "I've heard about your dice fate. Even if you throw it a hundred times, you seem to only be able to throw a small number."


The dice turned a few circles on the table, and when it stopped, the number facing up was four.

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