Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 3411 She is too big

Shu Mo was picked up by Grayson as a baby and brought back to the Star Turtle Library. He grew up there and spent a relatively happy childhood. Now he comes to the White Sea to serve as the guardian of the earth.

The news Ye Lin suddenly said was quite heartbreaking and cruel. It was as if Shu Mo was pulled down from the noble throne. After falling, he rolled in the dirt several times. He rolled all the way from the palace to the street corner where no one wanted him. of orphans.

You are not part of the Mist God, you are just a child abandoned by your parents in the valley.

Shu Mo was of ordinary origin in terms of blood, and had nothing to do with the noble God of Mist.

Ye Lin traced back the lost memories of Wu Shen...

When Wu Shen was walking in the woods outside the Star Turtle Library, she accidentally heard the cry of a baby. Looking for the sound, she saw Shu Mo, who had been abandoned in her infancy.

However, something was wrong with the Misty God at that time. She could not adopt the poor little one herself, so she first sang a song to the little one. That song was the famous song of the legendary music goddess Mei Spiritia. It gives people the courage and strength to fight against suffering, and can also soothe negative emotions in people's hearts.

The little one quickly calmed down and fell into a deep sleep.

The God of Fog guided Grayson to find the woods and picked up Shu Mo. This was the beginning of Shu Mo.

From the abandoned baby girl to the current slim girl, she is a proper "indigenous" of the God Realm, but her flat chest does not look like a person from the God Realm.

Ye Lin considered that being "part of the Mist God" brought a lot of pressure to Shu Mo, so he decided to tell Shu Mo the truth.

As a party involved, Shu Mo has the right to know the truth, instead of being strongly affected by a false reputation.

"But." Seeing Shu Mo's mood was quite low, Ye Lin quickly changed his tone to comfort Shu Mo and said: "You do carry the will of the God of Mist to live. This is not the inheritance of the soul, but a kind of inheritance." The continuation of spirit.”

"The Mist God has indeed given you some abilities that are different from ordinary people, such as top-notch affinity to the fog, excellent magical talent, an always optimistic attitude, a sweet singing voice, and an infinite yearning for the White Sea area."

A child who is only more than ten years old dreams of becoming the protector of the earth, and he is also obsessed with the location of the White Sea area. No matter how he thinks about it, it is a bit weird.

Grayson, Qian Haitian's original guardian of the earth realm, was already old and lacked energy, so he was ready to step down from his position. Due to emotions and reasons, Shu Mo should take over Qian Haitian's position.

As a result, there was a complicated matter of Scriben from Bai Hai going to work in Qian Haitian, and Shu Mo from Qian Haitian going to work in Bai Hai.

It can be seen from this that Grayson completely treats Shu Mo as his granddaughter's doting.

Shu Mo seemed to understand what he heard, and looked at Wu Shen who was a distance away from him. He breathed a sigh of relief and smiled generously: "I'll be honest with you, Mr. Ye Lin, I was under a lot of pressure during that time. , I always feel that I am not worthy of Master Wushen’s status.”

Compared to the titles of "part of Wushen's body", "daughter", and "Wisthen's trumpet", she is still a student or successor, which allows her to accept less pressure.


Shu Mo's stomach rang.

Ye Lin conjured a bag of sweet and delicious biscuits for Shu Mo and explained her identity clearly.

According to the original thoughts and oracles of the God of Mist, when she is killed, people in the God Realm will forget about the "God of Mist" and will not remember that there was a God of Mist in the God Realm. In the end, only Shu Mo will remember her.

Shu Mo will inherit part of Wu Shen's memory and will, work hard to create, and appreciate a better future for the God Realm.

"Your Excellency Ye Lin, is there any way you can create a realm of memory?" Shu Mo chewed the biscuits made by Fei Lao and felt very at ease at the moment, but she happened to be a little hungry.

Mr. Adventurer is not dying as Mr. Ergon said. Lord Mist is in good condition except for his cold expression.

Great, the two most important people are fine. The difficulties encountered by the God Realm will not last long.

Ye Lin nodded with a smile, gave her a cup of fruit milk tea that Mailu usually likes to drink, and said, "Yes, but I'm not going to do that."

The realm of memory is similar to the underworld in nature. It is a half-real and half-illusory world, so it not only stores countless memories, but also allows others to enter and talk to her.

