Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 3402 Pollution

Land veins, in general, refer to the trend and location of mountains, rivers and lakes.

Many scholars in this field believe that studying land veins can find the blessed places formed by the heaven and earth. Living there all year round or burying ancestors in these places can bring good luck to people, and even finely divide them into wealth, official luck, etc.

However, the saying that living in these places can bring good luck is difficult to withstand scrutiny.

For example, the imperial capital of the Delos Empire, Vetalon, is surrounded by mountains and rivers, which are like a group of dragons guarding it. However, the people living in Vetalon are not all rich and powerful. Many people who work there just barely make a living.

However, the choice of living environment does have a certain impact on life. Sometimes one side of the mountain will have more rainfall than the other side. Living on both sides of the river will naturally increase the ability to resist drought. High mountains with dense trees are likely to hide expensive prey or herbs, etc.

These are not very intuitive and implicit positive effects.

In the eyes of practitioners, land veins are a spiritual existence. It is a root hidden in the mountains and rivers. It may be a high-purity material energy or a kind of spiritual energy.

The ground vein has a similar effect to the holy tree, nourishing the earth, growing prosperous green plants and springs, and then nurturing all things.

Xu Zu popularized similar sayings, and many cultivation dojo were built in high mountains and deep clouds. It is believed that being in harmony with nature and close to heaven and earth can speed up the cultivation of practitioners.

Camelin's gem reflected a yellow and rotten mountain. Everything was withered and shocking. The ground vein was definitely polluted.

I remember that the prophecy about the savior of the divine world mentioned the description of "distorted ground veins", and now it has come true.

"This is a means to wipe out the family." Saler, whose dojo was built on the mountain, came over.

It is easy to maintain a barren mountain, but it is difficult to maintain a mountain. Trees will not grow strong overnight, and animals will not increase out of thin air. A mountain that can be burned clean by a fire will take more than ten years to restore to its original size.

Camelin bit her lip and quickly switched the location of the gem. She was shocked to find that not only Chongquan, but also Baihai and Qianhaitian had experienced ground vein withering.

The season in the God Realm seemed to have fast-forwarded to late autumn, and the green mountains and clear waters were filled with an indescribable sense of dead silence.

The spiritual earth veins seemed to have withered and could no longer supply everything in the God Realm.

"The earth veins are almost illusory and ethereal, and we can't get close to them. We are willing to guard against prophecies in this regard, but we can't come up with good preventive measures." Camelin sighed, habitually silent for a while, and immediately said: "We have to find out how the earth veins were polluted. Can I ask for your help again?"

Camelin heard that when Idan of the Eye of Mist asked adventurers to help solve the problem of the demonic energy on the Dark Island, he gave a very generous reward.

The additional news is that the reward was taken away by Ye Lin's sister in advance.

The third princess answered immediately and smiled generously: "Of course, we are happy to help, because we are friends."

Michelle and the others had no objection. The earth veins may be a new topic.

"Thank you for your kindness and justice." Cameron breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: "Isabella, I admire your rich knowledge and noble temperament. You are very different from the princess described in the book. You have a strong personality and vitality, as if you were born to be an adventurer."

Beside him, Cyrus, with a cool face, rolled his eyes secretly. The third princess did have temperament, after all, she was born in the royal family, but the rich knowledge... the third princess was actually average.

The third princess was very smart and received the most rigorous education, but her heart was not in learning, and her knowledge reserve was far less than that of her two sisters.

The third princess was very pleased with Cameron's praise, waved her hand, and smiled: "My eldest sister Celia and the second sister Nosadia are the traditional princesses described in your book. They are modest and polite in public, have extraordinary conversation, walk with slender steps, and eat in a dignified and elegant manner..."

Admittedly, such a lady will be praised and recognized by everyone, have a very good reputation, and become a benchmark, but it is really tiring to maintain such a lady image all year round.

Life is short, why not be free and unrestrained?

After learning that there is the water of life in Ye Lin, the third princess was even more arrogant. If I can live for a long time, I will not be a lady.

They boarded the Bilashel airship and rushed to the place where the earth veins twisted. Camelin asked curiously: "Isabella, do your sisters maintain a perfect image in private?"

The third princess thought for a while and replied: "As long as there is an outsider, even if it is her best friend who she has known for more than ten years, Celia will maintain the manners of a lady. Nosadia is sometimes quite playful."


Bilashel left the goldless land of Chongquan, sailed hundreds of miles, and stopped beside a lake that should have rippling blue waves. The diameter of the lake is about ten kilometers, not too big or small. Now the clear lake water is stained with a layer of gray color, with an unpleasant smell of dead water, and the lake is full of fish and shrimp corpses.

Camelin walked down from Bilashel. Before she got close, her face had already turned ugly. This lake was the source of water for several nearby villages and towns, and some aquatic products were also cultivated there.

Many people had gathered on the shore, discussing the problem of the lake, and some cries and wails could be heard. The pollution of the water source caused the death of all the aquaculture products, which was a very heavy loss.

Obviously, the contamination of the earth veins was formed in a short period of time. If it cannot be solved as soon as possible, drinking water in the God Realm will become a problem in the future.

"I'll go down and take a look first." Camelin said to them with a heavy heart, and then jumped into the polluted lake.

She was surrounded by a layer of magical film, with a slender figure and agile movements, like a mermaid born in the sea.

The third princess frowned and sighed helplessly.

She has had a hard time these days, because the bloodline feature of the God Realm is big breasts.

"This is..."

Arriving at the lowest level of the lake, Camelin's eyes tightened and solemn. In addition to many conspicuous fish and shrimp corpses and lake mud, there were also many black silk threads like hair emerging from the depths of the mud. They dissolved in water after appearing at a certain distance.

"What kind of power can pollute all parts of the God Realm at the same time." Camelin raised her hand and pressed to the bottom of the lake. The mud automatically separated. She wanted to try to trace the source of the pollution.

However, until a hundred meters underground, Camelin could not see the source.

Suddenly, those black threads that looked like hair strands were like living water snakes, exuding a biting coldness, entwining the magic film beside Camelin, leaving a circle of deep marks.

"Get out!"

The violent magic power burst out, and Camelin shattered countless black threads.

When she paused for a moment and was about to go deeper, a pair of dark red eyes suddenly opened from the mud, huge and cold. Camelin was shocked, her magic power was disordered, and her blood was surging.

After she sorted out her state, the eyes that seemed to be in another dimension disappeared.


Misty Plateau

Scriben's expression was quite complicated. Looking at the "old friend" who had betrayed him, he sighed deeply.

He was originally the land guardian of the White Sea, and also a member of the Fog Eye Scholar School, belonging to the "Fingertip Toucher".

I have had many exchanges with Lopez, the leader of the "Steppers", and we can be considered ordinary friends.

"Do you have the other half of the Star Cluster Record?" Scriben asked.

"You mean this? Indeed, I took it away at the beginning, and Cladis took back half of it." Lopez raised his hand and took out the other half of the Star Cluster Record, then crushed it, and pieces of stone fragments fell to the ground.

"Lopez! You betrayed the God Realm!"

That was the key to the awakening of the Mist God. Scriben and Grayson's eyes suddenly turned red, and they were furious, and they joined forces to attack this ruthless traitor. (End of this chapter)

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