Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 3380 Twelve Man-Made Gods


Hearing Hazel's muttering, Ai Lixi's little face was obviously stagnant for a moment.

The humanistic environment of the God Realm attaches great importance to noble agreements, from small words of promise to large magic text contracts, among which the master-disciple relationship and the marriage relationship have the highest significance.

"Once a teacher, always a father" is not an empty talk in the God Realm.

If the master does not make a will when he dies, and the apprentice has fulfilled his own obligations during the master's lifetime, he is eligible to obtain a part of the master's inheritance.

Ai Lixi teased the flying beast Boerxi with her fingers, hesitated for a few seconds, and said: "We have not fulfilled the behavior of the apprenticeship, so the inheritance has nothing to do with us, and I don't think he has any inheritance."

The default rules of the God Realm can only apply to the God Realm. They can't consider Ye Lin's "overseas" assets. As far as the scope of the God Realm is concerned, they have never seen Ye Lin take out any assets.





Precious equipment?

It seems that there is, but the seal of heaven cannot be inherited as an inheritance.

"So he's poor..." Hazel uttered a word, but pulled Elise to laugh and teased: "I wish Master peace and make more money, so that I can work less for decades."

Hazel has been too busy recently, so busy that she is dizzy and wants to start a business~

Ye Lin, who is in the depths of the fog god's memory, is very upset and stands there for a long time. He has accepted two good apprentices.

The genius girl Hazel has always been a little bit black-bellied, pretending to be stupid, playing dumb, and slacking off. The income from doing two jobs just perfectly covers her daily expenses.

Don't look at Hazel as a recorder of the Star Turtle Library and the manager of the Fog Eye Recording Room. She seems to be a very standard literary girl... In fact, this girl has the heart of a science student and has an extraordinary love for fog mechanical technology.

She is the kind of person who doesn't want to work overtime, but unfortunately, Yidan has been begging her to work overtime recently.

Ye Lin retracted his scattered thoughts and scanned the environment similar to the "Night Skyscraper" in the demon world. There were magnificent buildings nearby, but it was so desolate and empty that it looked like a dead ghost town.

It is impossible to determine whether the city in the memory of the God of Mist is the main city "Terra" because there is a problem. The twelve artificial gods are not concentrated in one place, and each has its own territory and believers.

According to the bad woman Held, the twelve artificial gods are all the most perfect life forms, with the majesty and wisdom of God. Every move has the power of God, and the powerful vitality makes their bodies emit brilliant golden light.

However, the twelve artificial gods have some differences in "power", such as the goddess of music Filber who controls the melody of all things, "Kahn" who symbolizes power, and Napol who controls the weather, which is now the God of Mist.

The Terra people, who are eager to become perfect themselves, have different beliefs in artificial gods with different "powers". At the end of the Terra planet, twelve areas were gradually divided according to different beliefs, as if there were twelve kingdoms ruled by gods.

The twelve artificial gods maintained basic peace and balance, but their followers constantly had various frictions and collisions, and the blood and fire of war had a frightening bud, which was an inevitable result.

For example, in the continent of Arad, many clergymen who believed in light believed that the Dark Temple Knights who believed in death and darkness were a cult, contrary to the will of our God, and should be eliminated.

However, the truth is that the two goddesses have a very good relationship, and visiting each other is a common thing.

Therefore, the fog god Napol, who has his own domain and believers, may not have the deepest memory in the main city of Terra.

Ye Lin determined the direction, lifted his legs and disappeared on the spot, and appeared in the deeper memory of the fog god in the next step. At the same time, a little golden light lit up between his eyebrows, and the light illuminated one after another illusory but magnificent world, and the sky flowed like a river with unspeakable words.


The dim and dark world of memory was suddenly illuminated by the light from the sky. Beams of blazing light shone from the bodies of the twelve artificial gods, so powerful that it made people lose their six senses. The light seemed to have substance, and there was hardly an inch of shadow between heaven and earth.

Those were twelve figures whose faces could not be seen by the naked eye. They just stood in the sky without moving, but they exuded a majesty that made the souls of all things tremble. It was as if twelve suns had collapsed the sky and were above the world.

They were gods, rulers, and possessed unspeakable majesty and wisdom.

The twelve artificial gods had no difference in appearance at the beginning of creation. When they possessed the origin of darkness and lit the fire of wisdom, different characteristics appeared.

Some were burly and had cold eyes, some were slender and beautiful, some were as tall as giants and could hold up the sky with their hands, and some were short and thin with cunning faces...

Ye Lin focused on a female artificial god with long flowing hair and beautiful appearance. Her outstanding figure was covered with a layer of underwear covered with various symbolic symbols, revealing her slender legs and arms.

It was the artificial god Napol, the future God of Mist in the God Realm, the foundation of civilization in the God Realm.

Now the main consciousness of her soul has returned to the most ancient level, and she began to play the role of her past unconsciously.

The moment Ye Lin appeared, the twelve artificial gods turned their heads to him, and their blazing eyes turned into violent essences, looking at him with an arrogant and scrutinizing attitude.

Even the Transcendent could not stop the gaze of the twelve artificial gods.

Ye Lin smiled and said, "It's a pity that you are memory shadows instead of the real body after all, and your power is limited."

The power of memory projection may reach the level of the real body, but this situation is rare. One reason is that the real body will not send all the power over because of some attention or some reason, and the twelve artificial gods have fallen in a sense.

Among them, there are several bodies left intact, and the origin and wisdom in the body have also dissipated, and new, independent wisdom was born in time.

"Stronger than the little beast just now." One of the artificial gods with lightning eyes and a brilliant golden divine ring on his back spoke. It was he who punched Ergon to vomit blood, and the three heavenly lotus seeds could not be restored.

Ye Lin suspected that he was the predecessor of Kahn, and the only artificial god who experienced the cruel battle of gods and was defeated by Carlosso but did not lose all his wisdom and the origin of darkness.

"I came to take her away." Ye Lin pointed at Napol's "fog god".

Napol slowly turned her head. She was very beautiful and cold, but her expression was cold, like a goddess who was high above and untainted by dust. When she saw Ye Lin, her eyes suddenly regained clarity for a moment.

"Okay, I'll go with you." Napol nodded, and the corners of her lips sighed with relief, knowing that she had fallen into the deepest memory.

She knew that leaving this memory would not change the problem of the God Realm, but her inner instinct drove her to leave here quickly, because soon, soon He would come.

That horror...

"You can't leave, Napol." Another artificial god with a beard and a cunning look stopped him and said:

"We are already missing the key thirteenth companion. Once you leave, we will completely lose our chances of winning. He will break our physical form and return to the most ignorant state."

Napol was awake at the moment. Just as she was about to say something, her body suddenly trembled, and several star characters appeared and then burned and dissipated. The memory of the God Realm was disappearing quickly, and she suddenly forgot the meaning of leaving here with Ye Lin.

God Realm?

What is that?

Napol's eyes turned into frost and indifference. Wind, rain, light, thunder and lightning... the vision of natural disasters gradually emerged, with great momentum, and returned to her original position.

Some very strong feeling prompted her to think that she had to stay and could not leave. This was the fate she had to face.

Seeing Napol return to his position, Ye Lin quickly calculated the general situation. He should be in the period before the Terra God War. The twelve artificial gods sensed that greatness was about to come, so they gathered together to prepare for resistance.

At the same time, he strongly regretted that the thirteenth artificial god had not been born, otherwise he would have had a considerable chance of winning. Now he can only fight reluctantly.

Ye Lin nodded and said, "I have a question. Since you have a premonition of divinity, why don't you run?" (End of this chapter)

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