It is much like Wushen's external hard drive, responsible for additional storage functions.

Ye Lin can create the realm of memory, and he can do it better than his master Mal, but what is external is still external after all, and there is a possibility of it being destroyed automatically or destroyed by others.

"I want her soul to have the function of memory again."

Before the words could be finished, the God of Mist disappeared directly in front of the two of them. She appeared in the sky of the misty plateau and appeared in the sight of all those who were paying attention. Her eyes did not contain any emotion, and she looked at everything like ants and insects, looking at it coldly. A fierce battle between Lopez and the Demon World team.

If Ye Lin hadn't secretly arranged a defensive barrier to stabilize the earth, the "Misty Plateau" would have been blown into ruins by the irrational Lopez.

The first person to be eliminated by Lopez has appeared. It was Bailey, a carefree girl who was not cautious enough. Lopez summoned a monster explosion, which smashed Bailey and Lily together, triggering the little witch's power. The life-saving doll was later teleported to a safe place.

The two of them seemed to have lost their temper and rushed back, confident that they would not die.

Within a few minutes, Natya tried his best to get close enough to hit Lopez with a spear, but it failed to trigger the fatal effect. Before he died, he sighed regretfully, "I didn't touch the fat man this time. I was not lucky enough."


After the God of Fog appeared, Lopez felt the cold eyes scrutinizing him. He unexpectedly sobered up a little and shouted, "The God of Fog has lost his memory and has returned to ignorance. This is our perfect opportunity to rebuild the God Realm." ”

"Those who died because of the cloudless night, the time for revenge has come."

Lopez's roar was like rolling thunder, resounding through the White Sea and spreading throughout the God Realm. Almost the moment the words fell, several powerful breaths burst out from the depths of the thick earth, carrying overwhelming anger and hatred. Refers to the mist god in the sky.

A lizard man covered in scales and with a tail trailing behind his back raised his poisonous claws, his eyes full of hatred and malice, "Because of you, I died, and because of you, I crawled out of hell."

Facing the sharp claw pointed directly at her head, Wu Shen should have triggered Ye Lin's third subconscious suggestion, "When you meet someone who wants to hurt you, you can destroy them." However, Wu Shen actually hesitated on the spot.

Ye Lin was not surprised when he saw it, and said to himself, "Her soul was engraved with guilt for the cloudless night, and she temporarily suppressed the mental implications."

He sighed and quickly set up a new spiritual hint for Wushen, "Your existence is very important to the divine world, you must protect yourself."

The mist god quickly raised his hand, and then pressed down on the opponent. The mist suddenly came and turned into a cage, squeezing until the lizard man's body was broken, his scales flew off, and he screamed and fell to the ground.

After severely injuring several people who came back from the dead, she turned around and disappeared into the sky of the foggy plateau, returning to the Mist Sleeping Palace.

She felt as if it was her appearance that caused everyone to fight.

A remnant of reason prompted her to leave the God Realm, but a certain instinct made her reluctant to leave here. She was fond of, longed for, feared, and guilty. She thought about why she had such complicated emotions about this strange world.

Ye Lin said to the God of Fog: "You are remembered and praised by the gods. Your appearance just now caused everyone to chant your name in their hearts. This is their belief in you, which is very pure."

He raised his hand and clicked on the space power that seemed to have countless aspects, and the light lit up, projecting scenes from all over the God Realm, and also embodying the thoughts of the people in the God Realm.

Everyone is worried about Wushen and remembers Wushen. Their memory is the memory of Wushen... As long as you remember me and I remember you, we will never disappear.

The power to activate the power made Ye Lin frown hard. Every cell seemed to be emitting a sharp pain, and occasionally the purple afterglow of the power of all things flashed.

Wushen looked expressionlessly at Ye Lin, who was trying to suppress his negativity. After the purple light dimmed, he suddenly came over, held his hand, and placed it on the chest of his pearl-white diagonal skirt.

I don’t know where the intuition comes from. If you rub this here for him, he seems to be very happy.

Ye Lin was surprised that he did not set this spiritual hint for Wushen.

Then it can only be that when their souls merged with each other before, Wu Shen "copied" several profound things from his memory, one of which was his love for "justice".

He wanted to scold Wu Shen for not being ladylike in her behavior...but she was too big.

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