Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 335 Codename:

A soft greeting of good afternoon, although the sun was shining brightly, but a touch of sweet moisture flowed in the hearts of many people.

Before Delos invaded Belmare, Queen Skadi was known as the greatest monarch in history because of her kindness and wisdom.

In recent years, the imperial army has become more and more arrogant and domineering, and the people of Belmare miss the kindness of the queen even more.

There were no heart-rending exclamations of excitement, only silence, and the involuntary placement of his left hand on his chest to express his most sincere respect.

Skadi also suppressed the enthusiasm in his heart, his eyes were sad and painful: "Five years ago, Delos launched the conquest plan. I still clearly remember that day, the morning glow was like blood, and the peace-loving people ushered in the humble, The despicable barbaric act and the cruel torrent broke our defense lines and invaded our homeland."

At that time, the military strength of Delos and Belmare was comparable to that of a giant dragon and an ant. The empire marched forward unstoppable and unstoppable.

The overly smooth victory inflated Lyon's confidence, and he immediately sent his army across the Miranda Plains, across the southern valley, and stationed in Mount Afaria, intending to invade Vanes and capture the Dark City.

However, because of the unique underground environment of the Dark Elves, the Imperial Army tasted defeat for the first time.

Coinciding with the completion of the Birmak Imperial Test Site, the Imperial Army chose to temporarily withdraw its troops due to their lack of understanding of the Dark Elves and their desire for top combat power.

"For five years, I have had nightmares every night and cried every night, dreaming that my people were being deprived of their food and land, and were left with no food to eat and no clothing to cover their bodies."

Skadi was sincere, with a sparkle in her beautiful eyes, and her voice was choked with sobs several times.

The brutal behavior of the Imperial Army on the Miranda Plains in the past week has already reached their ears. Unconsciously, some people are gnashing their teeth and veins are popping out.

"Just last night, in my dream, I fell into a muddy land. There was a kind and kind mage in white. He stretched out his hand to me and told me, don't be afraid, stand up, there are still people here. Wait for you."

Mage in White is a very familiar and surprising title.

In every Bellmare's mouth, there is a rumor about his preferences, his achievements, and his name...Mar.

Even the royal family would add Mal's name to their names as a sign of respect.

"When I was helped to stand up, an extremely brilliant golden light suddenly appeared in front of my eyes. I followed this light and walked for a long time. I saw the full grains of grain swaying in the breeze. I saw When I arrived, the delicious and sweet ale exuded the fragrance, and I saw the innocent smiles of the children chasing each other, I was deeply intoxicated~"

Behind Skadi, who was a little excited, a flying cyan dragon shadow flashed in an instant. The dragon shadow held a golden book in its mouth and gently placed it in Skadi's palm.

The Divine Dragon and the Seal of Heaven!

Ye Lin quietly gave a thumbs up to the witch Xiaoyu. The seal of heaven was naturally his, and the cyan dragon shadow was to increase the queen's mystery.

He has no interest in the throne. He learned deeply from Meia that being a king is really not an easy task.

Therefore, in this speech, he will try his best to help Skadi and establish the power of the king.

Skadi did not say clearly what the book was, but left it to the imagination of his people.

Back in Nosmar, some people had doubted whether the Queen had the power of prophecy. Now the Queen is shrouded in mysterious golden light, and the dream that the Queen confessed just now is more like a magical prophecy!

Does it predict that peace and good days in Bellemare are coming?

"A few days ago, I suddenly heard about the atrocities committed by the empire. A bag of good new grain was forcibly purchased by the empire for the price of one gold coin. This is tantamount to naked robbery and is cutting off the livelihood of our people! "

Skadi's fierce tone softened and he recalled affectionately: "Belmare, the meaning of our country's name in the Elvish language is the country of kind people. Our ancestors were tired of wars and abandoned disasters. When they founded the country, From that moment on, we were an absolutely neutral country."

