Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 3419 I really want to improve

The transparent and solid crystal barrier covering the sky above Wulan suddenly showed spider-web-like cracks under the impact of the groups of sky-curtain beasts, ranging from one millimeter to several centimeters, and the filthy blood of the monsters had already dripped in.

The huge figures of the sky-curtain beasts collided with the crystal barrier, and people could clearly see their rough skin, thick scales, and the obvious anger of the monsters.

Giant phobia is one of the sources of fear engraved in human instincts, and many people tremble and shudder because of it.

Coupled with the frequent explosions in Wulan, the raging fires and the collapse of buildings, it seemed that the end of the world had come to Wulan.

Millions of residents panicked all of a sudden, scrambling to squeeze into the sky port. They were afraid that Wulan City would be broken, and they were also afraid that Wulan City would be burned by flames, and they would become charcoal in the steel cage.

The Demon Strike Team, the City Guard, and some big forces with conscience, the hard-earned stability of Wulan was shattered at this moment, and the huge panic was spreading, infecting millions of residents at a speed more terrible than the plague.

No one knows what the Sky Curtain Beasts are going crazy for. Tana has also confirmed that the Sky Curtain Beast tribe has not been mentally manipulated or infected by demonic energy. These big guys are theoretically normal.

Three rings of light suddenly lit up on Celia's wrist, accompanied by a respectful and excited voice, "Respected and noble Great Will, what do you want to tell me?"

She was wearing three components of the Ring of Creation, and the latter had always been stubborn and would rather die than surrender at first.

Ye Lin took the Sword of the Beginning and talked to the three broken rings, saying that the dark side is also part of the Great Will and can also use the honorific name of the Great Will.

If you don't listen to me, I will send the three of you to Miraz of the Alvin Line. She has three lively big dogs and just needs three dog collars.

As for the fourth component he removed, Qianying has a short-tailed hound "Jie" in his hometown, and he also needs a beautiful collar.

If you are obedient, I can help you engrave some of the Primordial Laws that other components don't have, as well as the power of power.

Even the Ring of Creation is not perfect and needs to improve.

You can improve by following Carlosso, and you can also improve by following Celia. Do you want to improve?

After a lot of coercion and inducement, the three components began to become Celia's licking dogs.

The will of the dark side is also a great will, no problem.

"Forget it."

Celia waved her hand and re-sealed the licking dog ring, disappearing on her wrist, otherwise this guy would keep nagging.

She just wanted to use the Ring of Creation as a medium to reverse the time of the mist and the nearby area, and trace back everything that happened.

But considering what Xiaomaer meant, everything that happened now does not involve the foundation of the God Realm for the time being, so there is no need to affect the long river of time.

Celia still softened her heart and appeared at several explosion sites by teleportation to prevent the situation from further escalating.

Those flames that spread and burned like volcanic eruptions after the explosion were instantly extinguished, and the collapsed high-rise buildings cleverly avoided places where people were, and the toxic smoke was quietly purified, and the cracked crystal barrier was restored to its original state.

Pinocchio and Krach, who had not returned yet, were also trying their best to maintain the order of the nearly collapsed Wulan.


Tana's loud shout came from the sky, and the brilliant silver holy tree dropped a sacred light, turning into a dazzling galaxy falling from the sky, smashing Largo, who was in the state of endless power, to pieces.

The silver holy tree had resisted the crisis of annihilation caused by the leakage of Caruso's power. Largo, who only had a little power of Bubble, could not fight against the furious Tana.

However, it was difficult to surpass and destroy. A drop of Largo's blood was reborn in the distance, but it was already weak and chose to escape without hesitation.

The monsters that surrounded the Wulan for a long time left a field of tragic blood corpses, gathered into a demon green storm and quickly left. Their goal had been achieved.

Celia hesitated for a moment, but still exuded a gentle and majestic power to appease and deter the sky curtain beasts, preventing them from continuing to hit the crystal barrier of the Wulan.

As expected, the maddened Sky Curtain beasts stopped ramming, circled a few times suspiciously, and moved a little away from Wulan, so as not to cause giant fear in the people here.

