Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 3353 Yaoyao breaks out of her shell

"The visible skin wounds are easy to heal, but the rot inside is the big trouble."

"I always hate conspiracies and tricks. If you have the ability, just fight head-on!"

The captain suddenly complained loudly, then picked up his weapons, a powerful attack crossbow that hunters are used to using, and a silver close-range dagger, and quickly ran towards Wulan's sky port.

"Tianyuan" is one of Wulan's garrison warships. It once appeared on the battlefield of the White Sea and briefly confronted the flagship Blues of the Blue Eagle Pirates.

Now this powerful and gorgeous steel warship is stagnant in a corner of the port, motionless. Many people are anxiously going up and down along the entrances and exits. There are scholars and hunters, shouting something loudly, and there is anger and urgency everywhere.

"Captain, Tianyuan's main engine has been severely damaged, and the best repair time will take a week." A man dressed as an engineer approached and reported beside her.

"The damage to the rumbling was relatively light. The destroyer was discovered and stopped on the spot. It only needs to undergo a necessary inspection before it can be started."

"We cannot be sure if there are any other problems for the time being, so an inspection is necessary."

There is no time to count the losses of other combat airships.

"Where are the people? No, where are those beasts? Take me over to have a look." The captain's face was extremely cold. He could not suppress his inner anger. He wanted to take a few minutes to ask the person who cut off the firewood at the critical moment why he did so.

If the answer was quick, she would also give the other party a quick answer.

"He died. He turned into a pool of foul-smelling pus and blood on the spot. We can't tell whether he committed suicide or was manipulated."

The captain's mood suddenly became very bad, and he subconsciously cursed Fres. Everything went wrong after seeing him. He really deserved to be the son of doom.

"Immediately send the highest notice of the Monster Strike Team to the Beast Fang Judgment, Liyun Chamber of Commerce, Huitong Public Bureau, Gear Workshop, Clockwork House, and all combat-capable organizations, and immediately devote all combat power to participate in the battle with the monsters."

"Now is not the time to engage in internal strife. Let go of all past prejudices and unite to win the war."

After the captain gave the order, he hurried to another port in Wulan, boarded the black "Earth Rumbling" warship and left Wulan to participate in the fight against the monster disaster.

Some hunters had appeared in the sky of Wulan before her, and had a fierce collision with the monsters that besieged Wulan. Arrows and bullets from the mist gun cut through the sky, splashing dirty blood flowers, and countless corpses fell.

Wulan was like half a cut watermelon, which had been placed there, and then attracted countless greedy flying insects to approach, wanting to devour this half of the watermelon bit by bit, rotting the bright red color.


A huge black monster, no less powerful than the Earth-Rumbling Battleship, suddenly flew out of the thick demon fog. It looked like a manta ray in the sea, with skin as rough as black sandpaper and dense eyes all over its wings. It opened its big mouth with interlaced fangs and bit a sailing airship to pieces. The flames and smoke of the explosion rushed into the sky. The impact was fierce, but it did not cause any damage to the manta ray.

Some airships in the God Realm still retain the ancient features such as the deck, mast, and sail in terms of shape.

A few streams of light as swift as the wind burst out from the thick rolling fireworks. The hunters on the airships all carried individual flying devices, and they would decisively abandon the ship when they found that they could not avoid the attack.

The captain took a deep breath and issued an order through the hunters' communication method: "Monster catchers, immediately execute the annihilation plan according to the usual practice. Cannon Flower, you are free to play."

The Monster Strike Team is roughly divided into two parts. The "Monster Catcher Team" uses a cooperative combat method to deal with large monsters. Wu Lan generally calls it the "Giant Beast Fighting Group".

Then there is the "Cannon Flower Team" that uses a small number of troops to launch a gorgeous battle. It is called the "Combat Flying Group". These people have higher personal combat effectiveness and are all experienced hunters.

Some hunters who are very confident in their own strength are lone rangers. From accepting the task to completing the task, they basically go alone.


Bai Hai

Bianca sat on the bed, smiling at the corner of her mouth, touching a slippery "egg" with amethyst color, silently calculating the time for Yaoyao to hatch. It should be in the next few days.

Yaoyao has woken up, and occasionally taps the eggshell to communicate with her in a simple way.

According to Yaoyao, she is taking all the nutrients and demon energy into her body, and needs the last little buffer time.

"Yaoyao, I'm suddenly in a bad mood. It feels heavy as if something is pressing on me. Is something bad going to happen?"

A few seconds later, two tapping sounds came from the giant purple crystal egg, indicating that I heard it. Just give me a little more time.

The divine beast Paika, who was nestling in the soft cushion as if hatching eggs, suddenly stood up, spread his wide feather wings, and stared at the person who walked in from the door vigilantly. After finding that it was an acquaintance, he nestled back and called a few times.

"It turned out that it was Xiaoyu."

Bianca, who was sitting on the bed, quickly stood up and saluted. Xiaoyu was one of the adventurers. Although she had never seen her take action, she must be very powerful.

And I heard from Beyana and others that Xiaoyu was proficient in oracle divination and could see a corner of the future, and she was almost never wrong.

Xiaoyu smiled gently and said straight to the point: "Wu Lan was surrounded by monsters. The monster energy was hundreds of miles away, covering the sky and the sun. The situation is very dangerous."

"Ah?" Bianca was stunned at first, then looked at Xiaoyu with an inquiring look. She believed that there was no need for Xiaoyu to lie, but Wulan was the trading capital of the God Realm, with the Yao Attack Team and important bases of major forces there.

And it seemed unnecessary to come to inform her and Yaoyao. The power of the two of them was not enough to change the outcome of a battle, although Bianca was anxious and wanted to do something for Wulan.

Xiaoyu put two silver-white talismans on the table, without further explanation, and smiled: "Tear it up, and you can quickly return to Wulan."

Looking at Xiaoyu who disappeared in front of her like a wisp of breeze, Bianca couldn't help but fall into a deep state of thought. It was impossible for Xiaoyu to not know the real combat power of the two of them, which was not enough to change the major events that besieged Wulan.

But Xiaoyu still came to send the teleportation talisman. Did she want us to do our best and contribute our strength anyway, so as not to have demons in our hearts when practicing in the future?

After all, I am a hunter.

"Not right! Maybe I can." Bianca's eyes lit up, and she quickly walked to another room, looking expectantly at the three metal arrows quietly placed on the table.

The arrows' tips were crystal-shaped, black and red, and contained energy that made her palpitate.

The raw material came from the magic scholar Wanzi, a destructive material called "Dark Eye Fragment", which was said to give the transplanter unlimited surging magic power and could also be made into a bomb that destroyed the world.

While Bianca was cleaning up, a "big cat" with wet hair came over and spoke in human language, saying: "Every time you fiddle with these arrows next door, I can't help but feel flustered, for fear that you would blow up the house."

The demon protector has an extremely sensitive sense of danger and can detect things that threaten her in advance. But at that time, she was evolving, breaking out of her shell, and transforming, and she couldn't speak.


Bianca smiled in surprise, then suddenly stretched out her hand to straighten Yaoyao's head, and touched her long ears, "Look at me!"

"What for?"

Yaoyao looked at Bianca. This guy hasn't fought or exercised much recently, and has been guarding her all the time. Is he... a little fatter?

"I heard that when the divine beast hatches, it will regard the first person it sees after breaking out of the shell as its master."

Yaoyao turned her head away on the spot and didn't want to pay attention to her. She walked to the bed and absorbed the crystal eggshell left after she broke out of the shell. (End of this chapter)

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