Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 3397 Qualifications of the Creator

The purple crown, which symbolizes the power of all things, is inlaid with countless bright stars, all of which have cracked black gaps, and the light spots are obviously flawed, like open eyes.

The Ring of Creation came back from the extremely suffocating state. It suddenly seemed to have turned into a human being. It made the sound of breathing heavily, draining the air nearby in a few breaths. The body of the ring gear was also shocked to the point of creaking. sound.

The power of all things is actually impaired!

I remember that during the previous battle, the power of all things turned into a crown and smashed it on Ye Lin's head. Later, a blazing light burst out, as if it was going to illuminate the entire universe, and its sight was also blocked.

The crown is now damaged, and the Circle of Creation certainly knows what that means.

The great will cannot achieve 100% victory! !


A subtle cracking sound suddenly sounded, very light, and extremely harsh. The ring of creation beat violently. He hurriedly looked at the crown of power of all things, and found that the cracks on it did not continue to expand, and there were signs of gradual healing.

"It's not the power of all things, it's because I'm hallucinating..."


Then the next second, the Ring of Creation saw Caroso's silver golden armor explode into pieces, the debris flying up, turning into a misty and beautiful nebula, and then shooting out a sharp sword light that broke through the air.

Caroso had already noticed it but remained calm. The murderous sword light flew past his ear, destroying more than a dozen shining stars in the starry sky. The vast sky was suddenly covered by the turbulence of star explosions, and it was chaotic. The twisted power rolled towards the earth, as if the end of the universe was coming.

A strand of silver-white hair and a drop of transparent blood fell on Caroso's defenseless shoulder, and were then swept away by the cosmic storm set off by the star explosion.

Caroso cast a cold gaze, and his hair and blood instantly flowed back to his divine body. Wherever the terrifying gaze swept, the raging and roaring cosmic storm stopped abruptly, and all the exploding stars were reshaped and hung high in the world. outside.

Nothing seems to have happened.

The voice of the Ring of Creation trembled violently and was broken, with indescribable emotions, "You...the great Lord of all are injured...for the first time after the battle with Terra..."

"Great will... This is just an accident. As long as you return to a complete and perfect state... As long as I collect the six components..."

After a pause for a few seconds, the Ring of Creation shouted angrily and madly: "Damn it, damn it, I forgot. The fact that he can drag out the complete thirteen parts of darkness from the river of time means that he has already We found the master will of your dark side earlier than us, and he still has secrets!"

Now it regrets not calling the gods and killing him while he was sick.

Ye Lin, who possesses the eternal power of the beginning, can block the return of the great will at any time. He has proved his qualifications.

Now as long as Ye Lin is still alive and still holds eternal power, the great will cannot integrate all the darkness. This is a big hidden danger and a big trouble.

"Kill him, you must kill him. I will immediately summon all the gods from the beginning and gather them all. We cannot let him block your glory."

The Ring of Creation said it was about to break away from Caroso's back. It was always tough-talking, but it was also very loyal to the great will.

"What? You said that even if there is no fusion of the dark side in the future, you will not be weaker than the original 'Great Will'?"

"Haha, let me just say that you are the first ray of light, the Lord of all things. The dark side is just your negative side. It will definitely be good for you after being stripped away. You are a prophet and an illuminator."

After Pohuanzi's mood improved, he bragged shamelessly again, spewing out a bunch of exaggerated words of praise and materializing a large field of brightly colored flowers in the void, spreading them under Caroso's feet, forming a sacred line. Path to glory.

Since the great will no longer cares about the half of the origin of darkness, there is no need to call on the gods.

"You said that Ye Lin might still have the energy to continue fighting. What's your trump card? Impossible! His survival is all due to your mercy. You love talents. Of course, I reluctantly, um, reluctantly admit that he is Among those who have become gods, they are relatively outstanding.”

"By the way! There is one more thing. The power of destiny that explains and describes all the causes and effects of the universe is in the hands of another god. The destiny is originally held by you... Who would have expected that the divided destiny form would actually resist and return to greatness? "

Po Huanzi kept chattering, unaware that Caroso's indifferent eyes, which had always looked at everything like insects, had quietly changed.

"What?! You said that he is already qualified to obtain the next creation position? Impossible, absolutely impossible. That position has always been yours and can only be yours."



The pages of the Book of Order turned automatically, one world after another flashed by, and one sacred law after another lit up and then disappeared.

Narrowing her eyes, she wore a holy and elegant goddess dress, and her bright golden hair was casually tied into a high ponytail. She raised her hand to hold the Book of Order, and her beautiful face had a strange expression:

"All orders have not changed. Their battle should have been carried out in a certain barrier. It did not affect the existing fragile order of the universe. It should be Ye Lin who took the initiative to expose his space power."

"The result, who won." The lady in the black dress asked an answer that seemed to have been determined for a long time. She casually crossed her legs, and the layered and complicated black dress was embroidered with gold and silver patterns.

Elemental Goddess Pushia shook her head slightly, "Except for the two of them, only the artificial god Napol should know the specific battle situation. At the last moment, I vaguely felt that nearly ten kinds of power were shining."

Now Ye Lin is not only alive, but also forced Carlosuo to blast out multiple powers. With this sign, the final victory or defeat seems not so important.

"The most important thing is that he seems to have found a way to obtain the status of creation."

Elemental Goddess Pushia has a special closed-loop contract with him, and can see some of the process and results of the war of gods.

The Ice Heart Rabbit God Kunile, who was sitting next to him and eating water radish, blinked his big ice-blue eyes. The status of creation... sounds very powerful, but why do everyone's expressions suddenly become so heavy?

With narrowed eyes, he closed the Book of Order, raised his hand to make it disappear, and explained to the puzzled little rabbit: "It's normal that you don't know. Except for great beings like him who have the status of creator since birth, it takes a huge price to obtain the status of creator, especially since he has only been a god for a short time."

"The gods have a vague guess that breaking through the status of creator requires finding an opportunity in a long time, and only one person can do it at a time."

The lady in the black dress added lightly: "We have been trying to use a huge amount of time to accumulate our own foundation and qualifications to obtain the status, waiting for that possible opportunity. He is born without this step, so it is more dangerous for him to break through than us, and the probability of death... is extremely high."

The topic of the status of creator was only briefly discussed for a few sentences. They didn't know much, and they couldn't give Ye Lin any reference opinions. In this regard, everyone was a newbie starting from the same starting line.

After confirming that the sugar cane was not dead and just needed to rest, the lady in the black dress breathed a sigh of relief, then teased her best friend, teasing:

"Remi, when he and "Him" went to war, did you feel like you were going to be a widow?"

I thought that according to the not very frank nature of the squinting eyes, the tsundere who cared a lot but refused to admit it in person, would definitely laugh loudly and say it was impossible, I would worry about the sugar cane.

Haha, just kidding.

I just kept him for fun.


But to everyone's surprise, the squinting eyes actually nodded.

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