Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 3386: The Spirit of Sacrifice

"He is the only great being who has broken through the limit of dual power." The goddess of elements Pushia paused for a moment and added, "The only one before you."

Then she reminded him: "Regarding the power of all things, do you remember His honorific name?"

Ye Lin's mind was like lightning. Through the connection of keywords, he instantly thought of one of the honorific names used to describe Carlosuo.

The Lord of All Things!

He passed this honorific name to the goddess of elements Pushia in a puzzled tone, and immediately got the latter's recognition. It was true that the great will was the Lord of All Things in this boundless universe.

"The effect of the power of all things is to dominate all things, and can make any existence that surrenders to Him in a corresponding way completely become His devout believer. This effect is irreversible. The shattering of the divine body and the rebirth of the soul cannot reverse the control of the Lord of All Things over you."

For example, most humans kneel down to show respect and submission, the submission of the dragon clan is to lower their proud heads to the ground, and those with wings should raise their wings. The way of the dark elves is to kneel on one knee, lower their heads, and put their right hands on the heart.

As long as he made the corresponding submission to the great will under the influence of the power of all things, he would completely lose all his past faith and resistance consciousness, and become his fanatic from then on.

Follow him, praise him, and be willing to unconditionally dedicate his flesh, blood, soul, and life to him.

The goddess of elements Pushia warned him not to take it lightly, saying: "So if you kneel down to him in the common way of human submission, you may never stand up again... There were gods who submitted to him in the corresponding way, singing praises to him every day for thousands of years."

"The power of all things also has the power of the soul."

Ye Lin understood the additional meaning in the myth of the elemental goddess. He did not need the direct influence of the power of all things, just the projection of Carloso, or even the stubborn broken ring.

Ordinary transcendents would naturally respect his wisdom and majesty from the heart.

Then he also knew the meaning of the words of the Elemental Goddess Pushia. Carloso was the Lord of All Things, the first light of the beginning. Everything in the universe was caused by Him, so it was natural to show respect and submission to Him.

Therefore, it was impossible to judge whether the power of all things displayed by this concrete image was hostile. From the perspective of the great will, it was reasonable for all things to submit to Him and praise His name and His glory.

It was not arrogance, but it was the way it was. He was the supreme of all things and the "Lord" of all things.

"Be careful." The Elemental Goddess Pushia reminded again, showing her great caution towards Him and her concern for Ye Lin.

Ye Lin did not take it too seriously. He responded and quickly asked two more questions, "Has the power of all things been used on the gods of the beginning? Is it useful for the external gods and the gods of the end?"

"Maybe it has been used, or maybe not." The Elemental Goddess Pushia replied.

"After we have the image and memory, we have indeed never faced the power of the power of all things, but we still respect and believe in Him from the bottom of our hearts, and are willing to listen to His call and revelation."

"Even if we may have different ideas about the future, He is still the first light and the Lord of all things..."

"This may be the hidden influence of the power of all things, or it may be that we respect His supreme creation status."

Ye Lin understands this situation very well. The great will has a special status in the hearts of the gods. The gods are willing to follow His footsteps and become part of His infinite glory.

Unless there is some extreme and irreconcilable contradiction between the gods and Kaloso, the gods will never openly declare that they have left the scope of His glory and abandoned "Taichu".

In other words, if he and Kaloso fight now, if the reasons are not sufficient and the contradictions are not intense enough, Pushia and others will not be able to help themselves attack Kaloso directly.

The creation status makes the gods respect from the heart.

For the time being, I can only provide some verbal support, shout slogans to cheer him up, and express my own position and attitude.

"The power of all things to the external gods, the end, although there is no conclusive record of action to prove it, but I think it should be effective."

"Be careful..."

The voice of the elemental goddess Pushia disappeared in Ye Lin's mind, and all the communication happened in an instant.

Regarding the previous words of the dark side and what the meeting of gods said, now is not the time to continue the conversation. He can't continue to be distracted and needs to go all out to deal with the uncertain future in front of him.

Through the judgment of the elemental goddess Pushia on the power of all things and the person of creation, Ye Lin temporarily suppressed the idea of ​​pretending to be suppressed by the power of all things, and then suddenly attacking Carlosuo with a sword.

And he himself also felt that the means of sudden attack might not be useful for the great will Carlosuo.

In most cases, the battle between gods should be exposed.

Ye Lin stopped pretending and quickly straightened his back and knees, proud like a green bamboo, and then strode to the Mist Goddess who had been forced to fall to the ground due to extreme pain, looked at her beautiful but distorted and tearful face, and then raised a hand to press her shoulder.

He believed that if he had not happened to be deep in the memory of the Mist Goddess, the Broken Ring would have already launched some action against the Mist Goddess.

It was because of his presence that the Great Will paused for a few seconds.

In an instant, the pain as if dozens of red-hot steel needles were inserted into his mind and stirred vigorously disappeared. The gem that sealed Shu Mo between Wu Shen's brows had cracks, but now it has returned to a bright and complete state.

Wu Shen slowly opened his eyes that he had just closed because he didn't dare to look directly at Him. His eyes were filled with tears. He quickly wiped them away before looking at the person standing next to him. He said in a slightly hoarse yet relaxed voice with a close voice:

"Your Excellency Ye Lin, why are you here..."


Ye Lin suppressed the strange expression on his face. This kind of close and polite tone was clearly Shu Mo, the protector of the earth.

The guess is that the memories of Shu Mo and Wu Shen are connected and shared with each other, but also because Wu Shen's memory has been completely lost and only instinct is left, so in a sense it is Shu Mo who is speaking now.

Not long ago, he lied to Wu Shen and said that you and I have a daughter, and her name is Shu Mo... The secret must have been exposed now. Shu Mo knows that he is lying, and Wu Shen also knows that he is lying.

"Shu Mo, God of Wu, I need you to let go of all your guard against me and let my spiritual power blend with you." Ye Lin directly stated his request, and at the same time cast his eyes on the oppressive ray in the sky. Above the stalwart figure.

He quickly explained: "I can't let him appear in the real world, otherwise an unexpected fluctuation can destroy the divine world. Since he appears in the depths of your memories, everything will be processed and ended here."

"Since the next step may involve a battle of power and distortion of your past memories, your soul power is not enough to maintain the stability of the subsequent memory world and the corresponding changes. I will bear the consequences on your behalf."

Ye Lin glanced at the cracked void for a moment with the corner of his eye. Once he started a war with the Great Will, the God of Fog would not be able to withstand the riot of power and immediately turned into an unconscious existence. Then the next second, it would shatter into pieces. Some soul.

Wushen looked at the person standing next to him with a slightly stupid and dazed look.

He is not tall, but he faces the horror deep in his memory, blocking all the oppression against him in front of him.

After a moment, the God of Fog seemed to have made some determination, and said slowly: "If his target is me, as long as it does not harm the God Realm, I can follow him. Don't take risks for me. His power is beyond Your imagination.”

Even if all the hermits in the divine world come here, they must kneel down and surrender under the influence of the power of all things.

"Do you want to live?" Ye Lin suddenly asked, a smile on his lips.

"I think."

After saying that, Wushen hurriedly covered her mouth. How could she? She was obviously prepared to sacrifice. Wouldn't it look hypocritical to say this?

"It doesn't matter. This is the depth of your dream and your most original reality. You have no lies here, but I also believe that you have the spirit of sacrifice. This is not contradictory."

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