Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 3421: The symbolism of becoming a god

The hermit who created and brought glory to the Mist Machine in the God Realm, allowing ordinary people who cannot use magic to use "extraordinary" abilities, and led a glorious era, was named Kelton Jarvi.

In his perception, Kelton should be a kind old man with white hair and wearing a hooded jacket... This is how he is pictured in newspapers and books in the God Realm, and the image of the old hermit is deeply rooted in people's hearts.

But the man in front of him who calls himself Kelton doesn't look half-aging. He has a handsome face with sharp edges and elegant gentleman's attire. He holds a silver-plated civilized staff in his hand, and he has no problem being printed in fashion magazines as a mature male model.

Celia had an idea, could it be a person with the same name? Maybe the name "Kelton" is similar to "Rebecca" in the heaven, "Mary" in the Delos Empire, and "Santo" in Belmare. "Lini" is also a common name.

She quickly rejected her guess, because the Kelton in front of her was in the realm of transcendence, with an extraordinary aura and mysteries that could be counted by the transcendents in the God Realm on their fingers.

Kelton Jarvi once helped Ye Lin survive a very dangerous disaster, which was related to the shape of the great will.

So even though she had never met the other person before, Celia smiled and remained respectful when she met him for the first time, "Hello, Kelton Hermit."

And what surprised Celia was that the Kelton in front of her seemed to be him.

It is not surprising that the transcendent can change his appearance at will, and the old hermit can also become younger, but didn't Little Mal say that their true self cannot come back soon due to some reasons.

As a result, Elgon the Hermit scolded the two heartless guys every day.

As if seeing the confusion in Celia's eyes, Kelton showed a wry smile:

"I did spend a lot of money to get myself back to the God Realm. I don't have much fighting power at the moment. Because Wu Lan made too much noise, I woke up from deep meditation."

Without Celia asking, Kelton took the initiative to mention:

"Ye Lin should have told you that Mal and I have been wandering in various parallel dimensions, selecting existences that are expected to become variables and change the destined ending."

"Yes, he said that the last time he saw you was in the Forbidden Dimension of Heaven."

In that dimension where the continent of Arad was destroyed by the nuclear crisis, the sky and the world were completely two different worlds.

The arrogant Celestial Federation arbitrarily divided the continent of Arad with towering walls, creating the same continent where multiple different civilization systems such as musket machinery, physical cultivation, magic cultivation, and faith cultivation appeared at the same time.

In the end, the Supreme Priest "Deputy Speaker" Beileian ended the arrogance of the Celestial Federation, opened the communication channel between the upper and lower worlds, and abolished the high wall that separated the worlds.

Kelton nodded slightly, then pressed his frown and sighed:

"After that, Mal and I continued our original work. Later, we also left the Forbidden City, and then wandered around the boundless land. It was like infinite dusk, but there was no sun."

Celia echoed just right, "And then", allowing Kelton to continue the story better and smoother.

It seemed that the two of them were in trouble for their delay in returning.

Severely affected by the division of time, the universe has given birth to many places with no order, chaos, and some strange powers, which are not affected by time and space.

Mortals in the dimension cannot reach there, and the gods have no intention of naming each place one by one. They just refer to it by characteristics.

For example, the "chaotic zone" between many parallel dimensions is the battlefield where Ye Lin first killed the time and space lord.

"Later, we suddenly heard some strange calling in our ears, as if a longing from the depths of our souls, attracting us to go."

"You went?" Krach interjected.

In a place where it is obvious that only gods can deal with it calmly, any abnormality may represent a huge danger, and hermits who are as powerful as the gods are also at risk of falling.

As the saying goes, if you don’t seek death, you won’t die.

Kelton shook his head and said without any embarrassment: "No, Mal and I ran very fast, and our intuition told us that the source of the call was in great danger."

"But we were still tricked. A fearful gaze lit up in the deep space of the universe. He was obviously looking at us. We resisted with all our strength, but we still couldn't avoid looking at him."

Mar is the pinnacle of the transcendent realm and has the opportunity to touch the realm of gods. However, in the face of the real realm of gods, his resistance is extremely fragile, and the bright stars and words in the sky cannot stop the gaze of the unknown gods.

"We were injured as a result, and were also contaminated with part of God's aura. As a last resort, Mal and I could only deal with God's aura while chasing back. This cost us a lot of strength and time. The aura on Malta's body was stronger than mine. If it's heavier, he won't dare return to the God Realm until it's completely eliminated."

"I see, you were almost in danger." Celia nodded, but her divine intuition told her that Kelton was hiding something from her.

It wasn't Kelton who was lying to her, it wasn't necessary.

Celia guessed that there must be some secrets behind the accident where the divine aura infected the two Transcendents.

Kelton told part of the truth.

Is it because the name of the god cannot be recalled, or is it because of some special reason.

Celia fully maintained her respect for the privacy of Hermit Kelton and did not use her own power to explore the truth behind it. He must have deliberately concealed his thoughts.

Kerton obviously didn't want to say more about that topic. He looked sideways at the frost created by Krach and said:

"When the Wulan City was first designed, it had both defensive and offensive capabilities."

The defensive capability is the crystal barrier, which can temporarily resist the attack of the Transcendent level. It is a very outstanding work.

Offensive capability?

Celia didn't see it at all. Wulan didn't seem to be equipped with large fog weapons. It was just an ordinary sky fortress.

Kerton took a few steps with the civilization staff and paused for several seconds before saying: "When the God Realm is most critical, the Wulan can be used as the last powerful seal to physically block the sky and sea."

Ah this... Krach pulled the corners of his stiff mouth. It sounds like a very simple offensive capability.

"I considered the behavior of the monsters against the Wulan, and set up the source core space for protection, but I didn't expect that there was a problem with us in the God Realm."

When the Wulan exploded more than a dozen times, Kerton was still recovering from his injuries. He was shocked and sad. When he built the Wulan, he considered what to do if someone did evil in a densely populated area.

Mal smiled and said, "You can't stop the human instinct to live in groups."

Kelton closed his eyes tightly and said, "The explosion of the mist has nothing to do with you. It is the evil of the God Realm itself. Don't blame yourself too much."

"The mist deviated from its original position, and a light briefly shone on the land of disaster. This is a terrible accident."

Klach couldn't help his curiosity and asked directly, "It's just a beam of sunlight. It's easy to shine on the land of disaster by refraction. Why go to so much trouble?"

Kelton replied:

"It's just as you said. They went to so much trouble and sacrificed countless people just to force the mist to move for a few minutes. It's unreasonable."

"In fact, it was our mistake. We mistakenly sealed all the monsters into the land of disaster... and the demon king pushed the mist away at all costs in order to achieve his divine realm."

"The land of disaster is a lightless and extremely yin land, the mysterious source of the yin attribute of the God Realm. The sunlight represents the yang attribute, and it can play a finishing touch when shining on the land of disaster."

The end of life is death, and the end of death is also another kind of rebirth.

Yin and Yang are not absolutely opposite, but in a state of harmony, you are in me and I am in you, just like the two light and dark spots of the Tai Chi Yin-Yang fish.

"In that field, direct natural light has a strong symbolic meaning, it is the white light spot that points out the Yin attribute."

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