Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 3390 Eternity versus Everything

The twelve artificial gods were surrounded by golden light that bloomed due to their powerful vitality. Some of them were as tall as the sky, some were short and flexible... some controlled storms and thunder, and some distorted illusory light...

The moment they reappeared, they instinctively became hostile to the great will of Carlosso, and tacitly formed a unified camp, and roared with undisguised hostility and raging anger. The golden light was about to condense into a solid.

The artificial gods were dazzling gold, while Carlosso was covered with a layer of purple power of all things. The light of different colors formed two different domains, and the colliding breath seemed to be natural enemies of each other.

The primordial light and the primordial darkness, light and darkness are not visual attributes, but a kind of opposing concept that cannot be described in detail, representing the mysterious symbolism of the beginning of the universe, one gave birth to two, two gave birth to three, and three gave birth to all things.

Soon, the extraordinary spirituality of the twelve artificial gods keenly discovered that Carlosso's cold and arrogant eyes were not looking at them, but at a human whose body had little light.

Does this mean that the great will think that the threat of that human is stronger than them? !

"Failed." Ye Lin pulled the corner of his mouth, and his expression was not surprised at all.

He originally wanted to trace the dream world back to the beginning... The twelve artificial gods stared at the depths of the starry sky together, whispering from time to time, and the residents of the kingdom of God, Krimit, looked at the twelve majestic figures with respect, enthusiasm, and yearning.

Now that the twelve artificial gods have been reappeared, Terra's kingdom of God, Krimit, is bustling with people again, but the great will, Carlosso, is still looking down indifferently from the high altitude of the starry sky, unaffected by the retrospection, as if he is the only one in the ages.

The purple of the power of all things is becoming more and more rich and deep, and the starry sky where Carlosso is seems to have turned into a purple ocean. He stands above the ocean and the storm, and his body covered with half of the armor and divine patterns is getting taller and taller, squeezing out a planet, filled with an indescribable sense of oppression.

The alliance of the twelve artificial gods turned into twelve tiny fireflies in an instant. Their faces were covered with bulging veins, and their bones creaked. It seemed that they might be completely extinguished and swallowed by the purple light in the next moment.

"Sure enough, the thirteenth one is missing." An artificial god sighed unwillingly.

Ye Lin was not surprised by this scene either. It was all within his expectations.

If he and Carlosso did not interfere with the dream memory of the fog god, then the normal development sequence would be in accordance with the traces engraved in history. The twelve artificial gods and Carlosso would both be injured, Terra would explode, the war of gods would end, and the state of the fog god when he opened his eyes would depend on whether the new world of remembrance was established.

Now the Ring of Creation and Carlosso's power of all things appeared in the depths of memory with a purpose, breaking the original balance and ending, and will also rewrite the deepest memory image of the fog god.

Some of the fog god's future memories depend on the outcome of this battle.

Ye Lin looked solemn, and a long river of mist, illusion and distortion appeared in the depths of his eyes, and then it echoed in layers, like the intertwined voices of millions of people praying, declaring:

"Power: Eternal!"

Behind the twelve artificial gods, a long river suddenly emerged, which was the same as the concrete image in Ye Lin's eyes, filled with mist and illusory in essence.

The river was silent when it flowed, but it could be seen clearly. Countless world scenes appeared and disappeared in the long river of time, and dense light spots lit up and dimmed.

Scanning casually...

Some primitive worlds reveal the essence of the law of the jungle, small fish eat shrimps, big fish eat small fish, fishermen cast their nets, fierce beasts show their fangs, and the "high mountains" in the distance open their lava-colored eyes.

Some worlds ignited the flames of civilization with oil and steel, steam boiled, and electric currents flashed, but suddenly collapsed at the peak, and the radiation-contaminated rain irrigated every corner of the earth.

Some worlds lit up with the light of "magic", and many different races used this power to create miracles one after another. All the extraordinary things can be called "magic".


