Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 3375 Praise Me

Many people in the family group are lurking, occasionally speaking a few words. They usually have their own work to do, and only check the news of the family group when they are free.

Reni was complaining about whether to expand the number of people in the group in advance. The bloodline characteristic of the God Realm turned out to be big breasts, which was a completely irresistible temptation for Sugar Cane, who claimed to be the "God of Justice".

Tana and Celia continued to handle the follow-up related matters of the Trade City Wulan, and prioritized blocking monsters, helping disaster victims, and finding the Blue Eagle traitors.

With Alice's help, the traitors of the Blue Eagle Pirates would be useless even if they went to heaven and earth and hid at the ends of the earth.

The reason why Alice was free to offer help was because she just got off get out of class.

The Demon Strike Team and the Blue Eagle Pirates have reached a cooperative relationship and made a vow of sincere cooperation under the witness of the God of Mist. This matter was very sensational and occupied the headlines of newspapers. It was a completely unimaginable scene before.

This cooperation is of great significance and far-reaching impact. Camelin, the guardian of the earth realm, should be invited to witness and record it, and then sent to the Star Turtle Library for permanent preservation.

Unfortunately, Camelin is in Chongquan Continent, where a large number of monsters have appeared, and she can't come for a while.

Finally, the temporary recorder, "Lucky Platinum Elif", replaced the guardian of the earth realm who witnessed the oath.

Later, when the "Tianyuan" battleship, which had been repaired and restored to combat effectiveness, and the "Blues" flagship were running side by side, the members of the Demon Strike Team and the Blue Eagle Pirates all looked strange, and couldn't help looking at each other and quickly looking away.

"Arrogant hunter."

"Sloppy pirate."

Another thing worth noting is that Yaoyao and Bianca are still accurately hunting those traitors who have colluded with monsters, or guilty people. With their frequent actions and intentional or unintentional disclosure of their presence, Wulan's newspaper also published news about the murderous big cat.

Moreover, after the identification of the bodies and the review of their lives, everyone was surprised to find that none of the dead were people who should not have died.

The impact of the monsters besieging Wulan brought a wave of enthusiasm to the media industry. The sales of newspapers were 30% to 40% higher than usual, because everyone was eager to know the situation of Wulan.

Is the crystal barrier solid, when can the crisis of siege be lifted, and what are the gains of the Monster Strike Team and the Blue Eagle Pirates.

The concept of "Monster Protector" began to spread in Wulan and came into the public eye for the first time.

Tana ended the communication, pressed her slender white fingers on her forehead, and said:

"It can be expected that as President Liyun is obsessed with transcending power, the rotten structure of the Chamber of Commerce will expose more ugly behaviors, just like a string of wind chimes, cut off the ropes, it will fall to the ground and break into pieces."

The vice president of the Liyun Chamber of Commerce, Shas, who was manipulated by the Ring of Domination, was no longer very concerned about the affairs of the Chamber of Commerce.

When the top leaders of the Liyun Chamber of Commerce found that they could not get past the Hermit no matter what, the huge business empire they had worked so hard to build was like a dummy made of bamboo strips and paper, becoming almost useless waste in front of the ultimate ideal.

The remaining function was to ignite it and burn out the final flame.

As long as they had absolute strength, the Liyun Chamber of Commerce could rebuild the second, third... even a hundred would do.

No one in the God Realm would believe that the "Liyun Chamber of Commerce", a super power representing the business empire, a super powerful existence that could compete with ancient forces such as the Star Turtle Library and the Wandering Association, had been tacitly abandoned by the core top leaders.

It could disintegrate at any time, and it could go crazy at any time.

Before reaching transcendence, the number of people and the degree of wealth were nothing but flowers in the mirror and the moon in the water in front of the true transcendent.

Celia lowered her head and thought for a while. She had a new idea and said, "Before they go completely crazy, I will think of a reasonable way to take over the Liyun Chamber of Commerce."

Compared to starting from scratch by selling salt, taking over the Liyun Chamber of Commerce will undoubtedly allow her to "dominate" the God Realm much faster. Celia has long been interested in the business background of the Liyun Chamber of Commerce and included it as one of the few things she must obtain.

But this matter cannot be rushed at the moment. She currently does not have sufficient manpower to fill the Liyun Chamber of Commerce after the personnel are cleared.

Since she is here, she has not left the God Realm for the time being. Pinoxu is casual, and puts a pair of slender and straight beautiful legs on the table, reminding: "Celia, do you have enough energy to manage Wulan and Liyun? Don't forget our Arad continent."

Celia has no clones or substitutes. Her only sister is Doctor Sai from the mirror dimension. The latter currently spends most of his time in the Elven Line and runs a reasonable medical clinic with the Red Ghost Sauron and Miraz of Dusk.

She also has three dogs brought from the top-secret area.

Doctor Sai has no talent or interest in business, and concentrates on practicing medicine. Everyone praises a pure and beautiful heart as more precious than anything else.

Whenever the rich woman Sai sees the beautiful and smart doctor Sai, she can't help but sigh and say that she sees her former self.

The figure of the rich woman Sai has developed after marriage. The curves of her chest and hips are full to a certain extent, and her temperament and image are gradually approaching that of a mature and plump wife.

Of course, it's not that Celia can't create a clone. This small ability is easy, and she can create thousands of clones with a flash of thought.

But Ganzhe has been eyeing her covetously, and his mind is full of double Celia, double happiness, triple better, quadruple wonderful, five times...

"So I plan to train a few trustworthy female secretaries, and then I just need Wu Lan and Li Yun to become my names."

As the big boss behind the scenes, how can he do everything himself? If so, his status as a boss will be devalued.

Celia said that she was only responsible for giving guidance on the general direction of the Chamber of Commerce, and other matters were handed over to her trusted secretary. She just sat in the office and waited for the information report.

The secretary did it when there was something to do, and Ganzhe did it when there was nothing to do.

As for the candidate for secretary, she is still investigating.


Misty Plateau

"Hmm, I just taught Bubble a lesson and refused the key to the door..."

Nayali habitually flashed and rode on Ye Lin's shoulders. A pair of soft, slender and smooth calves were not wearing stockings, locking Ganzhe's neck and head like a prisoner's shackles.


Naiyali, who wanted to be rewarded, explained what happened in the ancient library, then messed up Ganzhe's hair, pouted, and asked proudly:

"Look, this sir, do you love me so much? In order to elope with you, I even disobeyed my mother's will."

Praise me now!

Ganzhe raised his hand and gently pinched the invincible beautiful girl's soft waist, slowly lifted her off his shoulders, and praised her fiercely at the same time: "To be favored by a smart and beautiful girl, I am the happiest person in the world, no, the whole universe!"

Naiyali saved the demon world, she deserves to be made into a golden statue again!

Naiyali stood very steadily after falling down, her pretty big eyes blinked at him a few times, her face was pure and lovely, she gently pursed her rosy and tender lips, hinting almost explicitly.

Brush my teeth with your tongue!



Hiat and the others turned their heads to look at the misty plateau. They were not interested in watching the two kissing, which was so intense that it seemed like they were going to suck each other's brains out of their mouths.

A thick star text lit up on the misty plateau, like a decree from heaven, illuminating all directions. Everyone knew that the action of the Hermit Ergon and the Star Turtle Library to save the God of Mist had begun.

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