Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 3369 Another person deleted

The faithless demon Largo was beaten half to death by Tana. The monster's body was blown to pieces several times. The blood splashed like red clouds in the sky, and there were fragments of limbs and horns everywhere.

Largo's weapon, the long sword transformed from the mythical beast Neve, was taken away and became Tana's trophy.

Neveu's sword showed obvious signs of struggle and resistance in Tana's palm. The blade of the sword couldn't stop squeaking softly. It was rubbed by the Sword of Taichu before it calmed down.

"It's very valuable. As a divine beast, you actually got very close to the monster Largo without being infected by his evil spirit." Tana raised her sword and looked at the sword body where the light was condensed, and she was quite curious. , how did Naf do it, and for what purpose.


Largo roared like thunder and reunited his body. The burly monster all over his body underwent some unprecedented transformation. His forehead and skull became swollen and smooth, his chin shrunk and became sharp and cold, and the crack in his mouth outlined a gap toward his ears. A chilling smile, as dirty flesh and blood peeled off piece by piece, revealing a light blue and white streamlined body.

His body was filled with blue and pale mysterious power, like a fierce flame. There was no warmth at all, but his aura suddenly became much stronger, catching up with the high-level transcendent.

"Give me back Neve."

Largo's voice also became evil and rampant, and the flames twisted violently. Now he was in a state like a super volcano about to erupt. Every move he made could explode with terrifying power. Even if Wulan was isolated by a crystal barrier, he was still penetrated. Entering a gloomy atmosphere of destruction.

Millions of people in Wulan were almost trembling, and their souls seemed to see bloodthirsty invisible demons.

Tana held Nave's transformed sword and said calmly: "I promise you that I will not hurt Nave. It contains the secret of ultimate harmony. It is the key to determining the future of the divine world. We must know it."

"Give it to me!" Largo, who was manipulated by the endless power, rushed to Tana in an instant. His sharp five fingers were like blades, pointing directly at her white and delicate neck, grabbing at the aorta hidden under her skin.

His speed was as fast as lightning, and the distance between time and space seemed to disappear.

"The endless power is the power of bubbles. What is that guy doing?" Tana frowned and did not move. The Sword of Taichu cut out a white sword light by itself, across the sky, and hit Largo again. Countless blood and bones were flying.

It's far from enough, even if there is a trace of Bubble's divine power, it's not enough. The Sword of Taichu targets the creation ring of the great will.

"Neve, let him be quiet, otherwise I won't guarantee that he will survive next time. This sword is eager to kill and bloodthirsty."

In Tana's hand, the sword transformed by Neve instantly disintegrated into countless light spots, and reunited into a snow-white and cute moth beast with a big tail.

The two ears on Neveu's head moved, and little ripples came out. Largo, who was constantly changing, immediately regained his clarity. He froze in place for a long time, and then nodded his head stiffly.


Tana returned to Wulan with the Sword of the Beginning and Nafu, and landed next to a store where people were queuing up to buy emergency supplies. She hurriedly "jumped in line" and walked in. This was where Sai Fupo sold salt, and it was now temporarily converted into groceries. shop.

The residents who lined up saluted Tana one after another, full of respect and a little bit of fear. They knew very well that it was this alluring and beautiful woman who had restrained the strongest among the monsters.

If it weren't for her help, Wu Lan might have fallen into trouble.

Tana handed Neveu to Celia to study the secrets of this mythical beast. There may be key clues to the ultimate harmony.

Later, she and Captain Diana came to the base of Huitong Public Bureau and found that the place was in ruins, with broken cement and steel bars and irregularly broken glass everywhere.

Surprisingly, there were not a few Huitong Public Bureau staff members at the scene, but some bold guys rummaging through the rubble, trying to pull out any valuable items.

Captain Diana's face was stiff and she could not move her feet while standing outside. After being discovered and asked by Tana, she managed to squeeze out a word...


"And Tana, what are we doing here."

Tana replied: "At the place where Sulenian, the leader of the Huitong Bureau, died, I was able to... channel. Well, I found his soul and asked him something about Vanista. He died in the fluctuation of the artifact collision. ”

"Originally, he was considered a figure in the God Realm, but he didn't expect to die so recklessly. How could God's items be manipulated by mortals."

Of course the channeling was fake, she only had some understanding of it, far less proficient than Mavis.

Borrowing Ye Lin's ray of time power to go back in time, she wanted to find out the true purpose of "Vanista" from Sulenian.

"Sulenian..." Captain Diana slowly repeated the name, then stood outside the ruins, not hiding her doubts and weirdness, and said:

"Who is this person you are talking about? Isn't the leader of Huitong Public Security Bureau Callender?"

Tana was obviously stunned for a moment, and then turned around to read Captain Diana's mature and beautiful face carefully. She saw that there was no joking expression on her face, but her disgust for the ruined area would flash from time to time. She had a mysophobia.

"Most of the people from Callender and Huitong Bureau have left Wulan through secret passages. Three of their large airships were attacked by monsters and one of them crashed. Haha, you deserve to die."

Tana listened to Captain Diana's casual remarks, showed a beautiful smile and nodded, making an excuse to say that she didn't know that the people from Huitong Bureau had run away.

After returning to the grocery store, Tana immediately asked the employees indirectly, and the answers they got were that they didn't know Sulenian. The leader of Huitong Public Bureau was Kallend.

"So that's it." Tana's expression was complicated. She had the experience of Luxi and Aganzu, and she figured out the root cause.

Sulenian, the leader of Huitong Public Bureau, unfortunately affected a trace of the law of the divine realm, and thus directly entered the third stage of the concept of death, that is, his name was forgotten by everyone.

I'm afraid only the transcendents still remember this name.

"Forget it, I'll go by myself."

Tana used the excuse of suppressing Largo to quickly appear in the ruins of Huitong Public Bureau, and then borrowed the power of time from Ye Lin to quickly trace back everything in front of her.

Countless time runes flowed and spread like soft water. People rummaging through the ruins suddenly walked backwards. The collapsed and broken stones and steel bars on the ground gathered again and returned to their original positions. A tall building rose from the ground...

"Time power is one of the three basic powers, but Ganzhe is messing with it all day long." Tana rolled her beautiful eyes.

But fortunately, he has the time power, otherwise there are so many family members. Unless he works and sows 24 hours a day without rest, it is inevitable that there will be people who cannot be taken care of.

Now, in the real world, only one minute may have passed. All family members will think that Ganzhe has been with them alone for a long time, and then they will do it happily for two or three hours.

The figure of Sulenian quickly took shape in front of him. He was tall and majestic, with the temperament of a person who has been in a superior position for many years, but his eyes lacked agility.

Tana got straight to the point and asked the first answer she wanted to know very much, asking: "Why did you and the Liyun Chamber of Commerce suddenly become impatient and frequently make irrational moves?"

The Liyun Chamber of Commerce is the largest comprehensive business empire in the God Realm, and has a monopoly on certain resources. The Huitong Public Bureau controls nearly 70% of transportation and has countless airships under its command.

In the God Realm without legal restrictions, the two major organizations united is equivalent to firmly grasping the livelihood of the God Realm.

Theoretically, they have enough strength to establish a hidden country, to grasp the illusory power in a covert way, and to become the uncrowned king of the God Realm.

"Liyun and Huitong have worked hard for thousands of years to stand at the top of the God Realm. What you see now is the result. We have built two super powers." Sulenian responded expressionlessly.

"However, no matter how big our business is, no matter how rich we are, we are like ridiculous mantises blocking the car, and we can never escape the three mountains covering our heads."


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