The long river of time is full of illusions and fog, but it gives people a very heavy feeling, because it carries the history of countless worlds and the future that is coming, and contains the reality of all existence in ancient and modern times.

When the twelve artificial gods were still in a daze, their breath was rapidly becoming stronger, from the tiny fireflies that were about to go out to candles that could illuminate a place, and finally turned into twelve shining suns in the sky, wantonly waving light and heat, fighting against the purple ocean of power of all things.

In an instant, they recovered the power of the ancient Terra God War in the real world. The number of twelve can fight against the great will.

They pressed their chests or heads at the same time, as if something important that was lost was filled back, and the empty souls seemed to have a sense of reality.

The lost origin of darkness has temporarily returned.

At the same time, the fateful hostile instinct intensified. They all surged with powerful momentum, and their shining eyes all stared at the great will Kaloso. Their blood was boiling, and thunder roared.

Pohuanzi couldn't help but screamed loudly: "The subject of time, which can be called eternal power, has never been mastered by anyone, but you got it. You summoned the most perfect state of the twelve people to create gods from the past time."

Eternal power, isn't it in the hands of Endless Ymir? !

Pohuanzi suddenly realized that the gods gathered at the end of the world, and Endless Ymir repeated angrily and helplessly for ten thousand times that I didn't, I wasn't, damn, you are annoying.

Some gods also suspected that it might be Terra or the Arbiter of Balance without power.

It turned out that Imir was really wronged.

The Eternal Power recreated the perfect twelve artificial gods of ancient Terra. The weight of history reappeared at this moment and smoothed out the distortion.

"Do you really want to be an enemy of the Great Will?" The rotation of the Ring of Creation appeared rusty and dull, and a huge figure rose from the purple sea of ​​power of all things. Its eyes were two stars.

Ye Lin smiled softly and said, "Not an enemy, but I have to make a choice in the end. I don't have eyes behind my head that can look at both sides at the same time."

The current war is not just about the memory and the original body of the God of Mist, but also because Ye Lin disobeyed the will of Carloso and offended the Supreme, which is not allowed by the Ring of Creation and the Great Will.

Ye Lin had considered carefully before using the eternal power. First, the twelve artificial gods have a relatively high resistance to the power of all things, and they are the culprits of Carlosuo's "black history". The gods are unable to take action due to their supreme status. The twelve artificial gods are the most suitable helpers at this stage.

One of the effects of the eternal power is that it can reproduce their most perfect state.

If the great will is defeated here, the fact that He has the eternal power will not be spread. It doesn't matter if it is spread by the stubborn man. The gods will be shocked by his power.

Carlosuo's white hair was blown up in the wind, revealing his eyes without any emotion. He actually said calmly: "I am one, two, three, and all things, and infinite."

"All things..."


The huge figure rising from the purple sea has a sense of reality. The head position shows a dazzling crown, inlaid with countless stars and suns. He fills all the space in vision and soul, occupying an absolute dominant position.

Ye Lin's knees and spine suddenly pressed down, his eyes went blind, his eyebrows cracked and a string of bright red blood beads gushed out. His mind was filled with the giant shadow of the purple sea. A real and illusory big hand grabbed his face. The terrifying feeling of suffocation came to him, and his soul trembled and feared from the bottom of his heart.

"Can't be caught."

A clear thought flashed through his mind, and the eternal power lit up. The twelve artificial gods attacked the purple sea of ​​the starry sky in unison.

"I stand here, I am one, that is, the only one, eternal and immortal, and I am also immortal." Ye Lin's bones rang crisply, and he slowly straightened his severely injured body. Ignoring the blood on his eyebrows, he raised his hand and pointed at Carlosso. The illusory river of time carried countless histories and smashed into the purple sea of ​​all things.

He did not borrow the power of his past or future self, and firmly believed that this moment was the only one. (End of this chapter)

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