"We have inherited the will of our ancestors, bear in mind Lord Mar's spirit of peace, and love peace and freedom, but we absolutely cannot tolerate the brutal invaders who exploit us inhumanely!"

Almost without any interruption, the originally silent people immediately became excited, waving their fists and shouting angrily:

"Destroy the invaders and return my grain fields and rice!"

"Kindness is not weakness, peace cannot be bowed down!"

Ye Lin, who was watching in the corner, also applauded when someone from behind suddenly poked his waist.

Turning around, he saw that it was the superpower that he hadn't seen for a week after we said goodbye in Faroe Bay, Magic Thunder Messer.

However, the other party seemed a little tired and had some dark circles around his eyes. It seemed that he had been having a hard time these past few days.

Messer smiled weakly and looked haggard: "I asked you at the landlady's place. She said you should be near the city hall, so I came."

On the high platform, Skadi, who was dragging the Seal of Heaven with his left hand, had reached the climax of his speech. He nodded and signaled Mercer to wait and not be in a hurry.

Now that Maisel has found this place, it means that after a week of internal discussions, the superpowers in the green city of Grozny have decided to give it a go!

Rather than living in a small city, it is better to go to the battlefield and fight for a future, just like the owner of the Ghost Hand today, which is scary but also respected.

"In the name of the Principality of Belmare, and under the guidance of the Great Magician, I, Skadi Baroan Marr, declare that from now on, for the sake of the grain fields and wheat fields, for the sake of peace and freedom, for the sake of the smiling face and rising sun, I will fight against the barbaric empire. The military invaders launched a battle to regain the principality. This incident is codenamed...Mar!"

The voice of a woman was sonorous and powerful at this moment, with strong iron blood and murderous intent, cold and decisive.

For a time, thousands of people shouted in unison, shaking the heaven and the earth, and the emotions surged. It could be heard clearly even as far away as the city gate of Hedunmar.

Mercer was stunned for a moment, and his tired eyes exuded a little expectancy.

On the high platform, Lobach, one of Queen Skadi's bodyguards, has crimson twisted ghost hands and is deeply affected by Kazan Syndrome. At this moment, she stands proudly on the high platform, without fear or fear, and her face is radiant.

This is a standard example, and it is indeed an excellent opportunity for people with special abilities!

As long as you copy the book according to the book, the ghost hand’s today will be the tomorrow of the superpower.

Skadi was giving his last words of thanks, such as thanking Remedia for his rescue and assistance, thanking the Adventurers Alliance for their talent support, thanking the Alchemist Association for supplying medicines, etc.

In a corner of the square, Bishop Magello chuckled and shook his head, stood up and prepared to walk back to Remedia Cathedral.

"Grandpa, why are you laughing? Do we, the Holy Order, want to participate in the war?"

Obeis hurriedly followed behind with a small stool, looking unhappy.

That guy Yuena actually took time off to go on vacation, talking about green trees, barbecue and beer, fishing and shrimping, wow, I'm so envious!

"Of course I won't participate. The Holy Order only aims to eradicate heretics and kill evil creatures. If we participate in a war against the country, it means that we have become a subordinate organization of Belmare. This is absolutely not allowed."

Magello himself knew very well that what Skadi was grateful for was actually Nosmar's rescue incident, but in this situation, it can give people the illusion that Remedia will also help, encouraging people's hearts.

Obers twirled his fingers and begged with a coquettish coquettishness that he had never seen before:

"Grandpa, look, there hasn't been much work in the Great Cathedral lately. Grandis and I have organized the church very well. The weather is hot. Can you please take some time off~"

Majello suddenly had a black line on his face. This granddaughter has such a big face. She is not ashamed at all to put herself next to the good student Glandis.

"If I give you a day off, I have to give Galantis a day off. You two priests can all go away to relax, leaving me alone as an old man. I am unable to do what I want."

"But, isn't TEDA back? Although he has a face as hard as a rock, he still has abilities." Obeis rolled his eyes, and his tone seemed to leave room for negotiation. There is a chance!

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