After the Sky Curtain beasts left Wulan, many residents of Wulan also felt a kind of calming power. A breeze blew past, and their impatient emotions seemed to be blown away by the wind. The anxious and even furious expressions on their faces just now became peaceful and calm.

After their reason was restored and their emotions were calm, they were no longer in a hurry to leave Wulan.

Looking up at the sky that was renewed and shining with sunshine, I felt that the world was so beautiful and peaceful. How could I be so irritable just now? It was really wrong.

Wulan's riot was ended by Celia within a few minutes, and Wulan's sky became clean, as if everything was over.

But suddenly, the mysterious whale roar sounded in another block, and the people nearby screamed, bleeding from their cochleas, and even their heads were a mess on the spot, and their hearts were broken.

More glass shattered and fell from the high school. The mysterious resonance caused huge cracks in the main bodies of many tall buildings. They climbed up to the load-bearing columns, rumbling and shaking, and were about to collapse and shatter under the attack of the sound waves.

The sky curtain beast outside also became restless again, showing obvious signs of attack.


A ball of fiery red high-temperature flames rose from the void, enveloping several figures and the mysterious instrument that made the sound waves. The holy rune of the fire element flashed and disappeared, leaving only a piece of burnt ashes.

The flames burning in Pinocchio's eyes gradually extinguished.

On the other side, Krach also froze the source of the sound waves.

Two hours later, Tana and Captain Diana returned with more than 20 captured employees of the Liyun Chamber of Commerce. The latter also found her sister and ordered:

"Beibei, immediately find reporters from major newspapers in my name."


Beibei, who has beautiful long golden hair, light blue eyes, and loose clothes, nodded without asking more questions. When her sister's expression becomes serious, she will have her careful considerations.

As a younger sister, you just need to be honest and obedient, and your sister will solve all problems.

"I think I may have figured out the reason why the Sky Curtain Beast is restless." Elifu ran from the recorder's office panting, holding a book with a worn cover.

After she came back, she kept looking for information. The Sky Curtain Beast is gentle by nature. Although it hates the approach of airships, there is almost no record of the Sky Curtain Beast actively hurting people in the history of the God Realm.

Occasionally, there are casualties caused by the Sky Curtain Beast, mostly because these big guys fell asleep while flying.

Elifu raised the book and introduced it: "This book is written by a scholar who studies biological language. The book mentions that the Sky Curtain Beast is powerful but rare in number. There are only dozens of them in a group. It is impossible to form a detailed language belonging to its own group, and humans cannot conduct research."

The rare number, huge body, low intelligence level, unrepresentative body movements, and strong mental resistance have led to serious deficiencies in various basic conditions. Research on the language of the Sky Curtain Beast is very difficult.

It is completely unlike Komides. The group of chattering birds can have simple conversations with humans in the language of the God Realm when they grow up.

Human scholars have observed the Sky Curtain Beast for decades, and have only obtained some different whale roars representing happiness, sadness, and anger. It is simply a fantasy to want to communicate proficiently.

It is said that some people who are gifted and can communicate with the divine beasts are also quite helpless when facing the Sky Curtain Beasts.

The big guys have strong mental resistance and will refuse others to approach.

Elifu expressed her speculation, "The roar of the Sky Curtain Beast sounded twice in Wulan, and there was also a roar of the Sky Curtain Beast from the instrument on their backs. I think it may be that the Liyun Chamber of Commerce has mastered a certain way to communicate with the Sky Curtain Beast, so as to guide them to continuously attack Wulan."

Even as a temporary recorder, Elifu's knowledge reserve is sufficient.

The roar of the Sky Curtain Beast does not belong to the normal language system, but is closer to the expression of basic emotions such as laughter, crying, sadness... Therefore, Tana only noticed the anger of the big guys' emotions, but did not know the specific meaning.

"I'll find a helper." Tana disappeared, and when she came back again, she brought Melu back with her. As the daughter of the goddess of wisdom, Melu could repeat any vague expression in human language.

Celia used a little trick to reproduce the roar of the Sky Curtain Beast and the equipment in a small range. Melu understood it immediately and said:

"The roar in the instrument means that the murderer who killed the Sky Curtain Beast is in Wulan, and he also kidnapped a small Sky Curtain Beast."

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